Other Recommended Activities Concept_and_Costs_rev2PNCWA 2019Other Recommended ActivitiesIrrespective of the selected Alternative, the following activities are recommended for implementation:1. Monitoring Wells: Construct Sentinel Wells upgradient of LBWC 5 and TKWC 2 to alert for increased PCE levels2. Zone Isolation or Well Abandonmenta. Destroy/Abandon LBWC 4b. Hydraulically manipulate to isolate clean zone in TKWC 23. Private Well Survey to identify potential conduits for vertical migration4. Upgrade District Interties5. Update DRI Groundwater Model based on Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board Investigations10/11/2019DRAFT1 PNCWA 2019Other Recommended Activities: 1. Monitoring Wells•Develop monitoring program for new sentinel wells upgradient of LBWC 5 and TKWC 2•Estimated Cost = $55,000•Drill and Construct Sentinel Wells•Use Groundwater Model (pending update using Lahontan Regional Water Quality Board investigation) to inform number and location of sentinel wells•Estimated Cost = $585,000 per well•GAC Treatment to treat sampling purge water prior to disposal•Estimated Cost = $21,000 + $16,000 O&M•Land/Property Acquisition costs is not included10/11/2019DRAFT2 PNCWA 2019Other Recommended Activities: 2. Zone Isolation or Well Abandonment2a. Destroy/Abandon LBWC 4 to eliminate potential as a conduit for vertical migration of PCE•Estimated Cost = $78,0002b. Hydraulically Manipulate TKWC 2•Complete Vertical Profiling of TKWC 2 to Identify PCE-free zone•Estimated Cost = $41,000•Hydraulically Manipulate TKWC 2 to isolate groundwater to zone without PCE•Estimated Cost = $356,00010/11/2019DRAFT3 PNCWA 2019Other Recommended Activities: 3. Private Well Survey •Continue STPUD effort to identify/survey private wells with potential to serve as conduits for GW contamination•Conduct outreach to private well owners•Provide information on well identification and maintenance•Facilitate proper destruction/abandonment of unused or orphaned wells•Estimated Annual Cost (based on STPUD Annual Budget) = $44,00010/11/2019DRAFT4 PNCWA 2019Other Recommended Activities: 4. Upgrade District Interties•Replace existing District interties with TKWC and LBWC to automatically open in emergency (low pressure) situations•Install pressure sustaining valves in new vaults•Install additional distribution pipeline to convey fire flow to TKWC•Hydraulic modeling required to verify valve sizing •Estimated Cost = $844,00010/11/2019DRAFT5 PNCWA 2019Other Recommended Activities: 5. Update DRI Groundwater Model•Based on the results of the LRWCB PCE Investigations, update the DRI groundwater model•Update/refine model alternatives•Estimated Cost = $66,00010/11/2019DRAFT6 PNCWA 2019Planning-Level Cost Estimate -Assumptions•Estimate Classification Level 4: Schematic/Preliminary Design•Contingency •Construction = 25% of Construction •Studies = 10% of Activities•Accuracy Range•Construction = -30% (Low) to +50% (High)•Studies = -10% (Low) to +20% (High)•Engineering/Construction Management = 20% of Construction•Based on 2019 Costs – Anticipate 2% to 5% escalation per year10/11/2019DRAFT7 PNCWA 2019Planning-Level Cost Estimate For Other Recommended ActivitiesEstimated Implementation Costs Estimated Annual O&MLowTotal Estimated High LowTotal Estimated HighSentinel Wells 1$1.7M $2.3M $3.5M $27K $30K $36KAbandon LBWC 4$55K $78K $117KTKWC 2 Zone Isolation 2$250K $356K $535KPrivate Well Survey 3$40K $44K $53KDistrict Intertie Upgrade$591K $844K $1.3M $2.2K $2.5K $3.0KDRI Model Update$59K $66K $79K1. Includes development of monitoring program (Study), drilling 4 monitoring wells, and GAC treatment for sampling purge water (Construction). Number of wells based on DRI modeling. Does not include well siting activities or land acquisition.2. Includes vertical profiling (Study) and hydraulic manipulation of TKWC 2 (Construction).3. Costs based on continuation of STPUD Private Well Survey program (Study).10/11/2019DRAFT8 Engineers Opinion of Probable Costs  South Tahoe PUD - South Y Feasibility Study Alternatives Analysis Construction and O&M Class 4 OPCC Agency: Project Type:Prepared By:KY, JLL Project Title:Date Prepared:Oct‐2019 Description K/J Proj. No. 1770027*00 ENR 12,354 Item No.Description Qty Units $/Unit Total  Capital Cost Direct Facility Costs 1.0 Monitoring wells 1,259,794                                   1.1 Construct Sentinel wells upgradient of LBWC 5 & TKWC  2 to alert for increased PCE levels  4 EA 312,190 1,248,762                                    