33-424-061967 - 4D-910 GRANT OF EASEMENT M4R 1 44, ROBERT E. SHAW AND MARY T. SHAW Husband and wife, as Joint Tenants hereby grant(s) and dedicate(s) to SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, a Public Utility District organized and existing under the laws of the State of California, an easement for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, re- pairing, maintaining and operating sanitary sewers and appurtenances, together with the right of ingress and egress therefor, on, under, beneath and across that certain property in the County of El Dorado, State of California, described as: A portion of Tahoe Paradise Unit No. 22 located in Sections 19 and 30, T. 12 N., R. 18 E., M.D.M. , El Dorado County, California. A 10.0 foot wide strip of land lying Southerly of and immediately adjacent to the following described line: Beginning at the most Northwesterly corner of Lot 910, Tahoe Paradise Unit No. 22 as shown on that map recorded in Book C of Maps, Page 56, El Dorado County Records; thence, from said point of beginning, along the Northerly line of said Lot 910 East 140.22 feet to the most Northeasterly corner of said Lot 910, the point of termination. The sideline of said strip of land to be lengthened or shortened to meet adjoining property lines. DATE: March 4 1969 t :7 ROBEaT E. SHAW _. c DATOarch 4, 1969. x l QLC.. MARY' T. SHA71 California STATE OF *MAW COUNTY OFEl. Dorado jss On this 4 day of March , 1969ubefore me the undersigned, notary public, personally appeared: Robert E. Shaw and Mary T. Shaw known to me to be the person(s) whose name(s) are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged that they execu ed the same. olsi''Ar NOTARY PUBLIC, in and for the County iy; ,., , ;of El Dorado t1• 341 , i ; A YE State of)ftentX X. California ttE%i1^;i) i'.'_ . . ..t'J d SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY ISTRFOT My commission expires• 9/ 4/69 111 SS 1M MI a 'F.'..1‘IEi r.0000110100110000010a1 rto CC11.;1~T „C.;3RUER LUCIA MANCOUR • NOTARY PUBLIC e CALIFORNIA a M PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN •Q. ' EL DORADO COUNTY s MY COMMISSION EXPIRES SEPT.14,1965 pp Li.?, O.#104.40006110000000000040,, O 5- alK 922 J : .03 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by the deed or grant dated March 4, 1969 from Robert E . Shaw and Mary T. Shaw TO SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, a political coproration and/or governmental agency, is hereby accepted by the undersigned officer or agent on behalf of the Board of Directors thereof, pursuant to authority conferred by RESOLUTION No. 832 , of the Board of Directors thereof, adopted on May 18 , 1967 , and the grantee consents to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer or agent. DATED: March 5, 1969 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT a political corporation David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board and Ex-officio Secretary of said District a t cu; BOOK 922 P4CE2O4 y. , ,.. . w. Nr. of AR 1967-4D - 910 u 6t„o, SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made by and between INTER-COUNTY TITLE COMPANY, a California. Corporation, as trustee under that certain deed of trust dated September 4, 1963 and recorded in Book 663 of Official Records at Page 48 in the office of the County Recorder, El Dorado County, State of California, under which RAY PARENTI, TRUSTEE for the STOCKHOLDERS OF TAHOE PARADISE HOMES is beneficiary) , hereinafter called first party, and SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT , a public corporation, hereinafter called second party. WITNESSETH that in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) paid by second party, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and at the request of said beneficiary, first party does hereby consent to