LRWQCB Memorandum Regarding PCE Contamination at Campora Gas Site 1997CaVEPA Lahoatan Regional Water Quality Control Board South Lake Tahoe Office 2501 Lake Tahoe Blvd. South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 (530) 542-5400 FA){(530)544·2271 . -···· -. . ·--. --------c~:---------· .... -. --. --· .. -·. -· - ( ~--~ TO: Darlene Hardy Contracts Section FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Division of Administrative Ser-Vices () i, y,_ o< II -~om, P~hief Planning and Toxics Unit December 12, 1997 REQUESTFORCONTRACTWITHTHESOUTHTAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT TO PERFORM INVESTIGATIVE WORK FOR THE TAHOE SOUTH Y PCE INVESTIGATION IN SOUTH LAKE TAHOE Project Title Investigative Work for the Tahoe South Y PCE Investigation in South Lake Tahoe Time Frame Based on the following factors, the contract should be prepared and processed as soon as possible. The purpose of the proposed project is to conduct investigation activities to determine the source(s) of PCE contamination in the South Tahoe Public Utility District's (STPUn's) municipal supply wells in South Lake Tahoe. PCE concentrations currently exceed state drinking water MCLs by 28 times and continue to increase annually. If PCE concentrations get too high; they will exceed the capacity of the air stripping tower to remove the contaminant before delivering municipal water to STPUD customers. PCE is carcinogenic at very low levels. Project Officials Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board's Contract Manager: Dr. Ranjit S. Gill Planning and Toxics Unit 2501 Lake Tahoe Boulevard South Lake Tahoe) CA 96150 (530) 542-5426 Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board's Contract Contact: Lisa Dembach same address (530) 542-5424 9 . . Pete Wilson Governor Darlene Hardy -2- South' Tahoe Public Utility District Contact: Rick Hydrick 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 (530) 544-6474 x238 Ierm of Coo tract The proposed term for this contract is January 5, 1998 to April 10, 1998. Contract funds are provided by Cleanup and Abatement Account #27861, due to expire end of FY 97198. Civil Service Considerations We are unaware of any state civil service entity that can conduct the necessary investigation work for this contract in the time frame required. Scope of Work Under a pending resolution~ the STPUD Board agrees to collect soil samples) water samples, and aquifer data in the South Y area of South Lake Tahoe, in order to identify or narrow down the identity of sources of PCE contamination. The work will be accomplished by installing monitoring well(s) and piezometers, and conducting soil borings, aquifer tests, and laboratory analyses. All sampling activities and locations will be decided in cooperation with Regional Board staff. Being a non-profit public utility district, the STPUD Board will attempt to contract with low-bid subcontractors for completing investigative work which can not be done in-house. · Purpose and Objectives The proposed project is intended to collect soil, water, and aquifer data in the South Y area of South Lake Tahoe, to assist the Regional Board in identifying the potential source(s) of PCE contamination. After the sources or sources are determined, the Regional Board can require cleanup and abatement, and possibly reimbursement of state's costs. Statement of Work to be Performed Under a pending resolution, the STPUD will be responsible for conducting investigative work for identifying sources of PCE contamination in South Lake Tahoe. Investigation work can include: installation of monitoring wells and piezorneters; collection of soil samples beneath the Clement wellhouse building; and conducting aquifer tests and laboratory analyses. The STPUD will conduct as much of the work itself as possible or subcontract out the services. Upon completion of the investigative work, the STPUD will submit the data to the Regional Board within 45 days. · • • • • ~~·,. -7' ·-·--3- Schedule of Completion Dates All work to be done under tltls contract agreement is scheduled to be completed ·between January 5, 1998 ancl April io, i99S. ' Cpntractor Performance Evaluation Criteria . The Contract Manager will evaluate the contractor's perfonnance after.all work is completed. The Contract Manager will approve payment and verify charges based upon the contractor's satisfactory performance. If appropriate, the Contract Manager will submit a completed contractor evaluation Std. Form 4 within 60 