fr_3247_6-1-23_ti'$7( -2%12 352-(&7 /2&$7,21 2:1(5 &2175$&725 :($7+(5 7(03 ƒ) DW $0 ƒ) DW30 35(6(17$76,7( 6LHUUD0DQRU'ULYH6XLWH 5HQR 1HYDGD SKRQH   ID[   FIELD REPORT 7+()2//2:,1*:$6127(' 5HSRUW1R ,1+286(5287(72 (0$,/ -$'BBB Submitted by FIELD DENSITY SUMMARY 7HVW 1R 0DWHULDO'HVFULSWLRQ(OHYDWLRQ  ,Q3ODFH 'U\ 'HQVLW\ 3&) ,Q3ODFH 0RLVWXUH &RQWHQW  2SWLPXP 0RLVWXUH &RQWHQW  0D[LPXP 'U\ 'HQVLW\ 3&) ,Q3ODFH &RPSDFWLRQ  6SHFLILHG 5HODWLYH &RPSDFWLRQ 0LQ 0DWHULDO 6RXUFH )* )LQLVK*UDGH6* 6XEJUDGH5* 5RXJK*UDGH2* 2ULJLQDO*UDGH)7* )RRWLQJ*UDGH%& %DVH&RXUVH3UHIL[% %HORZ 3DJHRI *DXJH,QIR 6RLOV'HQVLW\5HVXOWV 0RGHO6HULDO1R'DWHRI&DOLEUDWLRQ6WG&RXQW  0HWKRGRI0HDVXUHPHQW 0DNH 5HODWLYH7HVW 'HSWK LQ 6WG&RXQW  06/01/23 3247 STPUD 2023 INSPECTIONS & TESTING SERVICES - TASK ORDER NO. 21 South Lake Tahoe, CA South Tahoe Public Utility District Vinciguerra Adrian Combes SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Clear/Calm Tom Ingram 3 49 08:00 CME personnel arrived onsite at 8:00am. Upon arrival was informed that the vac truck was down and there was a possibility that another was on the way. In the meantime a crew member was working in the yard and shuttling material to the fenced area by the post office. While material was being moved more meters were looked for off the list that had been provided by the district. Fuel arrived and members of the crew returned to Hank Monk to continue pot hole at the valve in front of 2741 Hank Monk (61'' top pipe). They also performed pot holing operations at 1495 Horace Greeley(48'' top pipe, 3' into AC). One was also dug at the east intersection of Hank Monk and Horace Greeley(51-40", it's coming up at an angle). Saw cut lines were also placed on Snowshoe Thompson and Horace Greeley. Pot hole locations were also placed on Ormsby. JVL____ Morgan 1 Troxler 3430 Direct - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Density Moisture DocuSign Envelope ID: 16C9B26B-DA47-465A-94FD-AFA398FC5667 3+2726 ,QLWLDO DATE JOB NO.3DJHRI PROJECT 06/01/23 3247 32 STPUD 2023 INSPECTIONS & TESTING SERVICES - TASK ORDER NO. 21 Truck loaded with material to be placed in fenced area at old Post Office Storing material at Post Office storage Unloading material from trailer Pot hole being performed on Horace Greeley DocuSign Envelope ID: 16C9B26B-DA47-465A-94FD-AFA398FC5667 3+2726 ,QLWLDO DATE JOB NO.3DJHRI PROJECT 06/01/23 3247 33 STPUD 2023 INSPECTIONS & TESTING SERVICES - TASK ORDER NO. 21 Object found in pot hole at 1495 Horace Greeley DocuSign Envelope ID: 16C9B26B-DA47-465A-94FD-AFA398FC5667