LTLW 11 10 2017 email from alejandro re AS SVE shut downFrom:Bras, Alejandro Luis To:Grey, Brian@Waterboards Cc:"Reisch, Scott H."; "asafford@ekiconsult.com"; Peter D. Gorman; Brooks, Jeff@Waterboards; Ferguson, Scott@Waterboards;Carolan, Jim@Waterboards; Kyle S. Flory Subject:RE: LTLW - Batch Pumping Cessation Date:Friday, November 10, 2017 5:19:13 PM Brian,   We are writing to let you know of a shutdown of the AS/SVE system at the LTLW site.  Earlier today, we spoke with the contractor operating the system, E2CR, who told us that the system was shut down on August 29 due to a power outage.  According to E2CR, the power company shut off power to the AS/SVE system due to a mix- up by the power company in its billing.  E2CR was improperly charged an amount that was about $20,000 more than the typical electric bill to operate the AS/SVE system.  When E2CR disputed the obviously erroneous bill and refused to pay it, the power was shut off.  We are told that the power company insisted that its representative had to physically visit the site to conduct an in-person confirmation that the company’s billing system was in error before power to the AS/SVE system could be restored, and that, as a result, the power was not restored until October 24.  Although it is clear that the shutdown of the system was an error by the power company, the problem was compounded by E2CR’s failure to promptly notify us of the incident.  A fuller explanation of the incident will be provided to the Regional Board in the Third Quarter quarterly report.    We have had a frank conversation with E2CR regarding this incident and have demanded that they institute a variety of measures to ensure that such a shutdown never happens again.  E2CR has agreed to install a telemetry device on the AS/SVE system in order to receive automatic notification whenever there is a shutdown.  Further, E2CR will conduct more frequent monitoring of the system, including by potentially hiring a local contractor who could respond more quickly to re-activate the system in the event of a power outage.  E2CR also has re-committed itself to notify us as soon as a system shutdown occurs so that we may timely notify the Board.    Please let us know if you would like to discuss and we will make ourselves available.  Regards,   Alejandro and Scott     From: Bras, Alejandro Luis Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2017 5:25 PMTo: 'Grey, Brian@Waterboards'; Kyle S. FloryCc: 'Reisch, Scott H.'; 'asafford@ekiconsult.com'; Peter D. Gorman; Brooks, Jeff@Waterboards; Ferguson,Scott@Waterboards; Carolan, Jim@WaterboardsSubject: RE: LTLW - Batch Pumping Cessation Brian,   Thanks for your notes of Friday afternoon and Tuesday.  Your emails raised several issues to which Seven Springs and Fox have the following brief responses:   1. Investigation Process.  Your Friday email indicates (almost in passing) that the RWQCB has determined that the revised work plan does not meet CAO Order 2.1 requirements, and suggests that the RWQCB may be considering enforcement action.  This is the first time we’ve heard that the RWQCB has reached this conclusion, and it comes with little explanation for its basis.   It is especially surprising for Seven Springs and Fox to receive a threat of enforcement action as they are doing all they can to  comply with the RWQCB’s schedule and are the only two parties to the Order actually conducting cleanup and investigation in the South Y.   From your email, it appears that you may be concerned with the fact that Seven Springs and Fox had proposed to meet with Staff in mid-January to discuss the data from the first phase of the investigation.  To be clear, it is not Seven Spring’s nor Fox’s intent to conduct the work in a “traditional” iterative manner, nor is that what the parties have proposed in the work plan.  However, Staff, in both comments to the parties’ work plan and in face-to-face meetings, has repeatedly said in no uncertain terms that it will meet regularly with Fox and Seven Springs to provide input and guidance as the investigation progresses.  In our face-to-face meeting with the RWQCB over the summer (though, in fairness, you were not in attendance at this particular meeting), we were told explicitly that the work plan itself could envision regular meetings with the RWQCB so that there is feedback provided to the parties on plans for next steps in the investigation.  A meeting to share our thinking and get such input is all that we have proposed.  We share the RWQCB’s interest in moving forward with the investigation, which is why we have been implementing the first phase of the work even though the Order provides that the investigation does not need to start until 30 days after the Work Plan has been accepted by the RWQCB.  Consistent with the Order, as soon as we receive the data from the first phase of the work, we will begin adding these data into the CSM and developing a scope for a next phase of the work based on our enhanced understanding of site conditions.     2. Groundwater Investigation Schedule.  As Kyle indicated, Seven Springs and Fox have already begun moving forward with the first phase of the groundwater investigation.  As you are aware, certain factors such as schedules of subcontractors and weather are beyond the parties’ control.  Very few drilling subcontractors possess the CPT drill rig and MIP technology required to conduct the field work and therefore scheduling for the work was subject to subcontractor availability.  Nor can the parties prevent unfortunate mechanical failures as has occurred here per Kyle’s email of earlier today.  