PCE fall 2016 data letter to water purveyors + Encl 12-21-16 December 21, 2016 Ivo Bergsohn South Tahoe Public Utility District ibergsohn@stpud.dst.us Jennifer Lukins Lukins Brother Water Company Jennifer@lukinsbrothers.com Kirk Woolridge Tahoe Keys Property Owners Association kwoolridge@tahoekeyspoa.org PCE MONITORING WELL DATA, TAHOE SOUTH Y, FALL 2016 During fall of this year, the Water Board collected groundwater samples from 15 monitoring wells located on the north side of the Tahoe South Y area of South Lake Tahoe to evaluate the extent of PCE contamination. The samples were collected between September 26 and October 12. As seen in the attached table, the laboratory reported PCE concentrations ranging from non-detect (less than 0.5 micrograms per liter or µg/L) to 110 µg/L at eight locations. The monitoring well locations with detected PCE concentrations are shown on the map in Enclosure 2. The highest detected PCE concentration came from monitoring well MW-4B on Eloise Avenue, near the 5th Street intersection. Monitoring well EW-5C on Eloise Avenue was also sampled, however, the results were thrown out since the sample represented stormwater rather than the aquifer; the well cover had lost its bolts, was not sealed tight, and the inside of the vault contained extensive mud. I have also enclosed the third quarter 2016 map of PCE distribution for the Lake Tahoe Laundry Works at 1024 Lake Tahoe Boulevard (Enclosure 3). This map shows that up to 35 µg/L PCE was detected during the September 2016 quarterly monitoring event. The full monitoring report can be viewed under the “Site Maps/Documents” tab in the Geotracker website at: https://geotracker.waterboards.ca.gov/profile_report.asp?global_id=SL0601754315 The map in Enclosure 4 shows the combined PCE data from the Water Board’s fall 2016 sampling event and the LTLW Third Quarter 2016 sampling event. Enclosure 5 is Ivo Bergsohn et al. - 2 - December 21, 2016 a cross section of the combined data showing PCE concentrations with depth within the South Y aquifer. The cross section line (A-A’) connects the highest PCE concentration detected at the LTLW site to the highest PCE detection on the north side of the Y intersection. This line is believed to represent the plume centerline. The highest PCE concentration of 110 µg/L in the cross section was detected at the 35-50 ft depth in monitoring well MW-4B. Since no other monitoring well was sampled at that depth, the lateral extent of this hot spot is not known. Question marks on the cross section indicate areas where the plume boundary is still undefined with depth in the aquifer. Lastly, Enclosure 6 shows my professional interpretation of the PCE boundary line in the Tahoe South Y area from the LTLW site to at least Patricia Lane. The drawn plume boundary extends at least 2,000 feet. Question marks on the map indicate areas where the plume boundaries out to less than 0.5 µg/L are still undefined in the western, northern, and eastern areas. The Water Board intends to use the results of the fall 2016 PCE sampling to apply for additional funds from the State Water Resources Control Board for evaluating the vertical extent of PCE in the aquifer and potential sources west