Fallen Leaf Lake Area 1979c ~ro i3 0~?.~n~ np, ~~-~Y_CALIF.Q. ~~~ /~~ F~ ti,OF'. ~ ~~ri ~ST~D SY 1 .i'~ ~ ~. ,(~,J j-`~`.' NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT APR ~2 IO 31 ~M I9SOJ .5 ~~ .. FALLEN LEAF LAKE Dp~p~-yY car~RFORESTSERVICEPERMITTEESCOUNTYRE:CpFtpERASSESSMENTDISTRICT1979-1 NO FEE COiViiaA„~EDPursuanttotherequirementsofSection3114oftheStreetsandHighways Code, the undersigned Clerk and ex officio Secretary of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, County of E1 Dorado, State of California, hereby gives notice that a diagram and assessment were recorded in the office of the District Engineer of said District, as provided for in said Section, and relating to the real property more particularly described on that certain assessment diagram filed in accordance with said Section, in Book of Maps of Assessment Districts at Page ~ in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado. Notice is further given that upon the recording of this Notice in the office of said County Recorder, the several assessments assessed on the lots, pieces and parcels as shown on said filed assessment diagram shall become a lien upon the private possessory interests in the lots and parcels assessed, respectively (the fee simple interest in the land subject to said private I~ possessory interests being owned by the United States Department of r~~ Agriculture, Forest Service). Reference is made to said diagram and assessment recorded in the office of said District Engineer of said District. The name or names of the assessed owners as they appear on the latest secured assessment roll are set forth in Exhibit "A" hereto attached and by reference incorporated herein. Dated: - ~ o lg ~'C~ r 1 rk a e officio Secretary o t e S uth ahoe Public Utility District B~OX~.C7~~ PAGE5~~.7 FALLEN LEAF LAKE FOREST SERVICE PERMITTEES ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1979-1 Names and Addresses Sanderson Smith 220 F l or es to Way Menlo Park, CA 94025 Stephen 0. Storey, M. D. 61 Paseo Hermoso Salinas, CA 93908 Ruth T. Storey 671 Santa Ynez Avenue Stanford, CA 94305 Jean D. Bath c/o Vera Fisher 1441 Benefit Street Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 J. Thomas & Iva E. Bacchetti 2805 Queensbury Lane, N.W. Atlanta, GA 30305 Mrs. Elizabeth Kuhn 612 Alvarado Row Stanford, CA 94305 Frederick and Charlotte Sobeck 748 Plum Lane Davis, CA 95616 W. Kenneth Musker 2437 Portage Bay Davis, CA 95616 Garrett H. Elmore 245 West Bellevue Avenue San Mateo, CA 94401 EXE-IIBIT "A" BOOX_L t~~ PAG~~~O Frances Foster G. Richtmeyer 5360 Sharon Court Santa Rosa, CA 95402 Mrs. Barbara M. Givan 356 Lincoln Avenue Palo Alto, CA 94301 Robert S. Cathcart 650 California Street San Francisco, CA 94108 Lounsbury S. Fish P. 0. Box 67 Warner Springs, CA 92806 Shirley Anderson & Allen E. Charles Two Embarcadero Center San Francisco, CA 94111 Edith F. Cooper, Administrator 214 Major Street Santa Cruz, CA 95060 George E. Thomas 354 Donald Avenue Moraga, CA 94556 Charles P. Wing 7710 Palma Parkway Sacramento, CA 95823 Henry E. & Eleanor P. Keyes 57 Selby Lane Atherton, CA 95025 John T. Considine 267 Bel green Place Santa Rosa, CA 95405 Rodman Bingham 7 Lassen Court Menlo Park, CA 94025 Harold C. Sox P . 0 . Box 58 Palo Alto, CA 94302 James E. & Jane R. Mitchell 1550 Waverly Street Palo Alto, CA 94301 EXEiIBIT "A" ii) B~G~~ ~C3~ PAGE~4~ Margaret Post Smith 1618 Mariner Drive Sebastopol, CA 95472 Birge M. Clark 437 Santa Barbara Drive Los Altos, CA 94022 Holbrook Working 614 Alvarado Row Stanford, CA 94305 Junius Young Cary 40 La Loma Drive Menlo Park, CA 94025 Warren A. Turner 1502 West Windrose Street Phoenix, AZ 85029 Elizabeth M. Breed 342 Oxford Avenue Palo Alto, CA 94306 Andrew D'Anneo 1085 Dunaweal Lane Calistoga, CA 94515 William S. Cary 220 Greenwood Way Mill Valley, CA 94943 Francis and Margaret Yates 13847 Sunset Boulevard Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 John and Mariam Allen 463 Edgewood Road San Mateo, CA 94402 0. R. and June Tanner 435 Coleridge Avenue Palo Alto, CA 94301 Mrs. Jacqueline Flanders P. 0. Box 194 Zephyr Cove, NV 89448 EXEiIBIT "A" iii) ~y~~80©~ ~C,~[..D~ PACE ~~.~ Melvin L. & Sarah D. Hawley 13441 Rob elda Road Los Altos, CA 91745 Mary M. Boyd 137 Kinross Drive San Rafael, CA 94901 John W. Mitchell 2021 Waverly Street Palo Alto, CA 94301 Phil N. Allen 139 Yale Road Menlo Park, CA 94026 Kenneth A. Green 1170 Crandano Court Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Paul D'Anneo 6126 Ocean View Drive Oakland, CA 94618 Dorothy B. & Donald E. Dawley 2209 Golden Rain #8 Walnut Creek, CA 94595 C. William & Lucille Kramer 6199 Fennwood Court Sacramento, CA 95831 James Q. Brett, Wi 11 iam H. Brett, Alice B. Stearns, Z i 11 ah B. Brye 7 Embarcadero West, Apt. 114 Oakland, CA 94607 Jack and Jeanne Block 1395 Rifle Road El Cerrito, CA 94530 IBIT "A" iv)BOOX~~~~ PAGE~4~ nw ~~:i A f~1 AVN A~ ~!