South Y PCE_6 Mar 2019_mtg_ DRI_2 Slides per Page3/7/2019 1 GROUNDWATER MODELING Susie Rybarski, Mark Hausner, Greg Pohll WHAT IS GROUNDWATER? •Liquid water in the subsurface. •Water occupies spaces between sand, silt, and gravel in fill; or fractures and cavities in rocks. •Water movement through subsurface is governed by aquifer properties. 3/7/2019 2 WHAT IS GROUNDWATER? •Groundwater flows from areas of recharge to areas of discharge. Aquifers exist where groundwater can be developed to provide adequate supply to wells. Recharge Well Pumping Lake Tahoe HOW DO CONTAMINANTS MOVE IN GROUNDWATER? •Advection – contaminants migrate with the average flow velocity of groundwater •Dispersion – contaminants migrate faster or slower than average, and/or spread laterally due to variations in flow path and local velocities •Decay – microorganisms break down contaminant into other constituents Advection Dispersion 3/7/2019 3 WHAT IS A GROUNDWATER MODEL? •A simplified representation of an aquifer system which can be used to: •Simulate past and existing conditions to gain insight into aquifer properties •Predict future aquifer responses to modeled inputs (i.e. water level declines) •Predict fate and transport of contaminants or other groundwater constituents •The model presented here was created using MODFLOW (flow) and MT3DMS (transport), two codes developed by the USGS. HOW ARE GROUNDWATER MODELS CREATED? •The aquifer is represented by a grid or mesh, which may be divided into layers •Sources and sinks are applied to the model – these include groundwater recharge, well pumping, and surface water. 3/7/2019 4 HOW ARE GROUNDWATER MODELS CREATED? •Model parameters are adjusted until simulated water levels and concentrations closely match measured values. This is known as model calibration. •Once a model is calibrated, simulations can be run into the future to predict how the plume will respond to potential management plans. 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1971 1985 1999 2012PCE (ug/l)Baseline Observed 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1971 1985 1999 2012PCE (ug/l)Simulated Observed Bad Good MODEL RESULTS 1971-2019 3/7/2019 5 MANAGEMENT SCENARIOS •Scenario 1: No action (Baseline) •Scenario 2: Extraction wells •Row of 21 shallow extraction wells pumped at 40 gpm •Scenario 4: Replacement wells •Move pumping from TKWC 1 and LBWC 5 to two replacement wells east of the plume •Scenario 5: Maximize current PCE treatment •Increase pumping at TKWC 2 and LBWC 5 up to 90% of treatment capacity; reduce pumping at South Tahoe PUD wells SCENARIO 1: NO ACTION (BASELINE) Scenario 1, 2038 stress period, layer 1Scenario 1, 2018 stress period, layer 1 3/7/2019 6 SCENARIO 2: EXTRACTION WELLS •Goal is to remove PCE mass •Row of 21 shallow extraction wells, each well pumping at 40 gpm •All production wells pumping at baseline rates Scenario 2, 2018 stress period, layer 1 SCENARIO 2: EXTRACTION WELLS Scenario 1, 2038 stress period, layer 1 Scenario 2, 2038 stress period, layer 1 3/7/2019 7 SCENARIO 2: EXTRACTION WELLS CONCLUSIONS •Approximately 135 kg of PCE is removed by extraction wells and 113 kg of PCE is removed by production wells. •Declines in concentrations at production wells are minimal compared to the ‘No Action’ scenario as extraction wells tend to retard plume migration. SCENARIO 4: REPLACEMENT WELLS •Goal is to pump water from an uncontaminated aquifer zone •Pumping at TKWC 1 moved to RW-D •Half of LBWC 5 pumping moved to RW-F •All other production wells pumped at baseline rates Scenario 4, 2018 stress period, layer 1 3/7/2019 8 SCENARIO 4: REPLACEMENT WELLS Scenario 1, 2038 stress period, layer 1 Scenario 4, 2038 stress period, layer 1 SCENARIO 4: REPLACEMENT WELLS CONCLUSIONS •Little effect on PCE concentrations in TKWC 2 and LBWC 5. •Plume migration is retarded by additional pumping; plume spreads to the east. 3/7/2019 9 SCENARIO 5: MAX SUPPLY WELL PUMPING •Goal is to remove PCE mass by pumping existing supply wells within the plume to 90% of treatment capacity (i.e. pump and treat). •Increase pumping at LBWC 5 and TKWC 2. •Excess water to be used by South Tahoe PUD; pumping at district wells decreased by an equivalent rate. Scenario 5, 2038 stress period, layer 1 SCENARIO 5: MAX SUPPLY WELL PUMPING Scenario 1, 2038 stress period, layer 1 Scenario 5, 2038 stress period, layer 1 3/7/2019 10 SCENARIO 5: MAX SUPPLY WELL PUMPING CONCLUSIONS •Greatest amount of mass extraction over all scenarios (330 kg) •Increased pumping at LBWC 5 and TKWC 2 tends to protect TKWC 1, reducing concentration at that well •Plume footprint greatly reduced CONCLUSIONS •Scenario 2 (Extraction wells) tends to retard plume migration away from production wells. •Scenario 4 (Replacement wells) results in spreading of the plume towards replacement wells. •Scenario 5 (Max supply well pumping) removes the greatest amount of mass and results in the largest reduction of plume area.