Public Questions 2018 02061 Public Questions from 2/6/18 Public Workshop No. 1 South Y Groundwater What are other potential sites of contamination? Of particular concern to me is the Old Meyers Marine site (w/ a warning of contamination on the front door). What about all the other industrial sites in that corridor? Can a claim be filed with the insurance company now that insured the polluter at the Y some 40 years after the pollution occurred? (Scott: Insurance claims are by the property owner.) Is there a statute of limitations that applies? Are EPA Super Funds still available? (Scott: multiple state funds) Wouldn’t drilling more wells in the affected areas simply become contaminated by PCE? Do we know the Primary source of the contamination and have efforts been made to go after the insurance carrier who insured that property? (Lahontan) When was the research published regarding toxicity to humans that you use for information? (Scott: 1980s with development of the drinking water standard or MCL.) Where was it published—what publication? (Scott: USEPA and likely SWRCB’s DDW.) Is this publication peer reviewed? When was the feasibility study approved within your organizations? (April 2017/Board.) Who tests the water and what are their certifications? Where are the reports available for viewing? (CCRS/Annual, can request from District.) Are the results verified by an independent 3rd party laboratory? 2 Is there a larger more detailed map available to view? Tahoe Keys – since contamination (2012) & filtration (2015) – what costs have been passed on to customers—on average for single family home? (10-15% one- time increase during 2012 construction.) Do the households that are closest to the contaminated wells get that water or is all the water in the City the same? (Mutual Aid Agreement—STPUD, Fire event) Lukins: with recent increases (2016, 2017, 2018 for PCE), how feasible is it for Lukins to proceed with cost of meters, fire hydrants, infra-structure? What’s the possibility of changing to City? (TC what costs have been passed on to customer? STPUD $225K) Who do we call to test for possible lead in the pipes coming into our homes? Is lead a current concern? Is there any possibility that SLT could trade groundwater rights for surface (Lake Tahoe) water rights? Is there a remediation plan for the DNAPL? (Frank Dellechaie P6, CE6, CH6) What are the surrounding states MCL levels? Are Proposition 1 funds available for remediation? How often are wells checked? What about Meyers and Christmas Valley? What about those of us who have been using/drinking water (contaminated) before it was discovered? i.e., what recourse do we have for compensation for physical damage to our health? How often are the separate water systems output monitored? How often is the mix of the 3 water systems? 3 What is the maximum ground water monitoring well concentration of PCE? (Frank Dellechaie) Can carbon filters on drinking fountains/water purifiers filter out PCE? Why didn’t the CPOC respond to my letter of protest regarding the Lukins rate increase? Why do we, as Lukins customers, have to foot the bill through increased fees for these studies? What is being done to help us keep our water rates low? Where were the 2 wells (exact location) that Lukins shutdown in 2014? What risk is my family at for having consumed Lukins water prior to the discovery of PCE and closure of the wells? To STPUD and Lukins What happens to your employees when they neglect to protect your consumers? Do your 3-figure salaries exclude you from accountability of negligence to protect our water integrity? Engineering/Projects/Water/15W009_South Y PCE