1.2 GAC media to treat purged water (about 4,500 gallons  per well) 1 LS 11,032 11,032                                         1.3 Property acquisition 0 LS ‐                                                2.0 Zone Isolation/Well Abandonment 231,783                                       2.1 Destroy/Abandon LBWC 4 1 LS 41,657 41,657                                         2.2 Hydraulic Manipulation to Isolate Clean Zone in TKWC 2 1 LS 190,127 190,127                                       3.0 District Intertie Upgrades + Vault 450,350                                       3.1 TKWC 1 EA 33,450 33,450                                         3.2 LBWC 2 EA 33,450 66,900                                         3.3 Additional Pipeline ‐ TKWC Distribution 1,000 LF 350 350,000                                       3.0 Location Factor @% of Construction 25%485,482                                       Subtotal Direct Facility Costs 1,977,059                                   Contingency 494,265                                      25% Engineering/Construction Management 494,265                                      20% Subtotal Rounded 2,966,000                                   Total ‐30% Total Construction Total +50% $2,077,000 $2,966,000 $4,449,000 Item No.Description Qty Units $/Unit Total  Capital Cost 3.0 Studies 3.1 Complete Vertical Profiling of TKWC 2 1 LS 36,969 36,969                                         3.2 Develop monitoring program for (N) Sentinel wells  upgradient of LBWC 5 & TKWC 2 to alert for increased  PCE levels 1 LS 50,000 50,000                                         3.3 Private well survey to identify potential conduits for  vertical migration 1 LS 40,000 40,000                                         3.4 Update GW model based on LRWQCB Investigations 1 LS 60,000 60,000                                         Subtotal Study Costs 186,969                                       Contingency 18,697                                        10% Subtotal Rounded 206,000                                       Total ‐10% Total Construction Total +20% $186,000 $206,000 $248,000 Item No.Description Qty Units $/Unit Total  O&M Cost Annual Operations and Maintenance Costs 1.0 Energy Costs 2.0 Labor Costs 2.1 Labor ‐ Sentinel Well Sampling  x 2 12 HR 50 600                                               3.0 Chemicals 4.0 Maintenance 4.1 Maintenance ‐ Interties @ %0.5%2,252                                           4.2 Maintenance ‐ General @ %1.0%12,598                                         5.0 Discharge/Disposal of potable water 12 LS 1,203 14,436                                         Subtotal O&M Costs 29,886                                         Contingency 2,989                                          10% Total Rounded 33,000                                         Total ‐10% Total O&M Total +20% $30,000 $33,000 $40,000 Based on STPUD 2017 Prop 1 PCE FS Grant  From TKPOA Final Facility Plan, Section 3.9.2, escalated to 2019 Total Costs Notes/Source Total Costs Notes/Source Price is dependent on local property values Includes well casing materials and installation. Number based on DRI  modeling. Should consult Hydrogeologist to confirm number of  monitoring wells needed. Based on Calgon quote for media, vessels, and delivery for PDI, escalated  to 2019 From TKPOA Final Facility Plan, Alt 1, escalated to 2019 From TKPOA Final Facility Plan, Section 3.9.2, escalated to 2019 % of Direct Facility Costs (Sentinel Wells) Monthly rental of GAC vessels ‐ based on Calgon quote for PDI. Does not  include change out costs over project life. Escalated to 2019 $ 30/hr. for employee labor ‐‐>  $50/hr to include benefits. Quarterly  sampling Other Activities STPUD / TKWC / LBWC Cla‐val 40‐25 combination rate of flow and pressure sustaining valve.  Precast Concrete Vault 6' x 6', 8' deep Means 33 05 63 13 0530 % of Direct Facility Costs Memo from STPUD: Waterline Construction Costs for Budget Forecasting  (August 2018). Assume includes trenching and location factor Other recommended acitivities regardless of selected Alternative Based on Elsinor GSP Labor (KJ) Fee Estimate for Monitoring Network Based on EDCWA/STPUD Cost‐Share Projects Total O&M Costs ($/year) Notes/Source \\Sac1\job\2017\1770027.00_South Tahoe PUD‐South Y Feasiblity Study\10‐EngDesign\10.03‐CostEstimates\Alternatives Cost Estimate\2019‐10‐02 Capital & OM cost comparison.xlsx2019‐10‐02 Capital & OM cost comparison.xlsx 10/11/2019 DRAFT 9