days of completion of the contract. Budget The total cost for services performed under this contract will be $13,000. This contract provides the contractor with the funding necessary to complete the tasks identified in the Scope of Work for the project. Cost Break Dowm Permits, Labor, Equipment, Laboratory analyses .................................... $13 ,000 Payment Provisiona The Contractor may submit invoices to the Contract Manager after completion of all work identified in the Statement of Work to be Performed. In the event that adverse weather conditions prevent the contractor from completing the project as stated in the Schedule of Completion Dates, the Contractor can submit invoices to the Contract Manager for the costs incurred prior. to the completion of the project. Prnperty No property will be purchased under this contract. Federal Grants There are no federal grants associated with this contract. M/WIDVBE Considerations The Contractor is a non-profit public utility district and does not meet the M/W/DVBE participation requirements. Sole Source Justification The Regional Board is pursuing a sole source. contract because the Contractor has completed previous investigative work in-house and with. low bid subcontractors, to collect soil, water, and aquifer data in the South Y area of South Lake Tahoe. Being the party affected by PCE contamination in municipal supply wells~ the STPUD is motivated to conduct a timely investigation and at the least cost to taxpayers. ~· Darlene Hardy R~asonableness of Co~t ~4- c ( ·-. ·-. The cost of this contract, $13,000, is reasonab,le because: the State has already spent about $78,000 to collect information and data regarding the identity of the source or sources of PCE contamination in the South Y area of South Lake Tahoe, (2) there will be no markup for profit on investigative work completed in-house by the STPUD, and (3) the STPUD makes an effort to obtain low-bid subcontractors for completing all other work not done in-house. Bid Documents This is a sole source contract; no bid documents are provided. Resolutions A resolutioil'from the STPUD Board accepting this contract is pending. LSD/shT:hardypcc.mcm [General: Tahoe South Y Investigation] • • • -·-• I STATEWATERRE~SOOHTRCtBOAAO F1lmiHo.SWACS~Rev.71'3 1. DATE RECEIVEO SY camvas Cffo: (C4rltldl or~ V-> , CONTRACT REQUEST Contract Information Z. camv.cT tl\JU&R (Cort111;1s a1"1;11 t.IN} 3. CO!HlW;TQq South Tahoe Pub lie Uti 1 ity District Originating Organization Information •. ~SS~ If. DMSIC™lEGICW 1275 Meadow Crest Dr. CRWQCB-6 SLT (!'.Q. Box} 17. COllTRACT COil!' l/;T (T!?f or 1'111 w ~ !TELEPHONE Lisa Dernbach (530)542-542~ (Citil {$1Je) ~~) ( i. (<.( /9 t s. Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 L-~ .I ~'-lJ .£:,.._...._f: C_J!,_ Oilt: S.. ~Pf\O.IECTDRECTOR lruPHaE x238 1l COHTIU.cT WXAGER (Tj?t «Pritt and SQ\) 1 TELEPHONE Rick Hydrick (530)544-6474 R~)G~<~IJ I i:;~('\\Cll?_l:;A?-, . S. COfm..l.CTOR'S ~IH!STRATM: REm.Esafl ATM iEl..EP!lCflE 0111: l'l h 7 /C/J {530)544-6474 ..... ••M'fCllE'""'L I I Rhonda McFacland I hlw rwitw9d !NI~ &rid . hi i 11*t1 ci.mnl JWOQ!a111 l)Oic(. 7. FEDERAL E U?l.O'!'ER IC lfJl.ISER l RESO.JillOH NUl.lSER H~S(jg. 011t: (WA kY Salt ""'rein) Cf 1.-">~/Lt-l z,J 1 ii fl- ~. TYPE a= RE<l.IEST Q-p,1,7 NEW camv.cr: 0 S&r.dlld o~ o~ DI.Dail Rt~ Corlrut "°· ( l AJ.19ro1.1Elfl': O~F.....s Cl 16.! ~Th\t Cl~FIM 0 M1Wcttr; a~wocll Q Eiltnc!Thle a~ 10.~Tm.E Investigative Work for the Tahoe South y PCE Investigation in South lake Tahoe 11. REASOH FOR romv.cT 00 ~OLIEHf To collect soil. water, and aquifer .data in the South Y area of South Lake Tahoe, in order to identify the source(s) of PCE contamination in municipal supply wells. ·- 1Z. mo.JHT a"CONTAACT 00 ~Elfl' -,3, TERI.( O'" OOl(JP,.ICT 14. ,1,1,!EHOEO ENO DATE ' 13,000 1/5/98 -4/10/98 15.~/.i!O PCANO. PCANO. PCAIO. PCAHO. PCAHO. PCAHO. PCANO. · PCAHO. F.Y. Fw.L 'Iv.Fl mo::.m::1• TOTJ.!..S 27861 ~SOURet: CAA F.Y. q7 /98 s H _O()( ' s ' s ' ' s ,, 3. 000 F.Y. s s • s s s • s s F.Y. s s s • s s s s s F.Y. s s s s s • ' s s Tor>LS s 13, 00( $ $ I I • $ ' $ • • • . .... . •• • • • • • • • I e • DAS AND CCC USE ONL y I I I •• • • • I • • • • • • t t I N'f'fC{JVJ t<IT\l.l..S Q.l.TE ~>LS fHrW.S OAiC P~aOFFlCE OFACE OF IBE CHIEF COUNSB. INR:IRW.TlON SERVICES ACCOUNTING $WJ..I. !11.JSH:S.S: 0 VES 0 HO BUDGET OFFICE CHJEF, DAS c.oNTRACTS OfACE OTI1ER wmE mw.it COKlR.ICt$ OfRCl GOUl-RETAM fCA)i~ f'Vil( ( I ff. 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