~IZ AZ l NINN p/TM 0 1 s_ L O m ~ ~ N ~ ~ u r D ~ r ~•~ o r 0 8 cn m Z vi 8 m ~, ~ N~ m 3mm ~" ~m D y ~~~ U ti { m ~r DD ('io N ~ ~' N~m 7J o ~ ~ ~ ~ y~ m ~ ~, m ~. i A (~ ("n a D ~ N FALLEN LEAF ~-- STANFORD TRACT LODGE TRACT A 0 E FALLEN LEAF ~ _ _ _ __ I ... y gTANFORD TRACTLODGETRACT UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE Lake Tahoe Basin Management UnitP. 0, Box 8465 South Lake Tahoe, California 95731 h.~_ro ~.ln~~ 1, "' 1 2720 r James R, Cofer South Tahoe Public Utility DistrictP. 0 o Box A U So. Lake Tahoe, CA. 95705 L Dear Mr, Cofer: September 10 1979 U~S Enclosed is a signed copy of the Fallen Leaf Lake Permittee Tract's Amendment Agreement, Thank you for your cooperation in this matter, Sincerely, L ANDERSON ssis ant Special Uses Staff Officer Enc re 6200-11 (1/69) 2833A-B9a AMENDMENT TO . AGREEMENT RESPECTING FOREST SERVICE USE PERMITS RECITALS A. The parties to this Agreement are the United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service (hereinafter "Forest~Service") and the South Tahoe Public Utility District, El Dorado County, California (hereinafter STPUD"). E3. The parties to this agreement have heretofore executed an Agreement Respecting Forest Service Use Permits, on the 23rd day of July,'~1979. C. The lands to be subject to said executed agreement should include the fallowing-described lots, to wit: Fallen Leaf Lake Tract - Lots 26, 32, 60; Fallen Leaf Parl< Tract - Lot 1; Fallen Leaf Lodge Tract - Lot 9. D. The aforesaid lots were not included in Recital C of said executed agreement. A G R E E M E N T 1. The foregoing recitals are true and correct, and the parties expressly so acknowledge. 2. The parties hereto agree that said heretofore executed agreement be and the same is hereby amended by adding to Recital C and paragraph 1 of Exhibit C of said executed agreement the 5 lots described in Recital C of this agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto, by their duly authRrized officers, have executed th i s agreement i n duplicate on the 2~ day of ~~~c~~-' ~~~- , 1979 . ~ JNNW:RJN:sc 07/31/79 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, FOREST SERVICE B ~~~ ~ ~ Vy I ~~. ~.,,,~- Adini n i stirator Lake Tahoe Basin M Bement Unit ATTEST:SOUTN TANOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT lerk nd ex officio Secretary South ahoe Public Utility District. Geh aM~r/Distri ng n~ eer ou i~ e Public Util ty District i Vice Nres7de-Tf~ - South Tahoe Public Utility District UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE I'[ ~ : "_ ~`~ ~„ FOREST SERVICE Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit F? ~ ~%~ 1~U P. 0. Box 8465 South Lake Tahoe, California 95731 S.T.P.U.D, 2720 February 27, 1980 r Mr. James Cofer U!SSouthTahoePublicUtilityDistrict P. 0. Box AU So. Lake Tahoe, California 95705 L Dear Mr. Cofer: Enclosed is a copy of the Certificate indicatingnew 20 year SpecialUsePermitshavebeenissuedtoallbuttwoofthehomeowners. WewillcontinuetopursueobtainingsignedpermitsforLot20ofFallenLeafLodgeTractandLot2ofStanfordTract. We willadviseyouassoonasthepermitshavebeenissued. Also enclosed is a list of the permittee names and address forthosepermitsthathavebeenissued. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, VIRGI DERSON Assis an Special Uses Staff Officer Enclosures a~nn_t t H lam 2094P.-89a JHHW:RJH:sc 07/31/79 CERI"IFICATE PERTAINING TO PERMITS ON FOREST SERVICE TRACTS To: Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District Assessment District No. 1979-1 I, ~I~ A. trg~r~ Administrator, Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit, being duly authorized to make this certificate for and on behalf of the United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, doherebycertifyasfollows: 1. That validly issued permits are now in existence for all of the following: Alpine Falls Tract - Lots 1-4, 7-8, 10, 15; Fallen Leaf Lodge Tract - Lots 5-7, 13-18, 20-23, 25-32; Stanf ord Tract - Lots 1-6, 8, 9-11; Fallen Leaf Lake Tract - Lots 26, 32, 60; Fallen Leaf Park Tract - Lot 1; Fallen Leaf Lodge Tract - Lot 9; all of which are proposed to be assessed in the proceedings for Assessment District No. 1979-1 as shown on the assessment diagram and assessment roll filed in said proceedings in the Office of the Clerk of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, except as follows: F~ ~ l y-;~f Lei ~' La~~g~: Tr°~c? - Lot".'1 St~r~ford Tr~~t -~ Lot 2. That the period of years for which each of the of orementioned validly issued permits was issued is not less than twenty (20) years from the respective dates thereof, and that none of said permits are dated prior to F`e~t~uat,~ i ~ , f .