Fallen Leaf Lake Sewer Collection System Improvements Phase 1 - Addendum 1May 14, 1990 wO #3266B.10 S.3 ADDENDUM NO. 1 S / /7 ADDENDUM NO. 1 TO FALLEN LEAF LAKE SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS PHASE I SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MAY 14, 1990 W3266:ADD 510 Fallen Leaf Phase I ADD #1 PAGE 1 OF 36 May 14, 1990 wO #3266B.10 SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Item Page No. No. 1. IB -6 PAGE 2 OF 36 Description Change Item "C. Time of Award" of Award or Rejection of Bids to read as follows: The award, if made, will be within sixty (60) days after opening of the bids." 2. IB -9 Change "PERMITS AND LICENSES, Item D" second sentence, to read: A copy of the DRAFT permit is contained in Addendum No. 1 as Attachment 1." 3. GC 8-1 Add to the end of the first paragraph of "Section 8-3 PARTIAL PAYMENT," the following sentences: All partial payment requests shall be accompanied by a copy of the Contractor's and/or Subcontractor's certified payroll receipts. Payment requests will not be considered without said receipts." 4. 1-10 Add to the end of the first paragraph of "Section 010300 SUBMITTALS," the following sentences: Further, the Contractor must submit to the District for approval, any land use agreements between the Contractor and private property owners that affect the Fallen Leaf Lake Sewer Collection System Improvements, Phase I project." 5. 1-14, 1-15, Delete the "SCHEDULE OF VALUES" contained on the three 1-16 identified pages and replace it with the "Schedule of Values" contained herein as Attachment 2. 6. 1-18 Add the following paragraphs to the end of "Section 010324 CRITICAL EQUIPMENT SUBMITTALS." The Engineer will accept the following submittals for review and approval prior to award of contract. A. 30 kW Emergency Generator fueled by LPG. B. 5 hp Grinder Pumps and Motors. C. Transfer Switch for Emergency Generator D. M.C.C. for Emergency Generator. W3266:ADD B10 Fallen Leaf Phase I ADD #1 May 14, 1990 WO #3266B.10 PAGE 3 OF 36 Item Page No. No. Description Following approval of the submittal for the 5 hp grinder pumps and motors, the District may, at the District's discretion, approve the purchase by the Contractor of the pumps and motors prior to award of Contract. If the Contractor, so instructed by the District, is not subsequently awarded the Contract, the District will purchase the pumps from the Contractor at the invoiced cost to the Contractor plus an overhead and profit of 20 percent, as contained in Section GC 4-5, D." 7. 1-22 Add the following paragraph to the end of "Section 010500 TEMPORARY FACILITIES": 8. 1-26 9. 2-20 The Contractor may provide facilities for a single 24 hour guard onsite. No camping or residences shall be permitted for any other project workers." Modify the first paragraph of "Section 010600 EROSION CONTROL" to read: All excavated and disturbed areas including trench excavation at the site shall be provided with temporary erosion control measures as follows." Add the following section: 021023.05 AREAS TO RECEIVE SEEDING TREATMENT Areas to receive seeding treatment are: 1. All areas disturbed by Contractor's operations including areas around ES -1, ES -2, ES -3 and the emergency generator building. 2. All areas around removed VVS-1 and VVS-2. W3266:ADD B10 Faller. Leaf Phase I ADD 91 May 14, 1990 WO #3266B.10 Item Page No. No. 10. BD -2 PAGE 4 OF 36 Description Add to the end of "LUMP SUM BID" Section the following additional unit price bid items: Unit Cost for the excavation, exposure for line pulling, and installation of extra pull boxes to complete the conversion of the existing air pressure line into electrical conduit to serve ES -2 and ES -3. unit cost per excavation, line pull, in figures) and pull box installation) total cost for installation of two (2) in figures) pull boxes written in words) Dollars Unit Cost for the excavation of additional access locations to complete the slip lining of the existing vacuum line being converted to a force main. unit cost per access excavation) in figures) total cost for two (2) additional in figures) access excavations) written in words) Dollars The total cost as listed above for two (2) each of the pull box installations and two (2) each of the access excavations shall be included in the Lump Sum Bid, but paid for according to the unit cost only as this work is necessary." W3266:ADD B10 Fallen Leaf Phase : ADD it May 14, 1990 WO #3266B.10 DRAWINGS Item Dwg. No. No. Description PAGE 5 OF 36 1. E-1 Delete "Contractor's Staging Area" from A: Partial Site Plan. New Contractor's staging area shall be middle parking lot above main export station as identified during site inspection at Mandatory Prebid Conference. Note: Contractor shall install temporary fencing around new staging area. 2. E-1 The approximate location of the emergency generator and the pad for the Sierra Pacific Transformer shall be located as shown in Attachment 3. The pad shall be constructed as detailed in Attachment 4. Note that the emergency generator building has been moved. Staking will still be completed for the Contractor by the District. Electrical conduit shall be Schedule 80 PVC and for Sierra Pacific Power runs between the power drop, the transformer and the emergency generator building shall be installed in Finish Grade Trench as shown in Attachment 5. Guard posts are required around the transformer and propane storage tanks and shall be as detailed in Attachment 6. W3266:ADD B10 Fallen Leaf Phase I ADD C. May 14, 1990 WO #3266B.10 SPATE Of CALIFORNIA ATTACHMENT 1 CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD- LAHONTAN REGION 2092 LAKE TAHOE BOULEVARD P.O. BOX 9t2S SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CAUFORNLA 95721.2421 91e) 5444.41 DRAFT Robert Baer South Tahoe Public Utility District P.O. Box 70542 South Lake Tahoe, CA 95705 Dear Mr. Baer: May 3, 1990 PAGE 6 OF 36 OEOROE DEUKME IAN. Go..,,,,, TENTATIVE WASTE DISCHARGE REQUIREMENTS FOR SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITYDISTRICTCONSTRUCTIONOFFALLENLEAFLAKECOLLECTIONSYSTEMIMPROVEMENTS, EL DORADO COUNTY Enclosed are tentative waste discharge requirements, monitoring andreportingprogramforSouthTahoePublicUtilityDistrictConstructionofFallenLeafLakeCollectionSystemImprovements. It