Seven Springs-Fox South Y Area Groundwater Investigation Schedule 4-28-2... 28 April 2017 1 of 1 Duration Start Date Finish Date Prepare traffic control plans. Submit encroachment 2 weeks May 1 (a) May 15 and drilling permit applications to regulatory agencies Obtain City of South Lake Tahoe encroachment permit 3 weeks (b)May 15 June 5 and County of El Dorado Environmental Management Department drilling permit Mark sample locations, ensure sample locations 1 week June 5 June 9 are clear of underground utilities and perform other preparatory activities Conduct sampling along City of South Lake Tahoe 2 weeks June 12 June 23 right-of-ways and on Seven Springs property Obtain Caltrans encroachment permit 8 weeks (b)May 15 July 10 Conduct sampling along Caltrans right-of-way 1 week July 17 July 24 Receive groundwater sample laboratory analytical 2 weeks (c)June 28 July 31 results Prepare report summarizing results 4 weeks July 14 Aug 4 Notes: (a)Overall schedule assumes May 1 start date and accounts for Memorial Day and Fourth of July holidays. (b)Time required for regulatory agencies to process and approve permit applications may vary from that assumed. Schedule for completing contingent tasks will be adjusted to reflect dates that permits are actually obtained. (c)Assumes standard 10-working day laboratory analysis turnaround time for each batch of groundwater samples submitted to laboratory for testing. Groundwater samples will be delivered to laboratory every 2 or 3 days over the duration of field work. SEVEN SPRINGS/FOX SOUTH Y AREA GROUNDWATER INVESTIGATION SCHEDULE Task