execution of the following grant of easement for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, repairing, maintaining and operating sanitary sewers and appurtenances, together with the right of ingress and egress therefor, on, under, beneath and across that certain real property in the County of El Dorado, State of California, described as: A portion of Tahoe Paradise Unit No. 22 located in Sections 19 and 30 , T. 12 N. , R. 18 E. , M.D.M. , El Dorado County, California. A 10.0 foot wide strip of land lying Southerly of and immediately adjacent to the following described line: 51 Beginning at the most Northwesterly corner SfllsTli Z iF^ o" i! i ; IJ lI_;;"` I,S1CT of Lot 910 , Tahoe Paradise Unit No. 22 as shown on that map recorded in Book C mAR 6 Ili 54 113 of Maps , Page 56, El Dorado County Records; thence, from said point ofstifIke t.,>< COUNTY 11E00 i ci r beginning, along the Northerly line of said Lot 910 East 140.22 feet to the most Northeasterly corner of said Lot 910 , the point of termination. The sideline of said strip of land to be lengthened or shortened to meet adjoining property lines; from Robert E. Shaw and Mary T. Shaw to second party for Sanitary Sewer Facilities, beneath and across the lands described in said deed of trust, and hereby agrees that any sale made under the provisions of said deed of trust shall be subject to said easements. IN WITNESS WHEREOF first party has executed these presents this28th day of February 1969. STATE OF CALIFORNIA INTER-COUNTY TITLE COM ANY COUNTY OF El Dorado SS.A Califor is C anon 6`,T On February 28, 1969 before me, the under- signed, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared --BY: trZ Harr F. Chadwick known jY to me to be the Vice President, and ITS: Vi e President William A. Hamann, J r. , known to me to be Assistant Secretary of the Corporation chat executed the BY: ewithinInstrument, known to me to be the persons who executed the within Instrument on behalf of the Corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the within Instru- ITS: Assistant Secretarymentpursuanttoitsby-laws or a resolution of its board of directors. WITNESS my ha cial seal Seal) Signature J4i-K//,G"L C.G f W. MAX:i`.°.' COL WELLMaxieColwellVELt Name (Typed or Printed)itt'.'tY I E LiC Notary Public in and for said State EL DOR.ADO CO.,C"LIFOF'NO SON 922 PACF 205 1967-4D-910 The undersigned hereby represents to said trustee that the undersigned is now the owner and holder of the note secured by and is the beneficiary under said deed of trust and that the undersigned has not assigned or transferred said note or said deed of trust and said trustee is hereby requested to execute the foregoing consent. Acknowledged before me in the County of Sacramento,State ofCalifornia, February 27 1969 and Signed in the presence of: RAY PARE , tee for the Stock. . ders of T. ho- 'aradise Homes Witness s DON F. SCI IVLER NOTARY PUBLIC i 0 SACRAMENTO CUU;dn'(, CALITORtNIA T'1 TlA.7 s alas ls'?!'•U f My Commission Expires June 8, 1971 s.„• $22 PAGE ' y r' C LAIR A. HILL & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1 5 2 5 COURT STREET - P.O. BOX 2088 REDOING. CALIF O R N I A-9 6 0 0 1 910 • 2 4 3 - 6 8 3 1 DESCRIPTION FOR June 10 , 1968 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM -L-145 . 44 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-4D Parcel No. 910 33-424-06) Utility easement to be acquired from: ROBERT E. SLAW, et ux 1 ; A portion of Tahoe Paradise Unit No. 22 located in Sections 19 and 30, T. 12 N. , R. 18 E. , M.D.M. , El Dorado County, California. A 10 . 