is proposed to present these requirements to the Regional Board foradoptionatthemeetingsetforJune14, 1990 in the BridgeportCaliforniaarea. Due to the timing restrictions for the adoption oftheserequirements, comments or recommendations you have concerningthetentativeordershouldbeforwardedtothisofficeassoonaspossibleortelephonedtoScottC. Ferguson, Water Resource ControlEngineer, at the above number. Additional comments may also bepresentedattheBoardmeeting. Sincerely, Ms. nanny Eckstrom Senior Water Resource Control Engineer Complete and Return TO: California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Lahontan Region SUBJECT: Comments on Waste Discharge Requirements for South Tahoe Public Utility District Construction of Fallen Leaf Lake Collection System Improvements, El Dorado County We concur with tentative requirements We concur; comments attached We do not Concur; comments attached SCF/ch W3266:ADD 910 Fallen Leaf Phase I ADD 411 Sign) Type Name or print name) Organization) Address) City and State) Telephone) May 14, 1990 WO #3266B.10 SENT BY:Xerox Telecopier 7020 ; 5-11-90 : 13:15 DRAFT PAGE 7 OF 36 9185410514-0415 930 0208 ;4 3 CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD LAHONTAN REGION BOARD ORDER NO. 6 -90 -(TENTATIVE) WDID NO. 6A099003002 WASTE DISCHARGE REQUIREMENTS FOR SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT CONSTRUCTION OF FALLEN LEAF LAKE COLLECTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS El Dorado County The California Regional Water Quality Control Board, LahontanRegion, finds: 1. A completed Report of Waste Discharge for the Construction of Fallen Leat Lake Collection systemImprovementswassubmittedbySouthTahoePublic Utility District on March 15, 1990. Construction willtakeplaceatvariouslocationsthroughoutthe southwest section of the existing sewage collection ' system. The southwest section of the collection systemextendsfromtheStanfordSierraCamptothemain export station near the Fallen Leaf Lake Lodge. The lands are either owned by or covered by easement toSouthTahoePublicUtilityDistrict. For purposes ofthisOrder, South Tahoe Public Utility District isreferredtoasthe "Discharger" and the Construction oftheFallenLeafLakeCollectionSystemImprovementsasthe "project". 2. The South Tahoe Public Utility District submitted the Fallen Leaf Lake Sewer Collection System FacilitiesStudy - Final Report on November 3, 1989. The report describes the modifications to be made to the southwest section of the system. It also discusses some future modifications that may be made to the eastern section of the collection system, if necessary. 3. Proposed construction activities include replacing andmodifyingequipmentatejectorstationsESl, ES2 and ES3, modifying the vacuum system at vacuum stationsVS1, VS2 and VS3, converting the existing vacuum pipeline to a low pressure pipeline and adding air relief valves to the pipeline, installing new storage facilities and auxiliary power facilities. New telemetry equipment, wastewater flow meters and temporary spill containment facilities will also beinstalled. 4. This project is being constructed to satisfy the requirements of Cease and Desist Order No. 6-89-95, which was adopted by this Board on April 13, 1989 to improve the reliability of the collection system. W3266,ADD B10 Fallen Leaf Phase I ADD C1 May 14, 1990 WO #32668.10 SENT BY:Xerox Telecopier 7020 ; 5-11-90 ; 13:'6 DRAFT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC - 2 - UTILITY DISTRICT CONSTRUCTION OF FALLEN LEAF LAKE COLLECTION SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENTS El Dorado County PAGE 8 OF 36 91654105144415 930 0208 ;4 4 BOARD ORDER NO. 6 -90 -(TENT) WDID NO. 6A099003002 5. Potential pollutant discharges from the project include products of erosion, construction waste materials, small amounts of oil and grease from construction equipment, and domestic sewage from spills. 6. The above construction is located along the perimeter of Fallen Leaf Lake Road in the S/2 of Section 14, T.12.N, R.17.E, MDB&M as shown on Attachment "A" which is made a part of this Order. Attachment "B", which is made a part of this Order, provides a more detailed map of the project area. 7. The land on which the project is to be sited is classified as Land Capability Classes la and 1c. Class la and Class lc lands are described as lands having a high erosion hazard potential. Lands of these capability classifications are allowed no more than 1 percent coverage. The proposed project will result in 135 square feet of additional coverage in Class lc lands. The additional coverage will exceed the allowable 1 percent coverage by 110 square feet. 8. The following prohibition is specified in Chapter IV of the Lake Tahoe Basin Water Quality Plan, as amended: The discharge or threatened discharge, attributable to new development in stream environment zones or which is not in accordance with land capability, of solid or liquid waste, including soil, silt, sand, clay, or other organic or earthen material, to ground or surface waters in the Lake Tahoe Basin is prohibited." 9. The Lake Tahoe Basin Water Quality Plan prohibition refers to new development which is "not in accordance with land capability." The term "not in accordance with land capability" refers to new development which will result in impervious coverage in excess of the allowable,percentage of impervious coverage. 10. Chapter IV of the Lake Tahoe Basin Water Quality Plan, as amended, contains the following exemption criteria for the prohibition stated in Finding No. 8: The prohibition shall not apply to any structure the Regional Board . approves as reasonably necessary for health and safety. Approval of exemptions shall include the findings set forth in Section 20.4 of the Tahoe Regional Planning 43266:ADD 310 Fallen Leaf Phase I ADD .l May 14, 1990 WO #3266B.10 SENT BY:Xerox Teleccpier 7020 ; 5-11-90 : 13:16 : DRAFT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC -3 UTILITY DISTRICT CONSTRUCTION OF FALLEN LEAF LAKE COLLECTION SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENTS El Dorado County PAGE 9 OF 36 9165410614-4415 930 0208 :4 5 BOARD ORDER NO. 6 -90 -(TENT) WDID NO. 6A099003002 11. In order to approve the development as "reasonablynecessaryforhealthandsafety", the Regional Board must make the following findings that are specified in Chapter V of the Lake Tahoe Basin Water Quality Plan asamended: a. The project is necessary to protect public health or safety. b. There is no reasonable alternative which avoids the need for an exemption. c. The project incorporates measures which will ensure that any erosion and surface runoff problems caused by the project are kept to a minimum. d. Except where mitigation measures are infeasible because the financial resources of the party proposing the project are severely limited, any encroachment of stream environment zones is mitigated by restoration of presently disturbed areas in the Basin sufficient to offset the effectoftheproject. 