New Cingular Wireless PCS (1)Market:Northern California Cell Site Number:CNCOW51 Cell Site Name:Snowglobe 2019 COW Fixed Asset Number: 10148643 TEMPORARY SITE LICENSE Agreement") LICENSOR: South Tahoe Public Utility District LICENSEE: New Cingular Wireless PCS,LLC,a Delaware limited liability company TERM: December 17,2019—December 16,2020 LICENSE FEE: 5,000.00 per month paid on the first day of the month in advance EFFECTIVE DATE: Upon the Latter of Licensor and Licensee Signatures Below. PROPERTY; 1275 Meadow Crest Drive,South Lake Tahoe,CA 96150 APN:025-061-030-000&025-061-032-0001 LICENSED SITE: A cell site on wheels parked in a 25'-0" x 30'-0" space in Licensor's parking lot38.923408°,—119.971208),as more particularly depicted on Exhibit A 1. License of Licensed Site. During the Term hereof, Licensor hereby licenses that certain portion of thePropertyasdepictedonExhibitAattachedhereto ("Licensed Site"), and grants to Licensee the right to install, operate and maintain at Licensee's expense and risk, temporary communications transmitting and receivingequipment, including (without limitation) antennas, poles, masts, transmission line(s), vehicles and accessories collectively,the"Equipment",as generally depicted on Exhibit A attached hereto)at the Licensed Site. Licensee shall at all times have the right to enter or leave the Licensed Site with full and complete access to its Equipment onatwenty-four(24) hour,seven (7) day per week basis by contacting the District's security at (530) 543-6240 for access through a locked gate.At its discretion,Licensee may take at its expense measures and precautions necessarytoprotecttheEquipment. The Property is utilized by Licensor for the operation of a wastewater treatment plant thatisinoperationtwenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week. Licensee will not disrupt Licensors operation of the treatment plant. Licensee shall access Elm Licensed Site by an access route designated by Licensor.Blocking or restricting of roads must be approved by the Licensors in writing seven(7)days in advance. Licensor is not responsible for clearing snow from the ingress or egress routes or the Licensed Site, which shall be the responsibility of Licensee.The Licensed Site is located adjacent to a building housing backflow prevention facilitiesandundergroundpipesbeneaththeLicensedSite. The underground pipes are not planned to be accessed,but in theeventofapipefailure,Licensee must relocate the Equipment until Licensor completes repairs,at no cost to Licensor for the first incident, but at the District's cost for any subsequent such requests. Licensee represents that it hasinspectedandexaminedthePropertyandtheLicensedSiteandacceptthemintheir"as is"condition. 2. License Fee. Commencing on the date that Licensee commences installation of its Equipment at theLicensedSite(the"Licensee Fee Commencement Date"), Licensee shall pay Licensor the first(1st)installment of the License Fee for the first(1st)full month of the Term.The License Fee for each subsequent month shall be due and payable in full by not later than the first(1st)day of each month. Licensor hereby grants to Licensee a"graceperiod" of forty-five (45) days after the License Fee Commencement Date to deliver the first installment of the License Fee to Licensor.The License Fee shall be prorated for any partial month. Licensee's obligation to pay theLicenseFeeissubjecttoLicensor's proper completion and delivery to Licensee of an IRS-W-9,CA FTB Form 590andLicensee's Standard Payment Direction Form. 12.12.19 Draft 1 3. Removal of Equipment and Licensed Site Condition. Except as set forth herein, Licensee takes the Licensed Site as it finds it. and Licensor shall have no responsibility for its condition or any damage suffered by Licensee or any other person due to such condition,Unless otherwise mutually agreed by the parties,Licensee shall remove all of the Equipment prior to the end of the Term,and Licensee strap leave the Licensed Site and any other areas of the Property where Licensee has installed utility and/or telco connections in substantially the same condition that existed as of the License Fee Commencement Date,ordinary wear and tear and occurrences for which Licensee is not responsible hereunder,excepted. 