InvoicePackage_03062018SOUTH Y FEASIBILITY STUDY OF REMEDIAL ALTERNATIVES Project Status Worksheet South Y Feasibility Services Engineering Services PO# P31243  Budget Billed  (12/13/2017) Billed  (3/6/2018) Previously Billed Currently  Billed Billed to Date Percent  Expended Percent  Complete TASK DESCRIPTION 9/7/17‐11/24/17 11/25/2017‐  2/23/18 11/25/2017‐  2/23/18 3/6/2018 to date to date A Grant Administration ‐$                      ‐$                      ‐$               ‐$                    ‐$                 ‐$                 0.00% 0% B Project Management and Coordination (see Task  M.10)‐$                       ‐$                       ‐$                ‐$                     ‐$                  ‐$                 0.00% 0% C Submit GPS and Monitoring Plan (MP) and  Monitoring and Reporting Plan (MRP)9,639$              ‐$                      293.75$          ‐$                    293.75$          293.75$          3.05% 3% D Prepare Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP)3,304$              ‐$                      3,175.00$       ‐$                    3,175.00$       3,175.00$       96.08% 95% E Upload Data to GeoTracker/GAMA system in EDF F Permitting for Field Work 8,711$              ‐$                     3,598.75$      ‐$                   3,598.75$      3,598.75$       41.31% 0% G Establish TAC, Kickoff Meeting and up to 3 TAC Conf  call/webcasts 10,166$            ‐$                      3,088.75$       ‐$                    3,088.75$       3,088.75$       30.38% 35% H MOU Preparation 3,091$              ‐$                     470.00$         ‐$                   470.00$         470.00$          15.21% 0% I Prepare Pre‐Design Investigation Workplan 16,963$            ‐$                     16,907.50$   ‐$                   16,907.50$    16,907.50$     99.68% 90% J Conduct Pre Design Investigation and Prepare Report  (subtasks 1‐4) ‐ see detail attached J.1  ‐Pre Design Investigation and Oversight (6 field days)196,468$          ‐$                       ‐$                ‐$                     ‐$                  ‐$                 0.00% 0% J.2  ‐Pre Design Investigation Report Prep 21,062$            ‐$                      ‐$               ‐$                    ‐$                 ‐$                 0.00% 0% J.3   ‐Pre Design Investigation Project Management 5,110$              ‐$                      3,572.50$       ‐$                    3,572.50$       3,572.50$       69.91% 0% K Feasibility Study Workplan 699$                  ‐$                      ‐$               ‐$                    ‐$                 ‐$                 0.00% 0% M Feasibility Study (formerly Task D) M.1 Data Review with Feasibility Study Kick‐off Meeting 19,202$            ‐$                       ‐$                ‐$                     ‐$                  ‐$                 0.00% 0% M.2 Task Screen Alternatives for Engineering Evaluation 13,285$            ‐$                       ‐$                ‐$                     ‐$                  ‐$                 0.00% 0% M.3 Define Infrastructure Needs (3 Alternatives)  including disposal/reuse options 25,663$            ‐$                       ‐$                ‐$                     ‐$                  ‐$                 0.00% 0% M.4 Develop Life‐Cycle Cost Estimates (3 Alternatives)16,810$            ‐$                       ‐$                ‐$                     ‐$                  ‐$                 0.00% 0% M.5 Task Initial Study Checklist for 3 alternatives and  estimated cost of mitigation 16,842$            ‐$                       ‐$                ‐$                     ‐$                  ‐$                 0.00% 0% M.6 Task Select and Develop