12. The project is necessary to prevent raw sewage frombeingdischargedtoFallenLoafLakeandthelands surrounding Fallen Leaf Lake which will in turn improve health and safety by preventing public contact with raw sewage. 13. Based upon the Final Negative Declaration, there is no reasonable alternative which avoids the extent of over - coverage on Class lc lands. 14. South Tahoe Public Utility District has proposed specific measures within the Final Negative Declaration that will prevent erosion and stormwater runoff problems from occurring. 15. The project does not encroach upon any stream environment zones: and therefore, mitigation for such encroachment is not required. 16. Section 20.4 of the TBPA Code of ordinances permits land coverage in Class la, lc, 2 and 3 lands if the following findings are made: a. The project is necessary for public health, safety W3266:PDD BIO Fallen Leaf Phase I ADD tl May 14, 1990 WO #3266B.10 SENT BY:Xerox Teleccpier 7020 ; 5-11-90 ; 13:'7 ; DRAFT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC -4- UTILITY DISTRICT CONSTRUCTION OF FALLEN LEAF LAKE COLLECTION SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENTS El Dorado County PAGE 10 OF 36 9185410814-+415 930 0208 6 BOARD ORDER NO. 6 -90 -(TENT) WDID NO. 6A099003002 b. There is no reasonable alternative, including relocation, which avoids or reduces the extent of encroachment in Land Capability Districts la, lc, 2 and 3. c. The impacts of the coverage and disturbance are fully mitigated in the manner prescribed by Subparagraph 20.4.A(2)(e). 17. Findings No. 12 and 13 satisfy the conditions specified in Findings No. 16a and 16b. 18. The South Tahoe Public Utility District will be using best management practices throughout the entire project. The South Tahoe Public Utility District will also transfer the necessary coverage required to fully mitigate the impacts of coverage and disturbance in the manner prescribed by Subparagraph 20.4A(2)(o) of the TRPA Code of Ordinances. 19. Based upon Findings No. 12 through 18, the Construction of Fallen Leaf Lake Collection System Improvements is found to be exempt from the prohibition stated in Finding No. 8. 20. Runoff from the project site, as well as sewage overflows, flow into drainage channels leading to Fallen Leaf Lake. Fallen Leaf Lake is within 500 feet of the project area. Ground water is less than 20 feet below the ground surface of the project area. 21. The Regional Board adopted a Water Quality Control Plan for the North Lahontan Basin on June 26, 1975 and this Order Implements that Plan as amended. 22. The beneficial uses of Fallen Leaf Lake as set forth and defined in the Water Quality Control Plan for the North Lahontan Basin, as amended, are; a. b. c. d. e. municipal and domestic supply water -contact recreation non -water -contact recreation cold freshwater habitat wildlife habitat 23. The beneficial uses of the ground waters of the Lake Tahoe Hydrologic Unit as set forth in the water Quality Control Plan for the North Lahontan Basin, as amended, are: W3266:ADD B10 Fallen Leaf Phase I ADD /: May 14, 1990 WO #3266B.10 SENT BY:Xerox Telecopier 7020 ; 5-11-90 ; 13:17 DRAFT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC - 5 - UTILITY DISTRICT CONSTRUCTION OF FALLEN LEAF LANE COTTYCTION SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENTS El Dorado County PAGE 11 OF 36 9185410514-+415 930 0208 ;4 7 BOARD ORDER NO. 6 -90 -(TENT) WDID NO. 6A099003002 24. The State Water Resources Control Board adopted the Lake Tahoe Basin Water Quality Plan on October 29, 1980, and amended the plan on January 20, 1983 and June 22,' 1989. This Order implements the Plan as amended. The Plan contains water quality objectives for Lake Tahoe and its tributaries. To the extent of any inconsistency, the Lake Tahoe Basin Water Quality Plan as amended supersedes the Water Quality Plan for the North Lahontan Basin. 23. South Tahoe Public Utility District has prepared a Final Negative Declaration regarding this project in accordance with tha California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code, Section 21000 et seq.) and the State Guidelines. The South Tahoe Public Utility District certified the Final Negative Declaration on May 24, 1990. 26. The Construction of the Fallen Leaf Lake Collection System Improvements as approved by the South Tahoe Public Utility District will not have a significant effect on water quality. 27. The Board has notified the Discharger and the interested agencies and persons of its intent to prescribe waste discharge requirements for the project. 28. The Board in a public meeting heard and considered all comments pertaining to the discharge. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the South Tahoe Public Utility District shall comply with the following: W3266:ADD BIO Fallen Leaf Phase I ADC #1 May 14, 1990 WO #3266B.10 PAGE 12 OF 36 SENT BY:Xerox Teleccpier 7020 ; 5-11-90 ; 13:''5 9165410514.4415 930 0208 DRAFT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC - 6 - UTILITY DISTRICT CONSTRUCTION OF FALLEN LEAF LAKE COLLECTION SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENTS El Dorado County I. DISCHARGE SPECIFICATIONS A. BOARD ORDER NO. 6 -90 -(TENT) WDID NO. 6A099003002 effluent Limitations 1. The discharge of surface flows generated within or as a result of the development of the project, which are discharged to land treatment systems and/or surface waters shall not contain constituents in excess of the following concentrations: Constituent Total Nitrogen Total Phosphorus Total Iron Turbidity Suspended Solids Apparent Color Grease and Oil Chemical Oxygen Demand Unita mg/1 as mg/1 as ng/ 1 NTU mg/ 1 C.U. mg/1 mg/1 Maximum Concentration For Discharge to: Land Treatment Systems Surface Waters N 5.0 P 1.0 4.0 200 40 0.5 0.1 0.5 20.0 50 S 2.0 10 2. If the constituent concentrations of waters entering the subject property from upstream areas are of a superior or equal water quality to the numerical standards above, those waters shall meet the Constituent concentrations listed above prior to discharge from the property. 