ResponseScoresheet_CSkellyIT Strategic Plan Update RFP Scoresheet NAME: Please review each of the RFP responses before answering the questions below. IT Strategic Plan Update RFP: HERE (RFP Requirements and key areas are posted below) Addendum 1 (removes the IT Disaster Recovery component from RFP): HERE 1) Were any responses incomplete in your opinion? Please explain 2) How relevant are the contractors past similar jobs and past similar agencies they used in their response? Please rate the contractor with the most relevant experience in order (1 is best). 1. GTG 2. SDI 3. Shpigler 3) Which response best communicated the contractor’s methodology, timelines, and other project work? Please rate them in order (1 is best) 1. GTG 2. SDI 3. Shpigler 4) Please rate the contractors on the responses writing and formatting (1 is best). 1. SDI 2. GTG 3. Shpigler 4. Based on the submitted RFP responses please rate the contractors in preference to award contract (1 is most preferred). 1. GTG 2. SDI 3. Shpigler Comments: GTG: Past local government experience. CIO, CTO’s, and IT Managers SDI Shpigler – SELECTION CRITERIA The successful applicant must have public sector IT strategic plan experience. The successful firm will have demonstrated their ability to meet these requirements. Other criteria include: 1. Completeness of response to the RFP 2. Experience with similar projects at similar agencies and reference feedback 3. Ability to present technically complex concepts in a simple, comprehensible way 4. Cost 5. Oral communication skills 6. Writing and formatting skills REQUIREMENTS OF PROPOSAL The following materials must be marked when submitted with the proposal. Proposal can include additional material; however, the length of the proposal should be kept to a minimum. 1. Cover Letter The cover letter should briefly state the consultant’s understanding of the work to be performed, the commitment to perform the work in the required timelines, and why the consultant believes it is best qualified to perform the duties and tasks outlined and described in scope of work contained in this request. It should be signed by an official with the legal authority to commit the resources of the firm. 2. Qualifications The proposal should include the following information and materials: a. Qualifications and Related Experience of Personnel Who Will Perform Work. Résumés of all personnel who are proposed to provide professional services to the District within the Scope of Work outlined and described in this request should be included. Résumés should include all relevant experience, education, and other qualifications over the past 3 years. b. Prior Relevant Experience. A description of prior work experience and projects relevant to the Scope of Work outlined and described in this request should be included. c. References of Local Government Clients. Please include a list of at least three (3) current and/or previous local government clients located in California for which a consultant assigned to the project has rendered professional services like the scope of work outlined and described in this request. 3. Approach, Scope, and Timelines Provide a proposed approach and projected timeline to conduct and complete each step in the Scope of Work 4. Cost a. Cost Estimate with justification b. Justification of hours and costs may be required prior to final selection and will be required prior to execution of a contract. c. Proposal shall include hourly rates for all personnel on the project. d. Proposal should include options for reducing or adding services.