4. indemnification. Licensee shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Licensor, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents and contractors (collectively, "Licensor Parties"), against any claims, liabilities or losses, including attorneys' fees,resulting from or arising out of the use or occupancy of the Property by Licensee, its employees, agents and contractors (collectively, "Licensee Parties"); except to the extent attributable to the active negligence or willful misconduct of the Licensor Parties,or any of them, S. insurance. Licensee will maintain commercial general liability insurance per ISO form CG 00 01 or its equivalent with limits of$2,000,000 for injury or death and damage or destruction to property per occurrence and in the aggregate. Licensee agrees to include Licensor as and additional insured as the interest appears under this Agreement. Licensee shall provide Licensor certificates of insurance for the required insurance coverages prior to accessing the Property. Licensee shall also obtain and maintain: a. Automobile Liability - $2,000,000 combined single limit each accident for bodily injury and property damage. b. Worker's Compensation—statutory c. Waiver of subrogation under workers compensation. Upon receipt of notice from its insureds),each Party will use commercially reasonable efforts to provide the other Party with thirty(30)days prior written notice of cancellation of any coverage required herein that is not replaced. The commercial general liability and automobile liability insurance coverages required by this Agreement shall include the following provisions and endorsements:the insurance shall be primary:cross liability and severability of interest;waiver and transfer of all rights of recovery(subrogation);and. Licensor and its elected officials,officers and employees will be included as additional insureds. 6. Environmental. Licensee shall conduct its business on the Property in compliance with all applicable laws governing the protection of the environment or employee health and safety("EH&S Laws"). Licensee shall indemnify and hold harmless the Licensor from claims to the extent resulting from Licensee's violation of any applicable EH&S Laws or to the extent that Licensee causes a release of any regulated substance to the environment. The parties recognize that Licensee is only leasing a small portion of Licensor's Property and that Licensee shall not be responsible for any environmental condition or issue existing on the Property except to the extent resulting from Licensee's activities and responsibilities hereunder. 7. Compliance with Laws/Operation of Equipment. Licensee agrees to comply with all federal state and local laws,orders,rules and regulations("Laws")applicable to Licensee's use of the Equipment on the Property. Licensor agrees to comply with all Laws relating to Licensor's ownership and use of the Property and any improvements on the Property. Licensee will install, operate and maintain its Equipment so as not to cause interference(as that term is defined in the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission),with any radio or television transmitting or receiving equipment located on the Property,provided that such equipment is installed and operating in accordance with Laws. In the event that Licensee's Equipment causes interference with other radio or television transmissions that are installed and operated in accordance with Laws, Licensee will promptly take reasonable steps necessary to correct and eliminate the same. If Licensee is unable to eliminate the interference within a reasonable period of time, Licensee agrees to either de-power the portion of the Equipment except for intermittent testing)or remove the portion of the Equipment from the Licensed Site.Licensor agrees to reasonably assist Licensee,at no cost to Licensor, in obtaining and maintaining permits or approvals necessary for the operation and maintenance of the Equipment. 