20180813_SouthY_PCE_Plume_with_Wells_v7 (2)[7W [7W [7W [7W [7W [7W [7W [7W [7W [7W ¦ Bayview Well (40%) Al Tahoe Well (10%) Paloma Well (0.2%) Sunset Well (7%) Map Created 9/4/2018 0 2,000 4,0001,000 Feet Wells Shown Accounted for 72% of South Tahoe's Public Water Supply for Water Year 2017 Lake Tahoe South Lake Tahoe PCE Groundwater Contamination Known PCE Ground WaterContamination Extent TK1 Well (3%) TK2 Well (6%) LB4 Well(0% due to PCE) LB1 Well (3%) TK3 Well (3%) LB2 & LB5 Well(0% due to PCE) Well Ownership [7W South Tahoe Public Utility District Well [7W Lukins Brothers Water Company Well [7W Tahoe Keys Water Company Well