~~ 19~> , except as follows: 3. That each of the of orementioned validly issued permits contains the provisions set forth either in Exhibit B of that certain Agreement between the United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, and the South Tahoe Public Utility District pertaining to said Assessment District No. 1979-1, as follows: See a~ttache+~ E~~t1h9t 8 I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on ~~, 19~, at South Lake "faf~oe, Galifr~rn'ir~ Administrato Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit Page 3 22. This permit is issued for the period ending ~9arch 1, 2000, with the provision that it wi17 be extended Por a per'i®d of 'l.en (10) years from that date if the permittee is not notified to the contrary prior to March 1, 1990. Any permit for the site covered by this permit issued t;o any subsequent. owner- of the improvements thereon 1vi11 cover the same period as this permit, unless otherwise mutually agreed upon. 23. Notwithstanding any provision contained in this permit to the contrary, if the South Tahoe Public Utility District levies a specia'1 assessment upon the interest created hereby for its proportionate share of the C©5~i:5 and expenses of the acquisitions and. improvements necessary to provide sanitary sewer service to the recreation residence maintained pursuant to this permit, then so long as any portion of said assessment remains unpaid and if this permit is terminated, revoked or cancelled, no permit shall be issued covering use of the lands herein described unless and until provision is made for payment of the unpaid portion of such special assessment in a manner satisfactory to STPUD. 24. The fallen ~.eaf Permittees Association has ueen recognized in accordance with 36 CFR 211.1. This lot is in a tract which is represented by the Association, Permittees are eligible for membership. Even though a permittee does not join, each permittee may be required by the Association to pay an equitable share of the cost of insta'I1a~ tion and operation of services or utilities which the Association provides and from which the permittee receives direct benefit. 25. A service fee of $25.00 will be charged for issuance of new permit as a result of any change of ownership. EXHIBIT B NEW TWENTY YEAR PERMITS - FALLEN LEAF AREA ALPItJE FALLS TRACT Lot #1 W. Kenneth. Musker 2437 Portage Bay Davis, CA. 95616 FALLEN LEAF LAKE TRACT Lot #26 C. 4Jilliam and Lucille Kramer 6199 Fennwood Court Sacramento, CA. 95831 Lot r2 Mrs. Elizabeth Kuhn 612 Alvarado Row Stanford, CA. 94305 Lot #3 Th~~r;as and Iva E. Bacchetti 2805 Queensbury Lane N,W. Atlanta, GA 30305 L_ot #4 Jean D. Bath. c/o Vera Fisher 14441 Benefit St. Sherman Oaks, CA. 91403 Lot #7 Ruth T. Storey 671 Santa Ynez Ave. Stanford, CA. 94305 Lot #8 Stephen D. Storey, M.D. 61 Paseo Hermoso Salinas, CA. 93908 Lot #10 Sanderson Smith. 220 Fioresta Way Menlo Park, CA. 94025 Lot #15 Frederick and Charlotte Sobeck 748 P1 um [_ane Davis, CA. 95616 Lot #29 Jack and Jeanne Biock 1395 Rifle Rd. E1 Cerrito, CA, 94530 Lot #32 James Q. Brett, Williar~~ H, ;nett Alice B. Stearns, Zillah B. Brye 7 Embarcadera West, Apt. 114 Oakland, GA. 94607 Lot #60 Dorothy B. and Donald E. Daw1ey 2209 Golden Rain #8 Walnut Creeks CA, 94535 NE4J TWEfdTY YEAR PERMITS -FALLEN LEAF AREA FALLEN LEAF LODGE TRACT L'o t 7 5 Melvin L. and Sarah D. Hawley 13441 Robelda Rd. Los Altos, CA. 91745 Lot 721 John and Mariam Allen 463 Edgewood Rd. San htateo, CA 94402 Lot #6 Mary M. Boyd 137 Kinross Dr. San Rafael, CA. 94901 Lot 77 0. R. and June Tanner 435 Coleridge Ave. Palo Alto, CA. 94301 Lot T9 Paul C'Anneo 6126 Ocean View Dr. Oakland, CA. 94618 Lot #13 Mrs. Jacqueline Flanders P. 0. Box 194 Zephyr Cove, NV 89448 Lot #14 John T. Considine 267 Belgreen Place Santa Rosa, CA. 95405 Lot #15 Rodman Bingham 7 Lassen Ct. Menlo Park, CA. 94025 Lot #16 Harold C. Sox P. 0. Box 58 Palo Alto, CA. 94302 Lot #17 James E. and Jane R. Mitchell 1550 Waverly St. Palo Alto, CA. 94301 Lot #18 Margaret Post Smith 1618 Mariner Dr. Sebastopol, CA. 95472 Lot X22 Francis and Margaret Yates 73847 Sunset Blvd. Pacific Palisades, CA. 90272 Lot #23 William S. Cary 220 Greenwood 1Jay h1i11 Valley, CA. 94943 Lot #25 Andrew D'Anneo 1085 Dunaweal Lane Colistoga, CA. 94515 Lot #26 Junius Young Car~~ 40 LaLoma Drive Menlo Park, CA. 94025 Lot #27 E1 i zabetl~ M. Breed 342 Oxford Ave. Palo Alto, CA. 94306 Lot #28 Warren A. Turner 1502 W. Windrose St. Phoenix, Ariz. 85029 Lot #29 Holbrook Working 614 Alvarado Row Stanford, CA. 94305 Lot #30 Kenneth A. Green 1170 Crandano Ct. Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Lot #31 Phil N. Allen 139 Yale Rd. Menlo Park, CA. 94026 NEW TWENTY YEAR PERMITS - FALLEPJ LEAF AREA FALLEN LEAF LODGE TRACT (con't) Lot #32 John W. Mitchell 2021 Waverly St. Palo Alto, CA. 94301 STANFORD TRACT Lot #1 Mrs. Barbara M. Givan 356 Lincoln Ave. Palo Alto, CA. 94301 Lot #10 George E. Thomas 354 Donald Ave. Moraga, CA, 94556 Lot R3 Garrett H. Elmore 245 W. Bellevue Ave. San Mateo, CA. 94401 Lot #4 Robert S. Cathcart 650 California St. San Francisco, CA. 94108 Lot #5 Lounsbury S. Fish P. 0. Box 67 Warner Springs, CA. 92806 Lot #6 Shirley Anderson ~ Al1an~E~~~h~rle~ Two Embarcadero Center San Francisco, CA. 94111 Lot #8 Henry E. and Eleanor P. Keyes 57 Selby Lane Atherton, CA. 95025 Lot #9 Charles P. Wing 7710 Palma Pkwy Sacramento, CA. 95823 Lot #11 Edith F. Cooper, Administrator 214 Major St. S.nta Cruz, CA. 95060 Y UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit P. 0. Box 8465 South Lake Tahoe, California 95731 r- Mr. James Cofer South Tahoe Public Utility District P. 0. Box AU So. Lake Tahoe, CA 95705 L Dear Mr. Cofer: 2720 March 13, 1980 U~-S Enclosed is a new Certificate for the SpP~ia7 --,` permi ~ atFallenLeafLakeshowingnoexceptions. Also enclosed is arevisedlistofpermitt~ewes with addresses. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Si ncerely, ~-- J'- ~ ~ v _y.~ ~ VIR NDE N Ass stan Special Uses Staff Officer Enclosures szoo-> > n /s91 2094A-89a JHHW:RJH:sc 07/31/79 CERTIFICATE PERTAINING TO PERMITS ON FOREST SERVICE TRACTS To: Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District Assessment District No. 1979-1 I W. A. MORGAN Administrator, Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit, being duly authorized to make this certificate for and on behalf of the United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, do hereby certify as follows: 1. That validly issued permits are now in existence for all of the following: Alpine Falls Tract - Lots 1-4, 7-8, 10, 15; Fallen Leaf Lodge Tract - Lots 5-7, 13-18, 20-23, 25-:i~;Stanford Tract - Lots 1-6, 8, 9-11; Fallen Leaf Lake Tract - Lots 26, 32, 60; Fallen Leaf Park Tract - Lot 1; Fallen Leaf Lodge Tract - Lot 9; all of which are proposed to be assessed in the proceedings for Assessment District No. 1979-1 as shown on the assessment diagram and assessment roll filed in said proceedings in the Office of the Clerk of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, except as follows: 2. That the. period of years for which each of the aforementioned validly issued permits was issued is not less than twenty (20) years from the respective dates thereof, and that none of said permits are dated prior to February 1.5, 19$0 ~(9(, except as follows: 3. That each of the aforementioned v alidly issued permits contains the provisions set forth either in Exhibit B of that certain Agreement between the United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, and the South Tahoe Public Utility District pertaining to said Assessment District No. 1979-1, as follows: See attached Exhibit B I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on March_11, ~ 1980, at South Lake Tahoe, California ~_ Administra o Lake Tahoe Bas i n Management Un i t Page 3 22. This permit is issued for the period ending P4arch 1, 2000, with the provision that it waill be extended fora period of ten (101 years from that date if the permittee is .not notified to the contrary prior to March 1, 1g90~ Any permit for the site covered by this permit issued to any subsequent owner of the improvements thereon will cover the same period as this permit, unless otherwise mutually agreed upon. 23. Notwithstanding any provision contained in this permit to the contrary, if the South Tahoe Public Utility District levies a special assessment upon the interest created hereby for its proportionate share of the costs and expenses of the acquisitions and improvements necessary to provide sanitary sewer service to the recreation residence maintained pursuant to this permit, then so lung as any portion of said assessment. remains unpaid and if this permit is terminated, revoked or cancelled, no permit shall be issued covering use of the lands 17erein described unless and until provision is made for payment of the unpaid portion of such special assessment in a manner satisfactory t:o STI't1D. 24. The Fallen Leaf Permittees Association has been rGCOgr~iz.ed in accordance with 36 CFR 211.1. Ti~is lot is in a tract which is represented by the Association, ~'~~rmittecs a~r~~ eligible ic~r rr~~~~f~C~cr~~sf~iY~~~. Even though a perry ~ ttee ;foes no ~ ,j t.,-i n, ea;. ~s ~c,~-~~~-i t.tec m~~,y ICE= ~~ e~i~ ~ ~~~cd by the Association to pa,y an equi i;ab l e shy? r~P of the rasa. cif i nst~:l 7 a.a tion and operation of services or utilities which the lassaciatios provides and from which the permittee receives direct benefit. 25. A service fee of X25,00 will be charg€~cl for issu~jncc, ofi r~ra permi t as a result of any change o°i owner°s1~ p . NEW TWENTY YEAR PERMITS - FALLEN LEAF AREA ALPIPJE FALLS TRACT FALLE~J LEAF LAKE TRACT Lot #1 Lot #25 W. Kenneth- Muskeg C, 4Ji-I 'l~iarr~ and Luci'IlC Ki~an~e~~ 2437 Portage Bay 6199 Fennwood Court Davis, CA. 95616 Sacramento; CA. 95831 Lot #2 Mrs. Elizabeth Kuhn 612 Alvarado Row - Stanford, CA. 94305 Lot #3 Sot #32 J, Thomas and Iva E< Bacchetti James Q• Bi°ett, I~iil~~am H< Brct~: 2805 Queensbury Lane N.W.Alice B~ Stearns, Zillah f3< E3rye Atlanta, GA 30305 7 Ernbar i;~dera [~es~; , /;p~i..l l ~l Oakland, CA. 94607 Lot #4 Jean D. Bath Lot #60 c/o ]lera Fisher Dorothy B. and Donald E<Dawley 14441 Benefit St.2209 Golden Rain #£~ Sherman Oa{~~s, CA. 91473 Walnut t~~~e.ek} Ci,< 34'.