12,12.19 Malt 2 8. Electrical Service. Between December 17, 2019 and January I, 2020, Licensee shall have the right to bring on the Licensed Site and operate a generator or other temporary power supply to power Licensee's Equipment at no additional cost to Licensee. Prior to December 1711',2019,Licensee may utilize a generator or other temporary power supply to power Licensee's Equipment for limited periods to only test and `ensure proper operations of equipment. After January 2nd, 2020, Licensee must establish an electrical service to' continue to operate the equipment. A generator of other temporary power supply may only be utilized in the event of a temporary electrical service outage. Installation of any electrical service will be coordinated with Licensor and subject to approval in advance by Licensor. Licensor covenants and agrees not to unreasonably withhold, condition or delay any such approval,and to promptly review and either approve(or sign and deliver,as the case may be),or comment on any plans or agreements required by any public utility which may require written permission or any other agreement from Licensor as a condition to installing or maintaining electrical service at no additional cost to Licensee or the public utility. 9. Telephone Service. Licensee.shall have the•right to install at Licensee's sole cost anyT-1,fiber or other telephone connection deemed necessary by Licensee for the operation of the Equipment.-Installation of any T-1. fiber or other telephone.connection will be coordinated with Licensor and subject to approval in advance by Licensor. Licensor covenants and agrees.not to unreasonably withhold,condition or delay any such approval,and to promptly review and either approve (or sign and deliver, as the case may be), or comment on any plans or agreements required by any public utility which may require written,permission or any other agreement from Licensor as a condition to installing or maintaining telephone connections at no additional cost to Licensee or the public Utility. . . 10. Termination. Licensee shall have the right to terminate this Agreement for any reason or no reason upon thirty(30)days written notice to Licensor. Licensor shall have the right to terminate this Agreement in the event for any reason Licensee fails to comply with any of the terms of this Agreement and does not cure same within thirty30)days of receipt of written notice of such.failure from Licensor. 11. Damage to Licensed Site. If the Licensed Site or any portion thereof is damaged for any reason so as to render the Licensed Site unusable for Licensee's intended purpose other than as a result of snow or Licensee's activities,the License Fee shall abate for such period as the Licensed Site is unusable. In addition,Licensee may,at •its option,elect to terminate(his License upon notice to Licensor. 12. Assignment. Licensee will have the right to assign this'Agreement in whole or in part,with Licensor's consent,which shall not be unreasonably withheld,conditioned or delayed.Notwithstanding the foregoing,Licensee shall have the right to assign this Agreement, in whole or in part, without Licensor's consent, only to an assignee under the ultimate control.of AT&T Inc.Upon notification to Licensor of such assignment,Licensee will be relieved of all future performance,liabilities and obligations under this License to the extent of such assignment. 13. Notices. Any notice or demand required or permitted to be given or made hereunder shall be deemed effective when properly sent and received, refused or returned undelivered. Notices may be sent by overnight delivery,or by certified or registered mail,return receipt requested,postage prepaid,addressed as follows: If to Licensor: South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lance Tahoe,CA 96150 Attn:General Manager If to Licensee: New Cingular Wireless PCS,LLC Attn:Tower Asset Group—Lease Administration Re:Cell Site No.:CNCOW51 Cell Site Name:Snowglobe 2019 COW(CA) Fixed Asset No.: 10148643 1025 Lenox Park Blvd.NE,3rd Floor Atlanta,GA 30319 12.12.19 Draft 3 With a required copy to Licensee's Legal Department: New Cingular Wireless PCS,LLC Attn:Legal Department—Network Operations Re:Cell Site No.:CNCOW51 Cell Site Name:Snowglobe 2019 COW(CA) Fixed Asset No.: 10148643 208 S.Akard Street Dallas,TX 75202-4206 14. Waiver. Failure or delay on the part of Licensor or Licensee to exercise any right, power or privilege hereunder shall not operate as a waiver thereof. t5. Prior Negotiations. This License constitutes the entire agreement of the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof and shall supersede all prior offers,negotiations and agreements. 