Water suppliers pending grant applications 9.6.18Funding Applications Submitted to CA State Water Resources Control Board As of 9/6/2018 South Tahoe Public Utility District South Tahoe Public Utility District currently has one pending application submitted to the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund for Keller/Heavenly Water System Improvements for $5.5M. It is not related to PCE. The SWRCB is currently processing this application and has been communicating regularly regarding application status. Lukins Brothers Water Company, Inc Lukins Brothers Water Company, Inc. (LBWC) currently has 5 project applications, and one additional project in the process of being completed. Of those 5 applications, 3 are directly related to the PCE contamination. LBWC has received mixed information from the Division of Financial Assistance (DFA) regarding the status of our applications. Initially, we were told the PCE projects would be a top priority and funded through Prop 1 grants. Recently we were informed that Prop 1 funds are no longer available, and we are currently eligible for SRF loans with principle forgiveness. Also, we were originally told that the PCE-related projects were to be prioritized over infrastructure projects, and that non-PCE-related applications would only be considered after the PCE projects were funded. Most recently, we were told that all our projects would move forward for funding regardless of PCE-related status or previous prioritization. This information was presented in May 2018 and, as of August 2018, we are not aware of the State making any additional forward progress on LBWC’s projects. • Lukins Phase 2 Waterline Project (submitted 2/19/2015)- This project completes Phase 2 of LBWC’s system rehabilitation. Replacing waterlines through the commercial corridor along James Ave. Project is in final review. Requested funding amount: $1,750,000. • GAC Treatment Plant (submitted 12/23/2016)- Application in process. Currently finalizing construction plans then onto final review for funding. Project currently awaiting engineers revised cost estimate. Previous estimate at $1,750,000. • Lukins Meter Project (3/27/2018)- Submitted awaiting processing from DFA. Requested funding amount $3,301,000. • Two Well Replacements (submitted 1/8/2018)- Feasibility study to determine new, non- contaminated water sources for LBWC to replace loss capacity due to PCE contamination. Submitted to DFA awaiting processing. Requested funding amount $1,500,000. PIN Phase Status Rfp Title Lukins Phase 2- Waterline Project- James Ave. 30563 Phase 1 Submitted (application read-only) Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) - Construction GAC Treatment Plant 31875 Phase 1 Submitted (application read-only) Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) - Construction GAC Treatment Plant 34158 Phase 1 In review (application read-only) Groundwater Quality Funding Programs - SCAP Lukins Brothers Water Company Inc. Meter Project 39351 Phase 1 Submitted (application read-only) Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) - Construction Two Well Replacements 41601 Phase 1 Submitted (application read-only) Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) - Construction Funding Applications Submitted to CA State Water Resources Control Board As of 9/6/2018