0 foot wide strip of land lying Southerly of and immediately adjacent to the following described line : Beginning at the most Northwesterly corner of Lot 910 , Tahoe Paradise Unit No. 22 as shown on that map recorded in Book C of Maps , Page 56 , El Dorado County Records; thence, from said point of beginning, along the Northerly line of said Lot 910 East 140.22 feet to the most Northeasterly corner of said Lot 910 , the point of termination. The sideline of said strip of land to be lengthened or shortened to meet adjoining property lines . Checked: g Date miz r. Typing It is suggested that this description be referred Traverse_ to a title company before incorporating it in any J/'/-,J MaP--- ---- document. REDDINGG F G LAIR A HILL & ASSOCIATES L CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1 5 2 5 COURT STREET - P.O. DOX 2088 t REDDING. CALIFORNIA-98001 9 1 0 - 2 4 3 - 5 8 3 1 EXHIBIT "B11 L145.44 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT EL DORADO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA June 11 , 1968 SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-4D PLAT NO. (33--424-06)PARCEL NO, 910 Utility easement to be acquired from: ROBERT E. SHAW, et ux 9 i5 N N N fi\ N 8 77 9/y N 876 N. 9 3 I l S I I g/2 0 1\ h 873 r Ii 15?-424co61 872 / 1 1 881 9 o 9 TiA-/.9 E oo/}` 6'///T moo^,:C '/1;'/,f f';i'.- i POST OFF ICE PDX 1296 TO 756 FORNI ROAD SOUTH LAKE TAHOE. CALIFORNIA 95705 REFER PLACERVILLE, CALIFORNIA 75667 PHONE 916 541-4400 PHONE 916 622.7762 41,0044a , 11171. 4 (6.2 Assessor's Parcel No. 33-424-06 TO: South Tahoe Public Utility District DATE July 26, 1968 P. 0. Box AU OUR No. 2249 South Lake Tahoe, California 95705 YOUR No. LITIGATION GUARANTEE THE FOLLOWING IS A REPORT ON THE TITLE TO THE LAND DESCRIBED IN YOUR APPLICATION FOR A POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE. TO BE ISSUED BY TRANSAMERICA TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. AND IS MADE WITHOUT LIABILITY AND WITHOUT OBLIGATION TO ISSUE SUCH POLICY. AN EXAMINATION OF THE RECORDS OF THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF EL DORAD COUNTY DISCLOSES THAT THE TITLE TO THE LAND HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED IS AT B:00 A.M. ON July 12, 1968 1*'TE1) IN: ROBERT E. SHAW and MARY T. SHAW, husband and wife, as Joint Tenants. SUBJECT TO: 1. Taxes for the 1968-69 fiscal year, now a lien but not yet due or payable. 2. El Dorado County Tax Sale No. 36943 for 1966-67 taxes. Amount necessary to redeem to July 28, 1968, $80.27 3. Set Back Line as shown on the map of said subdivision. Affects the West 20 feet of Lot 910. 4. The real property herein described is situate within the boundaries of the South Tahoe Pulbic Utility District and will be subject to any taxes, assessments or charges thereof. 5. The effect of conditions, restrictions and reservations as set forth in Declaration of Tract Restrictions by Tahoe Paradise Homes, a California corporation, recorded August 29, 1960 in Book 520 of Official Records, at page 94. 1 — 6. The right to grant rights of way and easements as reserved in deed executed by Tahoe Paradise Inc. , dated November 5, 1963 and recorded November 7, 1963 in Book 663 of Official Records, at page 47. 7. Deed of Trust executed by Robert E. Shaw and Mary T. Shaw, his wife, Trustors to Inter-County Title Co., a California corporation, Trustee and Tahoe Paradise, Inc., a California corporation, Beneficiary in the amount of $3,510.00, dated September 4, 1963 and recorded November 7, 1963 in Book 663 of Official Records, at page 48. The above Deed of Trust was assigned to Ray Parenti, Trustee for the Stockholders of Tahoe Paradise Homes, by an assignment dated April 20, 1964 and recorded April 24, 1964 in Book 686 of Official Records, at page 308. NOTE: A. The address of the vestees herein appears to be as follows: 4436 Amador, Fremont, California B. For your information the following are the taxes for the 1967-68 fiscal year: First Installment $36.57 Paid Second Installment $36.57 Paid DESCRIPTION see attached sheet) THIS REPORT DOES NOT INCLUDE AN EXAMINATION OF. AND THE POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE IN THE USUAL FORM WILL NOT INSURE AGAINST LOSS BY REASON OF: 1. EASEMENTS OR LIENS WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF THE COUNTY. OR OF THE CITY, IN WHICH SAID LAND OR ANY PART THEREOF IS SITUATED. 