FW_ Request for Access - South Y Sewer Line CCTV Survey 2From:Ivo Bergsohn To:Chris Stanley Cc:Melonie Guttry; Shannon Cotulla; John Thiel; gkvistad@bhfs.com Subject:FW: Request for Access - South Y Sewer Line CCTV Survey Date:Friday, February 15, 2019 2:17:44 PM Hey Chris- Do you recall whether any “maintenance/inspection/repair/flow/blockage records” of the District’s sanitary sewer lines in the South Y Area were sent to PES in response to their Public Records Act Request (10/5/2018)? I understand that the District could not find any historical CCTV for the specified section of sewer line(10-inch sewer main section extending from manhole TK-578 to TK-576 along Glorene Avenue; and from manhole TK-576 to TK-536 along Tucker Avenue); but could you also check with UG Repair/Sewer to see whether any historical maintenance records are available for this section of sewer line? Thanks, -Ivo From: Grey, Brian@Waterboards [mailto:brian.grey@waterboards.ca.gov] Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2019 3:51 PMTo: Ivo BergsohnCc: Chris Stanley; Shannon Cotulla; John Thiel; gkvistad@bhfs.com; Brooks, Jeff@Waterboards; ScottFerguson; Kyle Flory (kflory@pesenv.com) (kflory@pesenv.com); Cazier, Abby@WaterboardsSubject: RE: Request for Access - South Y Sewer Line CCTV Survey Ivo, Thank you for your February 11, 2019 re Request for Access- South Y Sewer Line CCTV Survey email and brief discussion yesterday. We appreciate your cooperation and understand your concerns. As you are aware, this office issued Cleanup and Abatement Order R6T-2017-0022 (CAO) to the responsible parties of the Lake Tahoe Laundry Works (LTLW) site on May 12, 2017. The CAO required an investigation to determine the lateral and vertical extent of contamination originating from the LTLW site, including evaluation of potential preferential pathways, and a corrective action plan to clean up and abate the contamination associated with the LTLW site. The September 28, 2018 Preferential Pathway Evaluation Work Plan (PPEWP) addresses the CAO requirement to investigate potential preferential pathways and to evaluate LTLW’s potential contribution to the regional PCE contamination. In your email, you indicate PES would not be able access the District’s infrastructure based on concerns associated with the age of the sewer lines and the potential damage from hydro-cleaning or the potential for equipment to become stuck if hydro-cleaning is not performed. However, you do offer to develop an investigation approach and to perform the investigative work using District personnel and equipment to limit any potential damage. You specifically requested to understand how the information obtained from the proposed CCTV inspection of the sewer lines would be used so that you could design an appropriate investigation to best achieve the objectives. You also indicate that a reimbursement agreement would be necessary to reimburse the District its costs for any performed work or for any potential damages prior to spending time developing an investigation approach. As indicated in the PPEWP, the CCTV inspection would be used to document the sewer line condition and to identify potential defects (ie open/offset joints, blockages, broken pipe, root penetrations, etc.) and any other potential release locations. The information from the CCTV inspection, in addition to any additional information (ie maintenance/inspection/repair/flow/blockage records) obtained during records review, would be used to target locations for the collection of additional soil vapor, soil, and groundwater samples. The targeted sampling would be used to evaluate if contaminant transport is occurring along preferential pathways (ie utility backfill), if other potential sources of chlorinated hydrocarbons are present, and if these potential sources are contributing to the regional PCE contamination. Staff support the investigation of potential preferential pathways and remaining PCE source areas so that appropriate remedial alternatives to cleanup and abate the regional PCE contamination can be developed. Available information indicates that elevated concentrations of PCE have recently been detected in passive soil gas samples and historically from discrete depth groundwater samples along Glorene Avenue. Staff encourage you to work with PES Environmental, Inc. to enter into a reimbursement agreement so that an investigation approach can be developed and agreed upon. Kyle Flory of PES Environmental, Inc, is cc:ed on this message. Please contact me directly with any other questions or comments in the meantime. Again, we