3. If constituent concentrations of waters entering the subject property exceed the numerical standards specified above, there shall be no increase in the constituent concentrations as the waters are discharged from the subject property. 4. The discharge of surface flows generated within or as a result of the project to surface waters of W3266:ADD 310 Fallen Leaf ?.^.ase I ADD .: x 6 May 14, 1990 WO #3266B.10 SENT BY:Xerox Telecopier 7020 ; 5-11-90 ; 13:18 ; DRAFT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC - 7 - UTILITY DISTRICT CONSTRUCTION OF FALLEN LEAF LAKE COLLECTION SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENTS E1 Dorado County PAGE 13 OF 36 9165410514-$415 930 0208 :# 9 BOARD ORDER NO. 6 -90 -(TENT) WDID NO. 6A099003002 5. The discharge of surface flows generated within or as a result of the project to surface waters or stormwater runoff conveyance systems shall not contain oils, greases, waxes or petroleum derivatives that cause a visible film or coating on the surface of receiving waters or on objects in the receiving waters. 6. The discharge of surface flows generated within or as a result of the project shall not contain settleable solids in detectable concentrations. 7. The discharge of surface flows generated within or as a result of the project to surface waters or stormwater runoff conveyance systems shall not contain substances in concentrations that are tcxic to, or that produce detrimental physiological responses in humans, other animals, plant or aquatic life. 8. The discharge of surface flows generated within or as a result of the project to surface waters or stormwater runoff conveyance systems shall not contain identifiable chlorinated hydrocarbons, organophosphates, carbamates, and other pesticide and herbicide groups, in summation, in excess of the lowest detectable levels. S. The discharge of surface flows within or as a result of the project to surface wasters of storrwater runoff conveyance systems shall not contain concentrations of coliform organisms attributable to human wastes. B. Receiving water Linitatiors 1. The discharge of surface flows generated within or as a.result of the project to surface waters or stormwater runoff conveyance systems shall not cause the receiving water limitations for Fallen Leaf Lake listed below to be exceeded: W3266:ADD B10 Fallen Leaf Phase I ADD 11 May 14, 1990 WO #3266B.10 SENT BY:Xerox Telecopier 7020 ; 5-11-90 ; 13:19 ; DRAFT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC -3- UTILITY DISTRICT CONSTRUCTION OF FALLEN LEAF LAKE COLLECTION SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENTS El Dorado County PAGE 14 OF 36 9185410814-0415 930 0208 ;410 BOARD ORDER NO. 6 -90 -(TENT) WDID NO. 6A099003002 Annual Mean 90th Percentile Constituent Units Concentration Concentration Total Dissolved Solids mg/1 55 75 Chloride mg/1 4.0 5.5 Sulfate mg/1 1.0 2.0 Total Nitrogen mg/1 as N 0.19 Total Phosphorus mg/1 as P 0.015 Total Iron mg/1 0.03 2. The project shall not cause the presence of the following substances or conditions in the surface waters of the Lake Tahoe Hydrologic Unit: a. A coloration that causes nuisance or adversely affects the water forbeneficial uses of those waters. b. Taste or odor -producing substances that impart undesirable tastes or odors in fish flesh, other edible aquatic organisms, that cause nuisance or adversely affect the water for beneficial uses of those waters. c. Floating material including but not limited to solids, liquids, foams and scum in concentrations that cause nuisance or adversely affect the water for beneficial uses of those waters. d. Suspended materials in concentrations that cause nuisance or adversely affect the water for beneficial uses of those waters. e. Settleable materials in concentrations that cause nuisance or adversely affect the water for beneficial uses of those waters. f. Oils, greases, waxes or other materials in concentrations that result in a visible film or coating on the surface of the water or on objects in the water, that cause nuisance or adversely affsct the water for beneficial uses of those waters. W3266:ADD B10 Fallen Leaf Phase I ADD I1 May 14, 1990 WO #3266B.10 PAGE 15 OF 36 SENT BY:Xercx Telecopier 7020 : 5-11-90 : 13:19 : DRAFT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC - 9 - UTILITY DISTRICT CONSTRUCTION OF FALLEN LEAF LAKE COIJ FCTION SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENTS El Dorado County 9165410814-415 930 0208 :411 BOARD ORDER NO. 6 -90 -(TENT) WDID NO. 6A099003002 g. Biostimulatory substances in concentrations that promote aquatic growths to the extent that such growths cause nuisance or adversely affect the water for beneficial uses of those waters. h. Changes in turbidity levels that cause nuisance or adversely affect the water for beneficial uses of those waters or increases in turbidity levels exceeding 10 percent of natural levels. i. The pH to be depressed below 6.5, raised above 6.5, or altered from ambient levels by more than 0.5 pH units. The dissolved oxygen concentration in terms of percent saturation to be depressed by more than 10 percent, to be less than 80 percent of saturation, or less than 7.0 mg/1, whichever is more restrictive. j k. Coliform organisms attributable to human wastes. 