They can only seek to implement appropriate remedies or alternatives in the most expeditious manner possible, as the parties have committed to do.   3. Batch Pumping Schedule.  The parties have agreed to postpone the batch pumping in response to your stated concerns.  As you know, the batch pumping and its schedule were approved by the RWQCB, which is why the parties sought guidance from the RWQCB now that you have expressed the concerns.  As a point of clarification, it was not the parties’ understanding (and we shared as much with the RWQCB) that the batch pumping was approved by the January 4, 2017 letter.  Rather, that letter requested supplemental information from the parties prior to the beginning of any polishing.  The parties provided that additional information to the RWQCB and discussed moving forward with the batch pumping at face-to-face meetings over the summer, at which point the RWQCB approved the parties’ plan to proceed with the polishing.    With respect to the schedule of the batch pumping, the RWQCB was informed upon the beginning of the batch pumping via an email from Andy Safford to you on 9/20 and events were conducted on 9/22, 9/27, 10/3, 10/11, 10/17, and 10/24.  There are two remaining events that have been postponed until after the completion of the first phase of the investigation, and we will inform the board of our intended schedule for continuation at the appropriate time.    In sum, we understand the RWQCB directive to conduct the investigation in an iterative and dynamic manner and we intend to implement the scope of the investigation with minimal input from Staff.   However, we think taking advantage of opportunities to communicate with you, especially in times where field work can’t be conducted due to such things as weather, is beneficial to the RWQCB, the stakeholders, and Seven Springs and Fox.   We look forward to continuing to work with you.  Please let us know if you would like to discuss any of the above.   Regards,   Alejandro and Scott     ALEJANDRO BRAS Associate | Morrison & Foerster LLP 425 Market St. | San Francisco, CA 94105 P: +1 (415) 268-7569 mofo.com | LinkedIn | Twitter       From: Grey, Brian@Waterboards [mailto:brian.grey@waterboards.ca.gov] Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2017 7:18 AMTo: Kyle S. FloryCc: Bras, Alejandro Luis; 'Reisch, Scott H.'; 'asafford@ekiconsult.com'; Peter D. Gorman; Brooks, Jeff@Waterboards;Ferguson, Scott@Waterboards; Carolan, Jim@WaterboardsSubject: Re: LTLW - Batch Pumping Cessation - External Email - Kyle, As we discussed, I am concerned about the potential effect the batch pumping may have on the results of the "Phase I" groundwater investigation. This would not only include the potential effects batch pumping may have on the groundwater samples collected within the influence of the extraction wells, but also from a stakeholder and regulatory perception ie why is batch pumping scheduled over a time when groundwater samples are being collected for investigative purposes?. Staff may not be able to consider some of the data collected as representative due to the potential effect of batch pumping. The batch pumping work plan you reference was approved in a January 4, 2017 letter (Letter). The Letter also required investigation of the lateral and vertical extent of contamination, re-evaluation of the remediation design, andsubmittal of a supplemental workplan. Cleanup and Abatement Order R6T-2017- 0022 was issued on May 12, 2017. Both, the Letter and CAO, required determination of the lateral and vertical extent of contamination originating from Lake Tahoe Laundry Works. In our conversation, I indicated completion of groundwater delineation activities seemed to be a higher priority than conducting batch pumping activities from our perspective. The choice is ultimately the Working Parties. I also note Aiguo Xu of E2C advised me via email on 11/3 that batch pumping was unable to be conducted on Friday (11/3) or during the week, but were going to resume next week. I requested clarification of the batch pumping conducted and a schedule for future batch pumping in an 11/3 email. To date, I haven't received clarification about the batch pumping conducted. I hope this clarifies our conversation and my request for information surrounding the batch pumping and groundwater sampling. Please let me know if you would like to discuss further. Thanks. Brian Grey, PG Engineering Geologist Lahontan Water Board- Region 6 2501 Lake Tahoe Boulevard South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Direct: 530 542-5421 email: Brian.Grey@Waterboards.ca.gov Schedule: Mondays off; Tues.-Fri. 7-4:30 From: Kyle S. Flory <kflory@pesenv.com> Sent: Monday, November 6, 2017 1:58:08 PM To: Grey, Brian@Waterboards Cc: ''Bras, Alejandro Luis' (ABras@mofo.com)'; 'Reisch, Scott H.'; 'asafford@ekiconsult.com'; Peter D. Gorman Subject: LTLW - Batch Pumping Cessation Brian, Based on our earlier conversation, it is my understanding that you are requesting that the parties cease the batch pumping until after the current phase of the groundwater investigation is completed. Given that there is an approved work plan in place, and we are scheduled to conduct the next round of batch pumping tomorrow, please confirm right away that we are to wait to conduct the next batch pumping event until the current phase of the groundwater investigation has been completed. Thank you, Kyle 415-899-1600 ============================================================================ This message may be confidential and privileged. Use or disclosure by anyone other than an intended addressee is prohibited. If you received this message in error, please delete it and advise the sender byreply email.