appreciate your assistance and cooperation. Thank you. BG Brian Grey, PG Engineering Geologist Lahontan Water Board- Region 6 2501 Lake Tahoe Boulevard South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 (530) 542-5421 (direct) (530) 544-2271 (fax) Brian.Grey@Waterboards.ca.gov Tuesday-Friday 7:00AM-4:30PM From: Grey, Brian@Waterboards Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2019 7:23 AM To: Ivo Bergsohn <Ibergsohn@stpud.dst.ca.us> Cc: Chris Stanley <cstanley@stpud.dst.ca.us>; Shannon Cotulla <scotulla@stpud.dst.ca.us>; John Thiel <JThiel@stpud.dst.ca.us>; gkvistad@bhfs.com; Brooks, Jeff@Waterboards <Jeff.Brooks@Waterboards.ca.gov>; Ferguson, Scott@Waterboards <scott.ferguson@waterboards.ca.gov> Subject: Re: Request for Access - South Y Sewer Line CCTV Survey Thanks Ivo. I'll look forward to touching base soon and discussing further. Brian Grey, PG Engineering Geologist Lahontan Water Board- Region 6 2501 Lake Tahoe Boulevard South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Direct: 530 542-5421 email: Brian.Grey@Waterboards.ca.gov Schedule: Mondays off; Tues.-Fri. 7-4:30 From: Ivo Bergsohn <Ibergsohn@stpud.dst.ca.us> Sent: Monday, February 11, 2019 12:11 PM To: Grey, Brian@Waterboards Cc: Chris Stanley; Shannon Cotulla; John Thiel; gkvistad@bhfs.com Subject: Request for Access - South Y Sewer Line CCTV Survey Dear Brian, This email follows our recent conversations regarding PES' Environmental, Inc. (PES) request to accesscertain sewer lines owned by the District. We understand that the Lahontan Regional Water QualityControl Board (Regional Board) supports PES’s request. While the District desires to cooperate with theinvestigation, we do have certain concerns that need to be addressed. As background, PES requested access to perform a closed-circuit television video (CCTV) survey of thesewer lines located in Tucker Avenue, Glorene Avenue, and Lake Tahoe Boulevard (10-inch sewer mainsection extending from manhole TK-578 to TK-576 along Glorene Avenue ;and from manhole TK-576 toTK-536 along Tucker Avenue). Hydro-cleaning was also requested prior to performing the CCTV survey.We understand that the proposed work is required by the Responsible Parties' Preferential PathwayEvaluation Work Plan (PES, 9/28/2018) submitted to the Regional Board pursuant to Cleanup AbatementOrder R6T-2017-0022. However, the District does not allow third party hydro-cleaning or other access toits facilities for health and safety reasons. As I am sure you are aware, CCTV'ing of wastewater collectionpipelines without hydro -cleaning in advance is ineffective and occasionally leads to equipment beingstuck in the pipelines. The District is also concerned about possible damage from hydro-cleaning due tothe age of these sewer lines (the section of sewer line identified for Stage 2 Proposed Video Survey wasconstructed in 1960). For these reasons, the District was unable to allow PES access to its facilities. The District staff has discussed PES’ request after our recent conversations in an effort to cooperate withthe Regional Board's investigation of the PCE plume. In order to provide assistance, the District wouldlike to understand exactly what information PES and the Regional Board seeks to obtain from aninvestigation of the interior of the District’s sewer lines. In the Work Plan, the approach for the Stage 2investigation is left open to modification based on the findings of the Stage 1 investigation. If the District can obtain that understanding, the District is willing to prepare an investigation approach on how bestobtain that information while limiting the potential for damage. The District would then propose arecommended approach to PES and the Regional Board for consideration. If acceptable, the Districtwould perform the investigation with its personnel and equipment. Prior to the District spending timedeveloping an investigation approach and performing the subsequent work, the District would require theResponsible Parties to enter into a reimbursement agreement with the District to reimburse its costs andexpense for this work, as well as any damage that might occur to the sewer line, in order to avoid theprohibition against gifting public funds. After you have an opportunity to consider the District’s recommendation, we should arrange a time todiscuss further. Ivo Bergsohn, PG, HG Hydrogeologist South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 (530)543-6204 This email message has been delivered safely and archived online by Mimecast. This email message has been delivered safely and archived online by Mimecast.