1. Toxic substances that individually, collectively, or cumulatively cause acute or chronic detrimental physiological responses in human, plant, animal, or aquatic life. 3. The project shall not cause the presence of the following substances or conditions in the ground waters of the Lake Tahoe Hydrologic Unit: a. An alteration in the taste and odor. b. A median concentration of coliform organisms over any seven-day period in excess of 2.2 MPN/100 ml. c. Chemical constituents in concentrations that exceed the limits specified in the California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Chapter 15, Article 4, Section 64435, Tables 2 and 4. d. Chemical constituents that adversely affect the water for the agriculturalbeneficial use. N3266:ADD 310 Fallen Lea: ?tease I ADD o: May 14, 1990 WO #3266B.10 PAGE 16 OF 36 SENT BY:Xerox Teleccpier 7020 ; 5-11-90 ; 13:20 ; 9155410814-0415 930 0208 412 DRAFT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC -10- UTILITY DISTRICT CONSTRUCTION OF FALLEN LEAF LAKE COLLECTION SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENTS El Dorado County BOARD ORDER NO. 6 -90 -(TENT) WDID NO. 6A099003002 C. 'lest nenacement Practices 1. There shall be no removal of vegetation nor disturbance of existing soil conditions except where adequate erosion control and stormwater runoff control facilities are installed and operational. 2. Adequate erosion control and stormwater runoff control facilities shall be installed, operated, and maintained to manage discharges from areas where existing ground surface conditions have been disturbed. 3. There shall be no removal of vegetation nor disturbance of existing ground surface conditions between October 15 of any year and May 1 of the following year except in emergency situations where the public health or welfare is threatened or when a written variance has been issued by theExecutiveOfficer. 4. The discharge of surplus waste earthen material to drainageways is prohibited. 5. The placement of waste earthen materials in such a manner as to allow the discharge of such materials to adjacent undisturbed land areas or to any surface water is prohibited. 6. There shall be no significant modification of existing drainageways or existing stream channel geometry except for the purpose of stabilization or enhancement of water quality improvement effects. All modifications of the bed, channel, or bank of a stream require a prior written agreement with the California. Department of Fish and Game. 7. Disturbed areas shall be adequately restabilized or revegetated. Revegetated areas shall be continually maintained until vegetation becomes established. 8. Surface flows from the project site shall be controlled so as not to cause downstream erosion at any point. 9. All re stabilization and revegetation moasures on W3266:ADD 610 Fallen Leaf Phase I ADD 41 May 14, 1990 WO #32668.10 SENT BY:Xerox Telecopier 7020 ; 5-11-90 ; 13:20 ; DRAFT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC -11- UTILITY DISTRICT CONSTRUCTION OF FALLEN LEAF LAKE COLLECTION SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENTS El Dorado County PAGE 17 OF 36 9165410514-415 830 0208 X413 BOARD ORDER NO. 6-90—(TENT) WDID NO. 6A099003002 10. All surplus waste earthen materials shall be removed from the project site and deposited only at a legal point of disposal or adequately restabilized on-site. 11. All areas not subject to construction shall be marked and protected from soil disturbance. 12. All areas subject to vehicular traffic or parking shall be controlled so as to prohibit vehicle encroachment on adjacent land areas. 13. Fresh concrete or cement shall not be allowed to contact or enter surface waters. 14. Stormwater runoff collection, pretreatment, and infiltration disposal facilities for areas of completed construction shall be designed, installed, and maintained to preclude a discharge for at least a 20 -year, 1 -hour storm to the practical limit determined by site conditions. 15. Storrawater runoff in excess of the design storm shall only be discharged to a storm drain or stabilized drainage and meet the effluent limitations specified in I.A.1. through I.A.9.. 16. Stormwater runoff shall be treated to meet the effluent limitations specified in I,A.1. through I.A.9. if site conditions do not allow for adequate on-site disposal or treatment. 17. There shall be no ten., silt, clay, sand, debris or other earthen material stockpiled within the 100 -year flood plain of any stream. 18. All loose piles of soil, silt, clay, sand and other earthen material shall be protected in a reasonable manner to prevent any discharge to waters of the state. 19. All surplus soil, silt, clay, sand or other earthen material shall be removed from construction sites upon completion of construction and deposited in a location approved by the Executive Officer. 20. All disturbed areas shall be cleaned as necessary W3266:ADD BIO Fallen Leaf Phase I ADD el May 14, 1990 WO #3266B.10 SENT BY:Xerox Teleccpier 7020 ; 5-11-90 ; 13:21 DRAFT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC _12 - UTILITY DISTRICT CONSTRUCTION OF FALLEN LEAF LAKE COLLECTION SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENTS El Dorado County PAGE 18 OF 36 9185410814-+415 930 0208 ;414 BOARD ORDER NO. 6 -90 -(TENT) WDID NO. 6A099003002 21. Any dewatering of trenches shall be done in a manner so as to eliminate the discharge of soil, silt, clay, sand or other waste earthen materialsfromthesitetonearbysurfacewaters. 22. Any damage or break in existing water or sewerlinosshallberepairedassoonaspossibleand measures must be implemented to prevent erosion or sedimentation into any drainage way. 23. A11 street cuts shall be compacted and repavedsubsequenttopipelineinstallationactivities. 24. New impervious areas shall be designed such that storm runoff from these areas is diverted to percolation or retention facilities on the projectsite. 25. All drainage swales disturbed by installation activities shall be stabilized by the addition of crushed rock or other means of stabilization riprap, as necessary. 26. All runoff to be infiltrated must pass through grease and oil traps. D. agneral Rem;irements ar.i Pro_hibitjns 1. The discharge of treated or untreated domestic wastewater, industrial waste, garbage or other solid wastes, or any deleterious material to surface waters of the Lake Tahoe Hydrologic Unitisprohibited. 2. The discharge, attributable to human activities, of solid or liquid waste materials, includingsolid, silt, clay, sand, and other organic and earthen materials, to the surface waters of the Lake Tahoe Hydrologic Unit is prohibited. 