Lahontan Board Presentation.March13.2019.JT.FinalPCE Contamination in South Lake Tahoe Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board, March 14, 2019 1 introductions Lukins Brothers Water Company, Inc. 2 PCE Contamination PCE contaminant plume 400+ acres Impaired both public and private water system wells PCE Detection LBWC – 3 Wells TKWC – 2 Wells PCE Treatment TKWC – 1 Well 500 GPM GAC Water production capacity reduced 3.25 MGD 11 wells impacted or at risk 12 MGD 72% of Supply 3 South Tahoe PCE projects PCE detected in TK#1. Under MCL. Remains in service. Planning, design & engineering for GAC treatment on LB#5 (grant funding). Monitor TKWC Well 2 for vertical contamination extent. 2015 2016 GAC at LB#5 - Implementation grant awarded (grant funding). 2017- Present Feasibility Study – Remediation Alternatives (grant funding). PCE detected in TK#2. Exceeds MCL. Well is shut down. Preliminary Engineering Report completed - Treatment Alternatives, LB#2, LB#5. GAC filtration installed on TK#2. Capacity limited. 2014 2013 PCE detected in LB#2 and LB#5. Exceeds MCL. Shut down. STPUD intertie opened. 2008 Groundwater Investigation (grant funding). TKWC Facilities Plan developed to address PCE. 2017 2018 2016/17 Money spent to date??? 4 Community PCE costs 5 Request for Lrwqcb NEAR-TERM Sentinel wells to monitor PCE movement toward water sources. TK#1 piping modification for portable GAC connection. TK#2 zone testing to determine extent of contamination. Well destruction at LB#2 and LB#4 to remove possible contaminant pathways LONG-TERM Support for implementation funding for recommended alternative identified in Feasibility Study: Capital Costs O&M Costs Questions ? 6