of the South Y area. You will be contacted in the near future to participate in this discussion. Please contact me at (530) 542-5424 or lisa.dernbach@waterboards.ca.gov if you have any comments or questions. Lisa Dernbach, PG, CHG, CEG Senior Engineering Geologist (Specialist) Enclosures: 1. Table of Monitoring Well Sampling by Water Board 2. Map of Monitoring Well Sampling by Water Board 3. Map of PCE Distribution at the Lake Tahoe Laundry Works, Third Quarter 2016 4. Map of Tahoe South Y Combined PCE Results, Fall 2016 5. Cross section of PCE Concentrations with Depth within the South Y Aquifer 6. Map View of Detected PCE Plume Boundary cc: Lauri Kemper, Lahontan Water Board Justine Phillips, Tahoe Keys POA LSD/ma/T: PCE fall 2016 data letter to water purveyors File Under: GeoTracker Enclosure 1 Monitoring Wells Sampled for South Y PCE Investigation Well Sample Location Depth to Screen PCE (µg/L) TCE (µg/L)/ Date Water Interval (ft) DCE (µg/L) MW-4A 10/12/16 Eloise Ave 12'5" 15-25 15 0.34/<0.5 MW-4B 10/12/16 Eloise Ave 17'1" 35-50 110 4.2/1.4 MW-4C 10/12/16 Eloise Ave 19'7" 59-79 1.8 <0.5/<0.5 MW-7A 9/26/16 Patricia Ln 13'5" 15-25 <0.5 <0.5/<0.5 MW-7D 9/26/16 Patricia Ln 25' 120-140 5.2 <0.5/<0.5 MW-8A 9/26/16 Patricia Ln 22'1" 15-25 <0.5 <0.5/<0.5 MW-8C 9/26/16 Patricia Ln 25' 70-80 0.26 <0.5/<0.5 MW-8D 9/26/16 Patricia Ln 31'5" 120-140 1.9 <0.5/<0.5 MW-9A 9/28/16 Patricia Ct 15'8" 15-25 <0.5 <0.5/<0.5 MW-9C 9/28/16 Patricia Ct 20'7" 70-80 9.2 <0.5/<0.5 MW-9D 9/28/16 Patricia Ct 24'9" 120-140 1.8 <0.5/<0.5 HMW-3 10/12/16 BevMo 13'2" 9-24 2.3 <0.5/<0.5 Property HMW-4 10/12/16 BevMo 12"8" 9-24 11 <0.5/<0.5 Property HMW-5 9/28/16 BevMo 12'9" 9-24 9.5 <0.5/<0.5 Property ND @w.t. 9.2 ppb@ 70' 1.s p_e_i?_~go· MW-4 lS@w.t. 110 ppb @35' 1.8 ppb @59' Enclosure 2 Fall 2016 South V PCE Sampling ByRWQCB Legend •:• Monitoring well Supply well w.t. = water table \ (,./ \ '· / I \\ 10\ __,,// ' 0' / // I ,,.,., .... ··' ', " ' ,// '· " \ /// , .... -\ /' \ _.,..-·' \ \._·.·!~ ... ~:·,~ \ \ \ \"'\ ~/ ', 'J? 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ACIIA\1IA ·::.A ~t78 ~ho"'IC': 1E16: ;:=::--=7i:n ~;x: :~1t; ni-r.:;n ND Not Clal•:tad Iii a-11":>~c M.Ahod Rcpoft:1111 I imit OFT :e:n·I - 1115 t:«8ae'f)lod LAKE TAHOE LAUNDRY WORKS 1024 LAKE TAHOE BOULE.VARD SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNLA THIRD QUARTER 21116 DISSOLV.ED•PHASE PCI:: DISTRIBUTION PLOT FIGURE 4 Enclosure 3 ND @w.t. 9.2 ppb @ 70' 1.8~b @120' MW-4* lS@w.t. 110 ppb @ 35' 1.8 ppb @59' Enclosure 4 Fall 2016 South Y PCE Sampling: RWQCB& LTLW Results Legend •!• Monitoring well w.t. = water table * = sampled by RWQCB + = sampled by LTLW --= cross section 0 20' 40' 60' 80' 100' 120' 140' LTLW A Cross Section of PCE Concentrations* with Depth in the South V Area Aquifer ,:.e 'b°> s ~ Y'~>\ ~-D< ~.:':> ~5, \'<>~e Y'~ Y'~ Y'~ ~-°> ~ Enclosure 5 '\,<:c- • (,\7> ~?>..._~~ A' ·r):· ·/:{:· ·.:-:/):::-. · . .-:;{~:-. ·.·-::{(:(·· ·-:<JJ.· ·.:-::/\·-.·.·./~/-·-<;k· ·.·-:{\::-.. .--:?:/:·. ··)\(·: ·-:/\:-:·. *concentrations are in parts per billion, Fall 2016 data ,o·L 240' Scale ·.):\:· ... -::{\:· ·-:/\:-:·. Enclosure 6 Fall 2016 South Y PCE Detected Plume Legend ·~ Monitoring well • Supply well