~~35 Lot #,7 Ruth T. Storey ALLEN ~ t~~ F'I~RK '11:1~C:1 671 Santa Ynez Ave. Stanford, CA. 94305 Lot #1 Jack and Jeanne (31 ock Lot #8 395 R~ir € e Rd . Stephen D. Storey, M.D.E1 Cerrito, CA< 94530 6i Paseo Hermoso Salinas, CA. 93908 Lot #10 Sanderson Smith. 220 Floresta Way Menlo Park, CA< 94025 Lot #15 Frederick and Charlotte So beck 748 Plum Lane Davis, CA. 95616 NEW T4JENTY YEAR PERMITS -FALLEN LEAF AREA FALLEN LEAF LODGE TRACT L'ot # 5 Lot #21 Melvin L. and Sarah D. Hawley John and Mariam Allen 13441 Robel da Rd . 463 Eclge!~~~od Rd u Los Altos, CA. 91.745 San ~~1a~teo, CA 94402 Lot #6 Lot #22 Mary M. Boyd i~rancis and Margaret 137 Kinross Dr. 13847 Sunset Blvd.. San Rafael, CA. 94901 Pacific Nalisades, f;A. Yates 90272 Lot #7 Lot #23 0. R. and June Tanner William S. Cary 435 Coleridge Ave. 220 Greenwood Way Palo Alto, CA. 94301 Mill Valley, CA. 94943 Lot #9 1.o'c #25 Paul C'Anneo Andrew D'Anneo 6126 Ocean View Dr. 1085 Dunaweal Lane Oakland, CA. 94618 Colistoga, CA. 94515 Lot #]3 lot #26 Mrs. Jacqu~l7ne E='landers ~luriius "~~~~~~0 Cary. P . 0 . Sox 194 40 La'~.~~r~t, ~}~ i ve Zephyr Cove, NV 89448 Menlo Pat~.~tis ~;C~. ~34U2!> Lot #14 Lot #27 John T. Considine Elizabeth M. Breed 267 Bel green P1 ace 342 Oxf~4~~ci Ave . Santa Rosa, CA. 95405 Palo Alto, CA. 94306 Lot #15 Lot #28 Rodman Bingham Warren A. Turner 7 Lassen Gt. 1502 W~ i4lindrose St. Menlo Park, CA. 34025 Phoenix I~ri~. 8~U2~} Lot #16 Lot #29 Harold C. Sox Holbrook Working P . 0 . Box 58 614 Al raarado I2ow Palo Alto, CA. 94302 Stanfc~r~•d, CA. 94305 Lot #17 Lot #30 James E. and Jane R. Mitchell Kenneth A. Green 1550 Waverly St. 1170 Crandano Ct. Palo Alto, GA. 94301 Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Lot #18 Lot #31 Margaret Post Smith Phil N. Allen 1618 Mariner Dr. 139 Yale Rd. Sebastopol, CA. 95472 Menlo Park, CA. 94026 NEW TWENTY YEAR PERMr f~S ~ i=~t~1LLEN LEAF AREE1 FALLEN LEAF LODGE TRACT (con't) Lot #32 John W. Mi~ichell 2021 Waverly St. Palo Alto, CA. 94301 STANFORD 7~RAC7 Lot #1 Mrs. Barbara M. Givan 356 Lincoln Ave. Palo Alto, CA. 94301 Lot #3 Garrett H. Elmore 245 W. Bellevue Ave. San Mateo, CA. 94401 Lot #4 Robert S. Cathcart 650 California S#u San Francisco, CA. 9~-108 Lot #5 Lounsbury S. Fish P. 0. Box 67 Warner Springs, CA. 92.806 Lot #6 Shirley Anderson & Allan ~E, ~ ~~~iarl e Two Embarcadero Center San Francisco, CA. 94111 Lot #8 Henry E. and Elea~~or P. Keyes 57 Selby Lane Athertonf CA. 95025 Lot #9 Charles ~' < Wing 7710 Palma Pkwy Sacramento, CA. 95823 Lot #10 George E. Thomas 354 Donald Ave Moraga, CA, 94556 Lot #11 Ecii th F Cooper, /~dm~i ni stratar 214 Ma~o~ S~L. S.nta Cruz, CA. 95060 Lot 20 Fallen Leaf Lodye Tract Birge M. Clark 437 Santa Barbara Or. Los Altos, CA 94022 Lot 2 Stanford Tract Frances Foster 5360 Sharon Ct. Santa Rosa, CA 95402 sa~~pt_E sue ut=~tiH rr.+tr: r OF AGRICUL FOREST SERVICE ERM SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR RECREATION RESIDENCE Act or !Aareh ~, 1915, as amended July Z8, 1456 IReI. FSHf l7?0) John Q. Jones o. Record No. (1-2) b, Region (3-4) n 5 c. FclrpH,'~(S6) -Z O ,l- L 1 DI U '• - d. District (7-8) e. Ussr No. (9-12) f. Kind o Uss (13-15) Eldorado 0 3 _ _ _ L ; g. Srors (16-)7) -t. County ()e-20) k. Cord No. (2)) Calif. ~ ~ El Dorado Q •~ 7 of ------ Name) (Post Orflee Address Mrtd Zlp Code) hereafter tolled the permittee) is hereby authorized to use National >^orest lands, for the construction < maintenance of o recreation residence for personal recreational use on the Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit Notional Forest, subject to the provisions of this p[ including items 22 through 24 , on page(s) 1 through 3 This permit covers --- acres. . Described as: (1) Lot_ ___ of the -'-'-"' i A prat of which is on Li • in the off ee o t •Porest Supervuor.) OR (21 as shown on the ettached eas DeserlPt an The following improvements are authorized in.addition to the residence. structure: rg~cs(tx~att~ttx~tx~etx~p~~~icxrx+~lttx~t~~xaeo~nax~fa~kxbcagota~aa(ahixrcx xx xx x~c~w~za»cs~~~CS(IwCaxb~~o ths) Dti~Krxxxxxxxx,~p~e Th~S use shall be exercised at least ~~~ days each year, unless otherwis(Number) authorized ir( writing: It shall not be used. as a full time residence to the exclusion of a home elsewhere. For this use, the permittee shall pay to the Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture[ •the sum of ------ Dollars ($ -'- )from February 1 19_ to January 31 19_, and thereafter annually on February 1 Dollars ($ -`-' ): provided, however, charges for this use shall be reviewed and if necessary adjusted as of and effective on thereafter at the beginning of each 5-.year period from that date, in order to place