16. Amendment. No revision of this License shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by dulyauthorizedofficersorrepresentativesofLicenseeandLicensor. I7. Licensor's Representations. Licensor represents and warrants that(i)it solely owns the Property in fee simple; (ii) the Property is not and will not be encumbered by any liens, restrictions, mortgages, covenants, , conditions, easements, leases, or any other agreements of record or not of record, which would adversely affect Licensee's use of its Equipment or the enjoyment of the Licensed Site under this License:(iii)as long as Licensee is not in default beyond any applicable cure period, then Licensor grants to Licensee the sole, actual, quiet and peaceful use, enjoyment and possession of the Licensed Site; (iv) Licensor's execution and performance of this Agreement will not violate any laws, ordinances, covenants or the provisions of any mortgage, lease or other agreement binding on Licensor;and(v)it is duly organized,validly existing and in good standing and has the right, power and authority to enter into this Licensor and bind itself hereto through the party set forth as signatory for the party below. Licensee may conclusively rely on Licensor's foregoing representations and warranties notwithstanding the contents of any documents or matters of record known or knowable by Licensee through a search of public records or otherwise. 18. Governing Law. This License shall be construed and governed in accordance with the laws of the State of California. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties have executed this Agreement as of the Effective Dale. LICENSOR: LICENSEE: South Tahoe Public Utility District New Cingular Wireless PCS,LLC, a Delaware limited liability company By: By:AT&T Mobility Corpo Name: S'C , o.1 Co v l la its:Manager Its: /fSS(s•fr,,,-I- 4,4 rr-t, I /refit Date: 1 By: /r7 Name: Michael Guibord Its: Director Date: Construction Fnoirlaerinro 12.12.19 Draft 4 EXHIBIT A DEPICTION OF THE LICENSED SITE AND EQUIPMENT Overview of COW Location 100%Construction Drawings dated October 23,2019,prepared by Streamline Engineering and Design,Inc.,and consisting of six(6)pages,appear on following pages] 12.12.19 Drafl 5 CNCOW51 SNOW Ir. GLOBE0*22.-- j at&mt r.a.,4,2,..,..I., ISSUE STATUS h. A00405QAri s.- 1/0j11 W00r00a A5 CNCOW51 W • SNOW GLOBE 34A1N B1: 2.RTMI WAIN 01: 1 OW AMMO BC 1275 MEADOW CREST DRIVE DME: 19 Arz: IDh5A5 SOUTH LAKE TAHOE,CA 96510 II SAH: 1: PROJECT DESCRIPTION VICINITY MAP 1 CODE COMPLIANCE L, sill;:;: A(NJ IN/4e®AY1 IOICOM,NCA001 NOWT c[2s1r0 L1: 1 131',.5IAS1NN1q(N)C01(tilt 01 wits] De I. 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ELEVATIONS pffTlyuat _ A-4 AT&T PAYMENT DIRECTION FORM 1) NEW ADDRESS OR CHANGE/MODIFY ADDRESS 2) This address applies to: PAYMENTS ONLY OR PAYMENTS AND NOTICES SITE NAME: South Tahoe Public Utility District SITE ADDRESS: 1275 Meadow Crest Drive,South Lake Tahoe CA 96150 FA# LESSOR NAME:* South Tahoe Public Utility District PAYEE NAME:** South Tahoe Public Utility District PAYMENT ADDRESS: 1275 Meadow Crest Drive,South Lake Tahoe CA 96150 LESSOR PHONE/FAX NUMBER: 530-544-6474 ph 530-541-0614 fax LESSOR EMAIL ADDRESS: scotulla@stpud.dst.ca.us LESSOR/PAYEE VENDOR ID NUMBER: if existing vendor) PREVIOUS MANAGEMENT COMPANY: if applicable) V//9- LESSOR/PAYEE PERCENTAGE PAYMENT SHARE:*** o o 7 Lessor Name should be exactly as stated in Lease/License For cases of different payee name and management company handling payments and taxes see acknowledgement below Percentage of rent payment to be paid to Lessor/Payee named herein I hereby authorize ATT Mobility LLC and/or its subsidiaries to make all rent payments and other payments relating to the site named above to the Lessor/Payee and Payment Address listed above(subject to the Lessor/Payee Payment Share listed above). I further acknowledge and agree that the Lessor Payment Share listed above is correct. Payment remitted to Persons other than landlord. By checking this box and initialing I do acknowledge I have contracted with a management company that will handle the payments and tax implications of this lease agreement This authorization shall remain in effect until I have cancelled it in writing in as much time as to afford you a reasonable time to act upon it. Pfa f lc•r?r ISA7/7 LESSOR AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE TITLE D J'4 a/I /1 49 C) PRINT LEGIBLY) LESSOR O ED GN TURE TITLE DATE PRINT LEGIBLY) Return To: AT&T Tower Asset Group-Lease Admin 1025 Lenox Park Blvd NE Atlanta,GA 30319-5309 RELeaseAdmin@att.com Form:8/20/2019