Recommended Alternative 20,767$            ‐$                       ‐$                ‐$                     ‐$                  ‐$                 0.00% 0% M.7 Implementation Plan for Recommended Alternative:  Financial, Governance Plan 19,013$            ‐$                       ‐$                ‐$                     ‐$                  ‐$                 0.00% 0% M.8 Draft Report 25,275$            ‐$                      ‐$               ‐$                    ‐$                 ‐$                 0.00% 0% M.9 Task Final Report 11,847$            ‐$                      ‐$               ‐$                    ‐$                 ‐$                 0.00% 0% M.10 Conduct Pre Design Investigation and Prepare Report  (subtasks 1‐4) ‐ see detail attached 27,297$           1,072.50$            4,811.25$      1,072.50$          4,811.25$       5,883.75$       21.55% 15% M.11 Task As Needed Services 40,178$           12,161.25$          4,408.99$     12,161.25$       4,408.99$      16,570.24$     41.24%15% N Prepare Interim Remedial Action Plan (Based on FS  Implementation Plan)3,723$              ‐$                       ‐$                ‐$                     ‐$                  ‐$                 0.00% 0% O Prepare Environmental Compliance for Field Work 5,065$              ‐$                       ‐$                ‐$                     ‐$                  ‐$                 0.00% 0% P District Monitoring (no Consultant effort)‐$                      ‐$                       ‐$               ‐$                     ‐$                  ‐$                 0.00%0% Q Outreach (formerly Task F) Q.1 GWMP SAG ‐ 3 Workshops 17,889$           ‐$                      1,293.75$      ‐$                    1,293.75$       1,293.75$       7.23% 7% Q.2 DAC Outreach ‐ 3 Meetings 10,312$           ‐$                      3,065.00$      ‐$                    3,065.00$       3,065.00$       29.72% 30% 548,378.40$   13,233.75$          44,685.24$   13,233.75$        44,685.24$     57,918.99$     11% 10% Balance:490,459.41$   March‐18 P31243_South_Y_study_Proj Status_working.xlsx17W006‐invoice‐summary_030618 3/6/2018 Kennedy/Jenks Consultants 421 SW 6th Avenue, Suite 1000 Portland, OR 97204 Phone: 503-423-4000 1770027*00Project : 119851Invoice # : STPUD-South Y Feasibility Project Name : 3/6/2018Invoice Date : South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe CA 96150-7401 Attention: Ivo Bergsohn For Professional Services Rendered through: 11/25/17 - 2/23/2018 Professional services to assist the South Tahoe Public Utilities District in completing South Y Feasibility Study of Remedial Alternatives. Master Agreement dated September 9, 2011, Task Order No. 5 for Consulting Services Approved August 4, 2016. Purchase Order P31243, dated 08/16/17. Phase : C -- Submit GPS & MP & MRP 293.75Labor 293.75Phase Total Phase : D -- Prepare QAPP 3,175.00Labor 3,175.00Phase Total Phase : F -- Permitting for Field Work 3,598.75Labor 3,598.75Phase Total Phase : G -- Establish TAC, K/O Mtg, 3 TAC Mtgs 3,088.75Labor 3,088.75Phase Total Phase : H -- MOU Preparation 470.00Labor 470.00Phase Total Phase : I -- Prep Pre-Design Investigation WP 16,907.50Labor 16,907.50Phase Total Phase : J -- Conduct Pre-Dsgn Investigtn&PrepRpt 3,572.50Labor 3,572.50Phase Total Phase : M -- Feasibility Study 9,100.00Labor 120.24Other Direct Expenses 9,220.24Phase Total Phase : Q -- Outreach 4,358.75Labor 4,358.75Phase Total 44,685.24Project Total Fee : Prior Billings : Current Billings : Total Billings : 57,918.99 13,233.75 44,685.24 548,378.00 44,685.24Billing Amount Total Current Invoice 44,685.24 44,685.24Amount Due This Invoice: Project : Invoice # : 1198511770027*00 -- STPUD-South Y Feasibility Study C -- Submit GPS & MP & MRPPhase : Task : C.01.1 -- Submit GPS & MP Class / Employee Name Hours Rate Amount Engineer/Scientist/Specialist 7 235.00Itagaki, Sachiko (80-SCL) 1.25 293.75 293.75Total :Labor 293.75Total Task :C.01.1 -- Submit GPS & MP 293.75Total Phase :C -- Submit GPS & MP & MRP D -- Prepare QAPPPhase : Task : **** -- All Activities Class / Employee Name Hours Rate Amount Engineer/Scientist/Specialist 4 170.00McLeod, Michael L.