3. The discharge of oil, gasoline, diesel fuel or anyotherpetroleumderivativeisprohibited. 4. The discharge of any toxic chemical or hazardous waste is prohibited. 5. All waste construction materials, demolition wastes, and other inert wastes shall only be discharoed at a 1Pna1 W3266,ADD BIO Fallen Leaf ?Case I ADD •1 May 14, 1990 WO #3266B.10 SENT 3Y:Xerox Teleccpier 7020 ; 5-11-90 ; 13:21 DRAFT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC -13- UTILITY DISTRICT CONSTRUCTION OF FALLEN LEAF LAKE COLLECTION SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENTS E1 Dorado County PAGE 19 OF 36 91654108144415 930 0208 ;415 BOARD ORDER NO. 6 -90 -(TENT) WDID NO. 6A099003002 7. Neither the treatment nor the discharge of waste shall cause a nuisance. 8. The discharger shall at all times fully complywiththeengineeringplans, specifications, and technical reports which have been submitted with the completed report of waste discharge. III. PROVISIONS 1. All construction approved by these waste discharge requirements shall be completed prior to October 15, 1990. 2. The Discharger shall comply with Monitoring and Reporting Program No. 90- and with "General Provisions for Monitoring and Reporting" as specified by the Executive Officer. 3. The Discharger shall permit the Regional Board staff: a. to enter the premises in which an effluent source is located or in which any required records are kept; b. to copy any records required to be kept under terns and conditions of this Order: c. to inspect monitoring equipment or records; and d. to satple any discharge. 4. The Discharger shall immediately notify the Regional Board by telephone whenever ars adverse condition occurs as a result of this discharge; Written confirmation shall follow. An adverse condition includes, but is not limited to, violation or threatened violation of waste discharge requirements, spills of petroleum products, toxic chemicals, sewage or sewage effluent; or damage to control facilities that could affect compliance. 5. The California Regional Water Quality,Control Board, Lahontan Region, hereby reserves the privilege of changing all or any portion of this Order upon legal notice to and after opportunity n3266:ADD B10 Fallen Leaf Phase I ADD .1 May 14, 1990 WO #3266B.10 SENT BY:Xerox Telecopier 7020 ; 5-11-90 ; 13:22 ; DRAFT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC -14- UTILITY DISTRICT CONSTRUCTION OF FALLEN LEAF LAKE COLLECTION SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENTS El Dorado County PAGE 20 OF 36 9165410814-1415 930 0208 :418 BOARD ORDER NO. 6 -90 -(TENT) WDID NO. 6A099003002 6. A variance to discharge specification I.C.9. may be granted by the Executive Officer where in his judgement it can be demonstrated that granting of such a variance would not unreasonably affect or threaten to affect water quality. 7. Surface waters, as used in this Order, include, but are not limited to, live streams, either perennial or ephemeral, which flow in natural or artificial water courses and natural lakes and artificial impoundments of waters within the State of California. 1, Harold J. Singer, Executive Officer, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true, and correct copy of an Order adopted by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Lahontan Region, on June 14, 1990. HAROLD J. SINGER EXECUTIVE OFFICER W3266:ADD B10 Fallen Leaf Phase I ADD Al May 14, 1990 WO #3266B.10 DRAFTSENTBY:Xerox Telecopier 7020 ; 5-11-90 ; 1322 7 PAGE 21 OF 36 9165410614-0415 930 0208- ;417 i 7 . • - • 4‘. .C444.41P • .r. Riehardron "4•• r `-•- 44./..416,41 ••••• T Tailsc 1...‘131'35 I ; 1-4 i " ' r .- 1 I.L.4 4 4 : • i tiLiale1fii " e,e ,..... I . i 0- .....= __ e i .:C .. )11e-'. .s • IP .2 ) 1 , 3 ,....1.-" f ' N 1s\.• \ ‘ • ‘ . , 0... / II 20R . E S ' 't ( ar•••—"`66"6. s % ,‘ ',.............7‘4. .N• '. •• , / I Tl'•••-.2'..›. -.---.4 • Y 1 1 c 7 • i t.r.0%.;: . 1; i • . . 15 P,401 ill i 14 4..1-4-7:7—*----.-.„,_•;:iii . 4 :!' \ r,....... 4 , 2, „............-•••••.-L,,,,2; I .1 ' i 7......../. ./It7----7. ..:. Or.N,' r' ; . ' 4 - -,-. Ile • . '''.1 ',.....,•,•,:.(f4 rT• • • ....• -•-•- -- • 1 • 4 % 4. 1z::,• tly rl illep Leaf • 51 b' W3266:ADD BIC Faller. Leaf Phase 1 ADD .1 2 30" A Ig May 14, 1990 WO #3266B.10 DRAFT SENT BY:Xerox Teleccpier 7020 : 5-11-90 : 13:23 ; PAGE 22 OF 36 9165410814-+415 930 0208 418 H3266:ADD B10 Fallen Leaf Phase I ADD fl C • < 0 C:: L+- i F+ Cil V) V) La- )LO ut V) N A Q May 14, 1990 wo #326613.10 SENT BY:Xerex Teleccpier 7020 ; 5-11-90 ; 13:24 ; DRAFT PAGE 23 OF 36 9165410614-0415 930 0208 ;419 CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD LAHONTAN REGION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM NO. 90 -(TENTATIVE) FOR SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT CONSTRUCTION OF FALLEN LEAF LAKE COLLECTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS El Dorado County I. Conation Phase An inspection of the construction site shall be made daily at the end of each work day and monthly during long periods of inactivity (e.g., winter), by the resident engineer, superintendent, or equivalent. The purpose of the inspection is to discover potential water quality problems at the construction site so that the Discharger can implement corrective measures. The construction period inspection shall consist of at least the following items, as applicable: 1. Damaged containment dikes or erosion fencing 2. Access by vehicles 3. Protectivo fence damage or removal 4. Recently disturbed areas with no erosion control protection 5. Evidence of a surface discharge channel through containment dike cr erosion fencing 6. Soil piles unprotected or located in drainage ways 7. Spilled chemicals, paints, fuels, sealants, etc. S. Containment of sedinent-laden wastewater from dewatering operations 9. Temporary protection of exposed soil surfaces adjacent to impervious surfaces 10. Structures in place and operational to divert upstream drainage around site 11. Existing on-site storr;Water drainage facilities protected from sediment transport W3266:ADD 9:0 Fallen Leaf ?.