TAC Meeting Summary_01252018-SIKennedy/Jenks Consultants x:\projects\general\17w006_so y fs\tac\mtng 1_feb 2018\tac meeting summary_01252018-si.doc © Kennedy/Jenks Consultants, Inc. February 2, 2018 Memorandum To: Technical Advisory Committee, South Y PCE Facilities Feasibility Study From: Kennedy/Jenks Consultants, Inc. Subject: TAC Kickoff Meeting K/J 1770027.00 The purpose of this memorandum is to summarize the conference call held on January 25, 2018, which served as the kick-off meeting for the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) for the South Y Feasibility Study Project. This summary is formatted based on the agenda for the meeting. 1) Welcome • Salvador Turrubiartes (DDW) – Engineer for TK/LB, [TAC] • Ali Rezvani (DDW) – Engineer for STPUD [TAC Alternate] • Jenn Lukins (LBWC) – Assistant Manager • Rick Robillard (TKWC Manager) TAC • Ivo Bergsohn (STPUD) – PM for STPUD • Kirk Woodridge (TKPOA GM) TAC Alternate • Brian Gray (Lahontan Water Board) – case worker for LTLW • Jason Burke (CSLT) SW Program Coordinator (TAC) • Eddy Teasdale (KJ) - Hydrogeologist • Tricia Carter (State Water Board) – Grant Manager [TAC] • Sachi Itagaki (KJ) – PM for Consultant • Jennifer Lau (KJ) = Engineer • Robert Reeves (State Board) – Program Manager for Grant Program, TAC Alternate for Tricia b) Action Item: K/J to Review/Update Roster 2) Review Project Goals/Objectives a) Workplan Section 1.2 b) Major Project Tasks/Milestones Section 1.5 3) PDI Work Plan a) Draft b) TAC Comments Due Friday, Reb 9, 2018 c) In general: target for review period/comments from TAC = 10 working days. To be adjusted as needed (i.e. agency coordination) Kennedy/Jenks Consultants Memorandum Technical Advisory Committee February 2, 2018 1770027.00 Page 2 x:\projects\general\17w006_so y fs\tac\mtng 1_feb 2018\tac meeting summary_01252018-si.doc © Kennedy/Jenks Consultants, Inc. 4) QA Plan a) Work Plan Section 5 + STPUD Lab QAP (April 5, 2017) b) TAC Comments Due Friday, Feb 9, 2018 c) Sample analysis will be done in house by District or sent to certified lab under contract with District. d) If PDI wells to be eventually used for DW, need to ensure compliance with DDW permit. Decision: Continue as if well will be for DW • DDW needs to approve location of drinking water source for utility separation, distance setbacks • If not need DDW permit, then County/City approval only e) No objections to using 953 Eloise site for PDI • Need to review City setbacks for Drinking water • 20 ft setback for GAC structure from rd • 10 ft setback for snow from rd • Need to confirm other site access • Coordinate with drilling/pump contractors • District coordinating with Liberty Utility for access and drainage easement • Need to review City agreement with electrical utility properties. f) Stanford site (903 (also known as 895) Eloise) constrained by need for staff use by April 1. 5) MOU a) District Comments b) TAC Comments Due – Do we need other signatures? Agreed that only STPUD and SWRCB for DFA and DDW need to sign MOU 6) Project Schedule a) Next 4 Weeks (Through February 22, 2018) include site access and permitting for PDI and contracting of sub consultants b) Next 12 Weeks (Through April 2018) 7) Next Meeting Kennedy/Jenks Consultants Memorandum Technical Advisory Committee February 2, 2018 1770027.00 Page 3 x:\projects\general\17w006_so y fs\tac\mtng 1_feb 2018\tac meeting summary_01252018-si.doc © Kennedy/Jenks Consultants, Inc. a) April 26, 2018 (tentative) b) Decision: In-person meeting at District c) Topics • PDI Findings • Feasibility Study Workplan • DRI Model • Public Outreach d) KJ office in Rancho Cordova available for future meetings if needed 8) Scope of Feasibility Study/PDI is for purveyors/not solving whole problem. PDI will answer some questions of plume migration, but only at limited extent. a) Ensure a new well does not create conduit for PCE migration.