the cherges on a bosi: commensurate with the value of the use authorized by this permit.r A service charge in addition to the regular fees may be mode for failure to meet the fee payment due da The service charge shall be one percent per month of the fee from the date statements and fLes were du or $ 15.00 ~ whichever is greater. If the due date falls on anon-workday, the service charge will n( apply until the end of the next workday. This permit may be terminated for non-payment of fees and as- sessed service charges.. This permit is accepted subject to all of its terms and conditions: PERr.11TTEE'3 NAME • SIGNATURE ACCEPTED DATE Is3U1N t: OFFICER'S NAME s StGNwTU RE TITLE DATE APPROVED ~ Administrator MAA_l4 GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. Nothing in this permit shall be construed to imply permission to build or maintain any improvement not specifically named on the face of this permit or approved by the Forest Service in the form of a new permit or permit amendment. Additional improvements requiring specific approval shall include, but aze not limited to: signs, fences, nameplates, mail boxes, newspaper boxes, boat houses, docks, pipelines, and television antennas. 2. Development plans, layout plans, construction, reconstruction, or alteration of improvements; or revision of layout or construction plans for this area must be prepared by a licensed engineer, azchitect, and/or landscape architect (in those States in which such licensing is required) or other qualiGcd individual acceptable to the issuing officer. Such plans must be approved in advance by the Forest Supervisor. 3. No soil, trees or other vegetation may be removed from the permitted area without lust obtaining permission from the Forest Service. All timber cut, destroyed, or injured shall be paid for at current stumpage rater applicable to the sale by the Forest Service of silnltaz timber in the National Forest. 4. The pcrrnittce shall maintain the improvements and premises to standards of repair, orderliness, neatness, sanitation, and safety acceptable to the Forest Service. S. The permittee, in exercising the .privileges granted by this permit, shat! comply with the regulations of the Department of Agriculture and all Federal, state, county, and municipal laws, ordinances, or regulations which are applicahle to the area or operations covered by this permit. 6. The permittee shall take all reasonable precaution to prevent and suppress forest foes. No material shall be disposed of by burning in open fires during the closed season established by law or regulation without a written permit from the Forest Service. 7. The permittee shall .exercise diligence in protecting from damage the land and property of the United States covered by and used in connection with this permit, and shall pay the United States for any damage resulting from negligence or from the violation of the terms of this permit or of any law or regulation applicable to -the National Forests by the permittee, or by any agents or employees of the permittee acting within the scope of their agency or employment. 8. Avalanches, rising waters, high winds, falling limbs or trees and other hazardous natural phenomena in the forest present risks which tt~e permittee assumes. The permittee has the responsibility of inspecting his site, lot, right~of--way. and immediate adjoining azea for dangerous trees, hanging limbs, and other evidence of hazardous conditions and after securing permission from the Forest Service, to remove such hazazds. 9. The permittee shall fully repair all damage, other than ordinary wear and tear, to National Forest roads and trails caused by the permittee in the exercise of the privilege granted by this permit. 10. Personal recreation use is defined as noncommercial use by the permittee, members of his immediate family, and guests. 11. The permittee shall protect the scenic and esthetic values of the area under permit and the adjacent land as faz as possible consistent with the authorized use during consUuction, maintenance, and use of improvements thereon. 12. This permit is not transferable. If the permittee through voluntary sale or transfer. or t)trough enforcement of contract, foreclosure, tax sale, or other valid legal proceeding shall cease to be the owner of the physical improvements other than those owned by the l!nitcst Stags situated on tht land described in this permit and is unable to furnish adequate proof of ability to redeem or otherwise rcestabluh title to said improvements, this permit shall be subject to cancellation. But if the person to whom title to said improvements shall h transferred in either manner above provided is qualified as a pe and is willing that his future occupancy of the premises shall b~ to such new conditions and stipulations as existing or pre circumstances may warrant, his continued occupancy of the may be authorized by a permit to him if in the opinion of th officer or his successor, issuance of a permit is des'uabla an public interest. 