(WLC) 3.00 510.00 170.00Larsen, Jennifer Y. (SAC) 6.00 1,020.00 Total:Engineer/Scientist/Specialist 4 9.00 1,530.00 Engineer/Scientist/Specialist 7 235.00Itagaki, Sachiko (80-SCL) 7.00 1,645.00 3,175.00Total :Labor 3,175.00Total Task :**** -- All Activities 3,175.00Total Phase :D -- Prepare QAPP F -- Permitting for Field WorkPhase : Task : **** -- All Activities Class / Employee Name Hours Rate Amount Engineer/Scientist/Specialist 2 145.00Garvin, Chantelle L. (SAC) 15.00 2,175.00 Engineer/Scientist/Specialist 4 170.00Jindra, John P. (FWY) 0.50 85.00 170.00Larsen, Jennifer Y. (SAC) 2.00 340.00 Total:Engineer/Scientist/Specialist 4 2.50 425.00 Engineer/Scientist/Specialist 7 235.00Itagaki, Sachiko (80-SCL) 4.25 998.75 3,598.75Total :Labor 3,598.75Total Task :**** -- All Activities 3,598.75Total Phase :F -- Permitting for Field Work G -- Establish TAC, K/O Mtg, 3 TAC MtgsPhase : Task : **** -- All Activities Class / Employee Name Hours Rate Amount Engineer/Scientist/Specialist 4 170.00Larsen, Jennifer Y. (SAC) 4.00 680.00 Engineer/Scientist/Specialist 7 235.00Itagaki, Sachiko (80-SCL) 10.25 2,408.75 3,088.75Total :Labor 3,088.75Total Task :**** -- All Activities 3,088.75Total Phase :G -- Establish TAC, K/O Mtg, 3 TAC Mtgs H -- MOU PreparationPhase : Task : **** -- All Activities Class / Employee Name Hours Rate Amount Engineer/Scientist/Specialist 7 1Page Project : Invoice # : 1198511770027*00 -- STPUD-South Y Feasibility Study H -- MOU PreparationPhase : Task : **** -- All Activities Class / Employee Name Hours Rate Amount Engineer/Scientist/Specialist 7 235.00Itagaki, Sachiko (80-SCL) 2.00 470.00 470.00Total :Labor 470.00Total Task :**** -- All Activities 470.00Total Phase :H -- MOU Preparation I -- Prep Pre-Design Investigation WPPhase : Task : **** -- All Activities Class / Employee Name Hours Rate Amount Engineer/Scientist/Specialist 1 120.00Fung, Samantha R. (tH-SAC) 16.00 1,920.00 Engineer/Scientist/Specialist 2 145.00Garvin, Chantelle L. (SAC) 3.00 435.00 Engineer/Scientist/Specialist 4 170.00McLeod, Michael L.(WLC) 5.75 977.50 170.00Larsen, Jennifer Y. (SAC) 19.00 3,230.00 Total:Engineer/Scientist/Specialist 4 24.75 4,207.50 Engineer/Scientist/Specialist 6 220.00Teasdale, Eddy W. (SAC) 26.00 5,720.00 Engineer/Scientist/Specialist 7 235.00Itagaki, Sachiko (80-SCL) 15.50 3,642.50 Engineer/Scientist/Specialist 8 255.00Peterson, Alexander R. (SAC) 2.50 637.50 Project Administrator 115.00Aquino, Jim A. (H-SCL) 3.00 345.00 16,907.50Total :Labor 16,907.50Total Task :**** -- All Activities 16,907.50Total Phase :I -- Prep Pre-Design Investigation WP J -- Conduct Pre-Dsgn Investigtn&PrepRptPhase : Task : J.03 -- Pre-Design Investigation PM Class / Employee Name Hours Rate Amount Engineer/Scientist/Specialist 2 145.00Garvin, Chantelle L. (SAC) 1.00 145.00 Engineer/Scientist/Specialist 4 170.00McLeod, Michael L.