`.ase I ADD .' May 14, 1990 WO #3266B.10 SENT BY:Xerox Telecopier 7020 ; 5-11-90 : 13:24 : DRAFT PAGE 24 OF 36 9185410814-.415 930 0208 420 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY -2- MONITORING AND REPORTING DISTRICT CONSTRUCTION OF PROGRAM NO. 90 -(TENT) FALLEN LEAF LAKE COLLECTION SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENTS El Dorado County The inspector shall maintain a daily log noting the date of the inspection, the inspector's name, problem areas discovered, and corrective measures taken. The log shall be made available to the Regional Board for review, if so requested. The Discharger shall submit an annual report to this office by November 1 of every year summarizing the status of the project construction and the effectiveness of the temporary erosion control measures. Monitoring reports shall also include the following information: 1. Name and telephone number of an individual who can answer questions about the report. 2. WDID Number 6A099003002. 3. Board Order Number (6 -90 -(TENTATIVE) Ordered by: Dated HAROLD J. SINGER EXECUTIVE OFFICER W3266:ADD 910 Fallen Leaf ?hase I ADD al May 14, 1990 WO #3266B.10 PAGE 25 OF 36 SENT BY:Xerox Telecopier 7020 ; 5-11-90 ; 13:24 ; 9185410614-.415 930 0208 421 CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER OUALITY CONTROL BOARD LAHONTAN REGION GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR MONITORING AND REPORTING DRAFT SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS 1. All analyses shall be performed in accordance with the current edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, and in a laboratory certified to perform such analyses by the California State Department of Health Services or a laboratory approved by the ExecutiveOfficer. 2. The discharger shall establish chain of custody procedures to assure that specific individuals are responsible for sample integrity from commencement of sample collection through delivery to an approved laboratory. These procedures shall be submitted to the Executive Officer in writing within 30 days of initial sample collection. 3. Effluent samples shall be taken downstream of any addition to the treatment works and prior to mixing with the receiving waters. 4. The discharger shall calibrate and perform maintenance procedures on all monitoring instruments and equipment to ensure accuracy of measurements, or shall ensure that both activities will be conducted. 5. A grab sample is defined as an individual sample collected in fewer than 15 minutes. 6. A composite sample is defined as a combination of no fewer than eight individual samples obtained over the specified sampling period•at equalIntervals. The volume of each individual sample shall be proportional to the discharge flow rate at the time of sampling. The sampling period shall equal the discharge period, or 24 -hours, whichever period 1s shorter. REPORTING. 1. For every item where the requirements are not met, the discharger shall submit a statement of the actions undertaken or proposed which will bring the discharge into full compliance with requirements at the earliest time and submit a timetable for correction. 2. The discharger shall maintain all sampling and analytical results, including strip charts; date, exact place and time of sampling; date analyses were performed; sample collector's name; analyst's name; analytical techniques used; and results of all analyses. Such records shall be retained for a minimum of three years. This period of retention shall be extended during the course of any unresolved litigation regarding this discharge or when requested by the Regional Board. r:3266:ADD 510 Fallen Leaf Phase I ADD .1 May 14, 1990 WO #3266B.10 SENT BY:Xerox Telecopier 7020 ; 5-11-90 ; 13:25 ; DRAFT GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR -2. MONITORING AND REPORTING PAGE 26 OF 36 9185410814-415 830 0208 ;422 3. Monitoring reports shall be signed by: a. in the case of a corporation, by a principal executive officer atleastofthelevelofvicepresidentorhisdulyauthorizedrepresentative, if such representative is responsible for the overall operation of the facility from which the dischargeoriginates; b. in the case of .a partnership, by a general partner; c. in the case of a sole proprietorship, by the proprietor; or d. in the case of a municipal, state or other public facility, byeitheraprincipalexecutiveofficer, ranking elected official, orotherdulyauthorizedemployee. 4. Monitoring reports are to include the following: a. name and telephone number of individual who can answer questionsaboutthereport; b. the Monitoring and Reporting Program Number; and c. the facility's eleven digit I.D. number. W3266:ADD BIO Fallen Leaf ?hash I ADD .1 May 14, 1990 wO #3266B.10 ATTACHMENT 2 SCHEDULE OF VALUES Item Description of Item 1. Mobilization A. Specified bonds and insurance B. Contractor's/Engineer's field office at the site of the Work C. Temporary Utilities D. Permits, licenses, and fees directly related to and necessary for the performance of the Work Total - Item 1 PAGE 27 OF 36 Lump Sum Cost 2. Site grading and installation of 10,000 gallon cast -in-place concrete storage tank including piping, valves and risers with lids to ground surface as shown on the Plans. Total - Item 2 3. Conversion of Existing Ejector Stations A. Cost to install and maintain bypass pumping around existing ejector vault per station). A-1 Subtotal for 3 Stations B. Cost for removal of existing pneumatic ejector and associated appurtenances per station). B-1 Subtotal for 2 Stations W3266:ADD BIO Fallen Leaf Phase I ADD Al May 14, 1990 WO #3266B.10 PAGE 28 OF 36 Item SCHEDULE OF VALUES Continued) Description of Item Lump Sum Cost C. Cost for removal of existing single phase grinder pump and appurtenances from ES -2. C-1 Subtotal for 1 Station D. Cost for preparing and sealing each vault for use as a wet well. per station). D-1 Subtotal for 3 Stations E. Cost for purchase and installation of 5 hp, grinder pumps per station) E-1 Subtotal for 3 Stations F. Spill Contingency Measures F-1 Subtotal Total Item 3 (A -1+B -1+C -1+D -1+E -1+F-1) Conversion of existing 4 -inch vacuum line. A. Sliplining existing 4 -inch vacuum main with 3 -inch polyethylene. slipline pipe = 3.5 -inch O.D.