13. This permit is subject to all valid claims. 14. This pernut may be terminated upon breach of an; conditions herein by the issuing officer provided the permi' have had a reasonable time-not to exceed ninety (90) days-with to show cause why such termination should not be made. 15. >rxcept as provided in Clause 16 below, upon abase termination, or cancellation of this permit, the permittee shat within a reasonable time all structures and improvements cxc owned by fhe United States, and shall restore the site, unless agreed upon in writing or in this permit. If the permittee fails t all such structures or improvements within a reasonable per shall become the property of the United States, but that will n the permittee of liability Cor the cost of then removal restoration of the site. 16. If durirs~ the term of this permit or any extension thi Secretary of Agriculture or any official of the Forest Service or under his authority shall determine that the public interes termination of this permit, this permit shall terminate upon th written notice to the permittee of such determination, and !I States shall have the right thereupon to purchase the p~ improvements, to remove them, or to require rite permittee 1 them. at the option of the United States, and the United State obligated to pay an equitable consideration for the improveme removal of the improvements and damages to the imps resulting from their removal The amount of the consideratio fixed by mutual agreement between the United States permittee and shall be accepted by the permittee in full sari.: all claims against the United~States under this clause: rpQuid mutual agreement is not reached, the Forest Service shall dete amount and if the permittee is dissatisfied wish the amount him he may appeal the determination in accordance with tl Regulation (36 C.F.R. 211.20-211.37) and tl:e amount as d- on appeal shalt be final and conclusive on t'.te parties hereto further, That upon the payment to the permittee of 75 pert amount fixed by the Forest Service, the rig:tt of the United remove or require the removal of the improvements shall not pending final decision on appeal. 17. The permittee may sublease"the use of improvemen under this permit; provided the express written permissi~ Forest Supervisor has been secured. The permittee shall cone responsible for compliance with all conditions of this permit 1 to whom such premises may be sublet. 18. This permit is for lot occupancy and does not provi furnishing of road maintenance, water. fire protection, or such service by a Government agency, utility association, or 19. No Member of or Delr ate to Corgress or Resides sinner shall be admitted to any sh:ue or part o` this ggreemen' benefit that may arise herefrom. 20. In case of change of address. the permittee shall iR notify the Forest Supervisor. 2I. In the event of any conflict between any of the printed clauses or any provision thereof and any oC the clauses or any provisions thereof, the following clauses will cc EXHIBIT B ii) Page 3 22. This permit i.s issued for the period ending September 30, 1999, with the provision that it will be extended fora period of ten (10) years from that date if the permittee is not notified to the contrary prior to September 30, 1989. Any permit for the site covered by this permit issued to any subseo,uent owner of the improvements thereon will cover the same period as this permit, unless otherwise mutually agreed upon. 23. Notwithstanding any provision contained in this permit to the con- trary, if the South Tahoe Public Utility District levies a special assessment upon the interest created hereby for its proportionate share of the costs and expenses of the acquisitions and improvements neces- sary to provide sanitary sewer service to the recreation residence main tained pursuant to this permit, then so long as any portion of said assessment remains unpaid and if this permit is terminated, revoked, or cancelled, no permit shall be issued covering use of the lands herein described unless and until provision is made for payment of the unpaid portion of such special assessment in a manner satisfactory to STPUD. 24. The Fallen Leaf Tract Summer Home Association has been recognized in accordance with 36 CFR 211.1.