(WLC) 6.00 1,020.00 170.00Larsen, Jennifer Y. (SAC) 6.00 1,020.00 Total:Engineer/Scientist/Specialist 4 12.00 2,040.00 Engineer/Scientist/Specialist 6 220.00Teczon Jr., Ricky (WLC) 1.50 330.00 Engineer/Scientist/Specialist 7 235.00Itagaki, Sachiko (80-SCL) 4.50 1,057.50 3,572.50Total :Labor 3,572.50Total Task :J.03 -- Pre-Design Investigation PM 3,572.50Total Phase :J -- Conduct Pre-Dsgn Investigtn&PrepRpt M -- Feasibility StudyPhase : Task : M.10 -- Project Management Class / Employee Name Hours Rate Amount Engineer/Scientist/Specialist 4 2Page Project : Invoice # : 1198511770027*00 -- STPUD-South Y Feasibility Study M -- Feasibility StudyPhase : Task : M.10 -- Project Management Class / Employee Name Hours Rate Amount Engineer/Scientist/Specialist 4 170.00Jindra, John P. (FWY) 0.50 85.00 170.00Larsen, Jennifer Y. (SAC) 12.00 2,040.00 Total:Engineer/Scientist/Specialist 4 12.50 2,125.00 Engineer/Scientist/Specialist 6 220.00Teczon Jr., Ricky (WLC) 1.50 330.00 Engineer/Scientist/Specialist 7 235.00Itagaki, Sachiko (80-SCL) 6.25 1,468.75 Engineer/Scientist/Specialist 8 255.00Larsen, Milton D (FWY) 1.00 255.00 Project Administrator 115.00Cotton, Carmelita M. (H-SAC) 5.50 632.50 4,811.25Total :Labor 4,811.25Total Task :M.10 -- Project Management Task : M.11 -- As-Needed Services Class / Employee Name Hours Rate Amount Engineer/Scientist/Specialist 7 235.00Itagaki, Sachiko (80-SCL) 18.25 4,288.75 4,288.75Total :Labor Cost Multiplier Amount Vendor Direct-Rental Car 1.10Itagaki, Sachiko (80-SCL) 109.31 120.24 120.24Total :Other Direct Expenses 4,408.99Total Task :M.11 -- As-Needed Services 9,220.24Total Phase :M -- Feasibility Study Q -- OutreachPhase : Task : Q.01 -- GWMP SAG Class / Employee Name Hours Rate Amount Engineer/Scientist/Specialist 4 170.00Larsen, Jennifer Y. (SAC) 4.50 765.00 Engineer/Scientist/Specialist 7 235.00Itagaki, Sachiko (80-SCL) 2.25 528.75 1,293.75Total :Labor 1,293.75Total Task :Q.01 -- GWMP SAG Task : Q.02 -- DAC Outreach Class / Employee Name Hours Rate Amount Engineer/Scientist/Specialist 2 145.00Chandra, Ferawati (H-SFO) 2.50 362.50 Engineer/Scientist/Specialist 7 235.00Itagaki, Sachiko (80-SCL) 11.50 2,702.50 3,065.00Total :Labor 3,065.00Total Task :Q.02 -- DAC Outreach 4,358.75Total Phase :Q -- Outreach Total This Invoice 44,685.24 3Page Gas = $25.30 Car rental = 64 (2/3 of 96) & Gas 25.30 = $84.01 25.30 +84.01 = 109.31 x 10% Markup = $120.24 GTHR02P DOLLAR RENT A CAR Phone: 800-800-5252 Rental Agreement No: 168918120 Web: www.dollar.com Date: 12/17/2017 Document: 957004265728 Direct All Inquiries To: CHARGE DETAIL Renter: SACHIKO ITAGAKI DOLLAR RENT A CAR Account No.: ************7644 VIS PO BOX 35250 TULSA, OK 74153-1167 TAX Id: 73-1389882 SACHIKO ITAGAKI 6508581640 777 SAN ANTONIO RD PALO ALTO, CA 94303 RENTAL REFERENCE RENTAL DETAILS __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Rental Agreement No: 168918120 Rate Plan: IN: RCUE3 OUT: RCUE3 Reservation ID: H5121353570 Rented On: 12/14/2017 14:29 LOC# 052112 Frequent Traveler: WN98671613 SAN JOSE AP, CA Returned On: 12/16/2017 20:14 LOC# 052112 SAN JOSE AP, CA Car Description: SIR COMPASS 4WN 6CR3262 Veh. No.: 8737801 CAR CLASS Charged: Q4 MILEAGE In: 28,007 Rented: Q4 Out: 27,474 Reserved: Q4 Driven: 533 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION RENTAL CHARGES __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ CC AUTH: 06899D DATE: 2017/12/14 AMT: 110.00 DAYS 3 @ 17.56 52.68 SUBTOTAL 52.68 CONCESSION FEE RECOVERY 6.05 FF SURCHARGE 3.00 CA TOURISM FEE 1.84 LICENSE & TAX REIMBURSEMENT 3.87 CUSTOMER FACILITY CHARGE 22.50 TAX 9.25% 6.07 TOTAL CHARGES 96.01 USD E-RETURN RECEIPT THANK YOU FOR RENTING FROM DOLLAR ALL CHARGES HAVE BEEN BILLED TO YOUR ACCOUNT. Rental Agreement No: 168918120 Date: 12/17/2017 Document: 957004265728 Direct All Inquiries To: Renter: SACHIKO ITAGAKI DOLLAR RENT A CAR Account No.: ************7644 VIS PO BOX 35250 TULSA, OK 74153-1167 UNITED STATES Phone: 800-800-5252 Web: www.dollar.com TOTAL CHARGES 96.01 USD 0095 GC