2. RIGHTS OR CLAIMS OF PERSONS IN POSSESSION OF SAID LAND WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN BY THOSE PUBLIC RECORDS WHICH IMPART CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE. 3 ANY FACTS, RIGHTS. INTERESTS, OR CLAIMS WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN BY THOSE PUBLIC RECORDS WHICH IMPART CON- STRUCTIVE NOTICE, BUT WHICH COULD BE ASCERTAINED BY AN INSPECTION OF SAID LAND, DR BY MAKING INQUIRY OF PERSONS IN POSSESSION THEREOF, OR BY A CORRECT SURVEY. 4. MINING CLAIMS. RESERVATIONS IN PATENTS, WATER RIGHTS. CLAIMS OR TITLE TO WATER. S. ANY GOVERNMENTAL ACTS OR REGULATIONS RESTRICTING, REGULATING OR PROHIBITING THE OCCUPANCY OR USE OF SAID LAND OR ANY BUILDING OR STRUCTURE THEREON. 6. THE PLAT WHICH ACCOMPANIIES THIS REPORT IS NOT A SURVEY, AND THEREFORE THE PLAT IS NOT A PART OF THIS REPORT SILVERADO TITLE COMPANY BY. F o)(1) 4t 1[ ,/,.„44.!L't 641...T. EL:aek 2- Walter D. Summers Vice President 2249 DESCRIPTION All that certain real property situate in the County of El Dorado State of California particularly described as follows: Lot 910 , as shown upon that certain Map entitled "TAHOE PARADISE UNIT NO. 22 ", filed in the Office of the County Recorder of El Dorado County, State of California, on August 29, 1960 , in Map Book C , page 56. EXCEPTING THEREFROM all subsurface water arising therein and thereunder or flowing through said premises, together with the exclusive right to recover said water and to remove the same, as set forth in that certain Deed from Tahoe Paradise Homes, a corporation, to Meyers Water Co. , a corporation, dated December 22, 1960 and recorded January 27, 1961, in Book 537 of the Official Records, of El Dorado County, at page 247. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM all oil, gas and hydrocarbon substances and all minerals of whatever kind or nature, together with the right to recover the same provided, how- ever, that such recovery shall only be by means of slant drilling or by mine shaft mining below a depth of 100 feet from the surface as reserved in deed executed by Tahoe Paradise, Inc., a California corporation, dated November 5, 1963 and recorded November 7, 1963 in Book 663 of Official Records, at page 47. arr iiiii/808/81•8888/ I aso p1dN 48 c.00 00 Igliligi 140.40' 000' . o: . f $U8. 0„ . roa.+o.a" St NfoUT.' N%, f. 041i.o.od 1a.ot' • O. 46,II Ol w o - 1. m a o T A o O O g g N 0 IF ' .9 t f•O •0. 4 N f JP 1104711 P171.11‘ 1 ' ' MI- 44e<:. •- ® r 4 b ° SZ 1a i 4k' Oo • t4Qgpp0 :%. atti'4 . 4y. O t' cm 1„. 0 a) to:-......"........:1y 4 S +> T o S 1 >+'oo O V* r 4 >'oo ` - a'1T 4. 01:.i 3 w pa r . oo O dr V y t? ts O Pt11r4. 00. 'f \ 0.- ® ° Q O V a 4 'V •*Q..y. v 1.4 S co O a+te• >?oo. N'f a)oo w8r o qw j+ tb Z y A •o ft • OSy. r ' • 0o O p S _ e. M.aF 4. ,:i Cb• . O i BOUT.'tl•• 492_/44. r, . 46 • O • 0 0 t 4.0(Ap.0 t11 01 t 'g 0g 4 Ol ,.K. y • Iz° >• > a. 4 f 99• u+ 4. MOO' se.od 1000' 4r O a• 'it G"4 074.00' coo' moo' Tt.w' S' 1 Ctl 1 0 U T.'i CD r n m i P3 3-7VIdpvcomMOyiY '0.i 4 ® .y' It 74 'd A 0.-8$ a 8 co 8 co $ . $ O y U. O 9 ca of acn moo' mod moo* mod rs.11 mod rood us.•f' { • t J' f ' tf r a. sour.' Iowa' W } a" f ip a x 2. DELAWARE STPPfT a `d • 74.00' rs.00' ''MOW T•A0' T•.0o' -''ii.'6u' I-»oo' .M 00' n.11' 1p)0.1. 71 A I'! i, r4 a 0 0 i O .' Nn PEx nVI c+a s o E w i o b o f c S le v y 0 3 w u .o p is s'^' +o v 0 'I> i.y.o. !A a 8 .4 . O) $ W S N 2 w 's 0. A •`'b. N Cd 2.: 0 0 0 0 0 ® 0 ® ® ® • d m w - , mod ?cod mod mod mod si r,0°• 12 o.00' woad bo•0' ,4„Z Z Q SOUTH 10rr.2$ o•It SSA SS10.00' Q TO w