- This lot is in a tract which is represented by the Association. Permittees are eligible for member- ship. Even though a permittee does not join, each permittee may be required by the Association to pay an equitable share of the cost of installation and operation of services or utilities which the Associa- tion provides and from which the permittee receives direct benefit. C AMP I F EXHIBIT B i,,;~ CERTIFICATE PERTAINING TO PERMITS ON FOREST SERVICE TRACTS To: Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District Assessment District No. 1979-1 I, Administrator, Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit, being duly authorized to make this certificate for and on behalf of the United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, do hereby certify as follows: 1. That validly issued permits are now in existence for all of the following: Alpine Falls Tract - Lots 1-4, 7-8, 10, 15; Fallen Leaf Lodge Tract - Lots 5-7, 13-18, 20-23, 25-32; Stanford Tract - Lots 1-6, 8, 9-11; all of which are proposed to be assessed in the proceedings for Assessment District No. 1979-1 as shown on the assessment diagram and assessment roll filed in said proceedings in the Office of the Clerk of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, except as follows: 2. That the period of years for which each of the aforementioned validly issued permits was issued is not less than twenty (20) years from the respective dates thereof, and that none of said permits are dated prior to 1979, except as follows: 3. That each of the aforementioned validly issued permits contains the provisions set forth either in Exhibit B of that certain Agreement between the United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, and the South Tahoe Public Utility District pertaining to said Assessment District No. 1979-1, as follows: I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on 1979, at ministrator Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit EXHIBIT C 5970A JHHW:RJH:pI CERTIFICATE PERTAINING TO FILING OF BOUNDARY MAP IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF EL DORADO COUNTY FALLEN LEAF LAKE - FOREST SERVICE PERMITTEES 1979-1 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 03/07/80 The undersigned, Mary D. Ambrose, Clerk and ex-officio Secretary of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, under penalty of perjury, certifies as follows: 1. A map showing, and entitled "Proposed Boundaries of Fallen Leaf Laek-Forest Service Permittees 1979-1 Assessment District" was filed in theofficeofElDoradoCountyRecorderonOctober23, 1979, in Book 2,Pages 75 __~ (Document No. _ 49406 ___`). 2. By inadvertence said map was filed prior to being ordered filed by resolution of the Board of Directors of said South Tahoe Public UtilityDistrict, and the date of approval of said map by said Board and the number of the resolution approving of said map by said Board (as shown in one of the Certificates on Sheet 1 of said map) were erroneous. 3. Said map was approved by Resolution No. 2176, adopted by said Board on February 21, 1980, which resolution ordered filing of said map. 4. Notwithstanding said premature filing of said map, said map is the map approved and ordered filed in said Recorder's office by the said Resolution No. 2176, adopted by said Board on February 21, 1980. 5. By reason of said errors (as set forth in paragraph 2 hereof) it is requested, upon recording of this Certificate in said Recorder's office, that this Certificate be cross-indexed with said prematurely filed map. O•G~ Executed on March 13, ~ 1980. t~MPAR F' r: L :. _ . . SOUTH ~TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Aft i u COUr.-•r~ ~ ~ cc~~,u~~ s7C5" N F-~ C~ O~ f Q~~~~~~r B~o~ 18f 0 PacE v$ yiOA JHHW:kJH:pl 03%0//80 CERTIFICATE PERTAINING TO FILING OF BOUNDARY MAP IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF EL DORADO COUNTY FALLEN LEAF LAKE - FOREST SERVICE PERMITTEES 1979-1 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT The undersigned, Mary D. Ambrose, Clerk and ex-officio Secretary of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, under penalty of perjury, certifies as follows: 1. A map showing, and entitled `Proposed Boundaries of Faiien Leaf Laek-Forest Service Permittees 1979-1 Assessment District" was filed in the office of El Dorado County Recorder on October 23, 1979, in Book 2, Pages 75_` (Document No. 49406 __), 2. By inadvertence said map was filed prior to being ordered filed by resolution of the Board of Directors of said South Tahoe Public Utility District, and the date of approval of said map by said Board and the number of the resolution approving of said map by said Board (as shown in one of the Certificates on Sheet 1 of said map) were erroneous. 3. Said map was approved by Resolution No. 2176, adopted by said Board on February 21, 1980, which resolution ordered filing of said map. 4. Notwithstanding said premature filing of said map, said map is the map approved and ordered filed in said Recorder's office by the said Resolution No. 2176, adopted by said Board on February 21, 1980. 5. By reason of said errors (as set forth in paragraph 2 hereof) it is requested, upon recording of this Certificate in said Recorder's office, that this Certificate be cross-indexed with said prematurely filed map. Executed on March 13 , 1980. LIAR 18 1~8~ ORIGINAL RECORDED Ofl DOCUMENT ~ ~~ 800K ~~~ PAGE ~~ a