-SDR17, 100 psi polyethylene) B. Installing new 3 -inch force main from connection to converted 4 -inch vacuum main to MH A-45 including new connection into MH. C. Installing new air release valves and vaults on converted line per ARV) C-1 Subtotal for 4 ARV's W3266:ADD BIO Fallen Leaf Phase I ADD #1 May 14, 1990 WO #3266B.10 PAGE 29 OF 36 Item SCHEDULE OF VALUES Continued) Description of Item Lump Sum Cost D. Removal of existing Vacuum Valve Stations 1 and 2 (VVS-1, VVS-2) including connections to new force main. E. Installation of check valve on existing gravity line from Stanford Hill F. Unit Cost for excavation of two (2) additional access locations to remove obstructions in the existing vacuum line and allow slip lining to proceed. unit cost per excavation) F-1 Subtotal for 2 Additional Excavations G. Cleaning/Testing existing 4 -inch vacuum line for extra angles or blockages before commencing slip lining operations. Total Item 4 (A+B+C+D+E+F+G) 5. Construction of Emergency Generator Building A. Site Grading and Excavation max. 200 cu. yd.) B. Concrete Foundation C. Generator Building and Appurtenances Total Item 5 (A+B+C) W3266:ADD 310 Fallen Leaf Phase I ADD #1 May 14, 1990 WO #3266B.10 Item PAGE 30 OF 36 SCHEDULE OF VALUES Continued) Description of Item Lump Sum Cost 6. Electrical/Instrumentation A. Installation of conduit and power connections from existing Sierra Pacific Power to the Emergency Generator MCC and transfer switch (including concrete pad for Sierra Pacific Power transformer) B. Installation of all in building wiring, conduit, lighting and appurtenances. C. Purchase and installation of major equipment in the emergency generator building (by item) 30 kW Emergency Generator Transfer Switch MCC C-1 Subtotal for Major Equipment D. Conversion of existing air pressure line into electrical conduit including the installation of pull boxes (6 pull boxes) and pulling of electrical power and signal cable. E. Unit Cost to locate, excavate and install two (2) additional pull boxes on the existing air line. unit price per installation) E-1 Subtotal for 2 Additional Installations W3266:ADD 510 Fallen Leaf Phase I ADD #1 May 14, 1990 WO #3266B.10 Item PAGE 31 OF 36 SCHEDULE OF VALUES Continued) Description of Item Lump Sum Cost F. Purchase and Installation of individual control panels including all wiring, conduit and connections between pumps, controls and power from emergency generator building ea. sta.) F-1 Subtotal for 3 Stations Total - Item 6 (A+B+C-1+D+E-1+F) 7. Miscellaneous work items and all other costs not included in previous items and necessary to complete the Work 8. Cost to carry insurance through entire warranty period 9. Demobilization Total Lump Sum Bid W3266:ADD B10 Fallen Leaf Phase I ADD #1 May 14, 1990 WO #3266B.10 ATTACHMENT 3 HPPKOY InAATE LccAm aN OF 75 K V F, . PFO MOJ./,/ TED 7--/2F9NS FO,e i`'lE,e SEE APPEOXIMATE LaCATieiu cF E/YE,P ENC Y 4ENEkATO,e Bu/LD/A1J SEE NOTE ANO CUL 1/E.eT D/0-402, /'c C 2/ 4. /2, /"C C, PAGE 32 OF 36 I -7-1°W,//-/dyreA, S/T J EX/Sr WOOL FENCE 7 N T TU L n L J n3266:ACD 510 Fallen Leaf Phase I ACC it May 14, 1990 WO #3266B.10 ATTACHMENT 4 PAGE 33 OF 36 J W t— V/ w J 0 co 0 m CO 0 0Z CO CO d 00 Izw z0 FC tz 0 tLz00 t-•• Z7 w TOT.* 4 REBARCONCRETE =. 5 CU. YD. Ls PREFERRED 5 x rTJ m< Ma L 8b n3266,ADD B10 Fallen Leaf Phase I ADD #1 fV NI 0: 1990- 3175LBS u, CHANGE, i o z N 0 O z O O a I M 0 a 00 z 0 m Cl_ Oo 0 o N 3 w d O Wc.> Z OI m W ziL.”) 1 J a0 U) ts;z W Q] CY O co z O U W SECTION A - A CALE + 1/ 16" 1 0z cc L 6 T 1 1 t12W W 0 DESCRIPT10rjcoSP' A t I t 1kJ)I r-__ I __ s/g" INSERTGALV. W/ TEMi PLUGDRRECESSEDEYE 1 aniT• I 1---tto! t 8b n3266,ADD B10 Fallen Leaf Phase I ADD #1 fV NI 0: 1990- 3175LBS u, CHANGE, i o z N 0 O z O O a I M 0 a 00 z 0 m Cl_ Oo 0 o N 3 w d O Wc.> Z OI m W ziL.”) 1 J a0 U) ts;z W Q] CY O co z O U W SECTION A - A CALE + 1/ 16" 1 0z cc L 6 T 1 1 t12W W 0 DESCRIPT10rjcoSP' A May 14, 1990 WO #3266B.10 0 ATTACHMENT 5 NIW NIW 9 X cn NIW NIW d d d NIW \ N "81 * "ZI 1 I ^ 9 E . Z 0. ^. .A•: . g a ,; V, \ • bZ FjW•e 4. 4 1 ^ nFl.'41% te, to v .4: :r z W Q SUB -GRADE z z 2 z - z W z o a O d 0LL1NIX 0Ccdw 4 ;`e17, I- Ovy N w = F Q y CC WHw5R pONW M • = Cc JJ LL • W J a ti H • z Vy w 2 0 0 2 . cc -1 d 1 V) N 2 j • F- Q ta x aa • w IX 2 IA- U.... . co Q z Ww • w d Q 1.-Na. 0 J 0 CC F- N •0 u. 0 REFERSPPCO. SPECIFICATIONBAC - SANDBEDDINGMATERIAL. J RUSHED G 92 i3266:ADD 310 Fallen Leaf Phase I ADD it cJ Ki 0 4 02 f U2 WW2 TYPICALTRENCH PAGE 34 OF 36 m' wwz w w 2 2 a OFSCFIPTION 1- I C:=3 I May 14, 1990 WO #3266B.10 O ATTACHMENT 6 Tr7A FIC FREE ZONE y: 4 O O REMOVABLE POST 36" F' 1 O PAGE 35 OF 36 1/2 PAD 1PAD°— A vi REMOVABLE POST NG IANDTRAFFIC TRANSF. PADZONE ISSLOCATEDBUILDING FRONTRFEMAINTAIN CLEARANCEOFELECTRICHAINTAINMIN3' CLEARANCE. 6" 0.0. STEEL PIPE (WELL CASING) PRIMED b PAINTED YELLOW. CONCRETE FILLED.STOCK N0,95-0930 WELD CAP ON REMOVABLE POST 1 k w PERMANENT POST NOTE: 6" WELD FLANGE 00 NOT CONCRETE ABOVE FLANGE ON REMOVABLEPOST REMOVABLE POST SEE FLANGE DETAIL 11/16' BOLTS TACK WELD NUTS TO BBTTCM FLANGE). f • I i ri y 1 1 L_w f FLANGE DETAIL Q PERMANENT POST REMOVABLE POST IF PAD -MOUNTED APPARATUS IS TO BE LOCATED IN THE AREA SUBJECTTOVEHICULARTRAFFIC.SJITABLE BARRIER POSTS ARE TO BE SUPPLIE=D ANDINSTALLEDBYTHECUSTOMERINACCORDANCEWITHTHISSTANDARD. IF THEAPPARATUSISLOCATEDINANAREAWHICHWILLNOTULTIMATELYBESUBJECTTOVEHICULARTRAFFIC,BUT IS IN THE PATH OF CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT, TEMPORARY BARRIERS COMPLYING WITH THESE STANDARDS MUST BE PROVIDED BYTHECUSTOMERUNTILTHEHAZARDOFTHEAPPARATUSBEINGSTRUCKNOLONGEREXISTS. AN 8' CLEAR AREA IN FRONT MUST BE MAINTAINED FOR SAFE OPERATIONCFEQUIPMENT. Mw mmul 7_N M11c.• ala• DJ 9ALr'rVi Ir_® ADA ' • ,. .• s 7O in PIPS 1. AIGEMIL O.V11/ 4 0.r, 01/01E74 i3266:ADD 010 Fallen Leaf Phase I ADD 1 OTK Tu4 r..» .w7. air Qin Er • Inthiritellienrar 'I PAO MOUNTED APPARATUS BARRIER POST CO.4M a RCIALStI=I COW ANY 1 or y D1• MEM mummq o , 1 0 1' PFnn l nl • May 14, 1990 WO #3266B.10 PAGE 36 OF 36 This Addendum No. 1, Pages 1 through 36, shall become part of the Contract and all provisions of the Contract shall apply thereto. The time provided for completion of the Contract is not changed. Bidder shall acknowledge receipt of all Addenda by number in the space provided in the Proposal. John Carollo Engineers g-i<4411- tspyWalterR. Howard R.C.E. 14808 W3266:ADD 510 Fallen Leaf Phase I ADD 01