Tahoe Tribune Affidavit 2021 0430+ TAHOE DAILY Triuiie Your News. Your Tahoe. a tahoedailytribnn -_Comm 580 Mallory Way, Carson City, NV 89701 P.O. Box 1888 Carson City, NV 89702 (775) 881-1201 FAX: (775) 887-2408 Customer Account #: 1067078 Legal Account SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, 1275 MEADOW CREST DR SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA 96150 Attn: Star Glaze Bailee Liston says: That (s)he is a legal clerk of the Tahoe Daily Tribune, a newspaper published Friday at South Lake Tahoe, in the State of California. Copy Line Invitation to Bid Email PO#: Ad M 0000681990-01 of which a copy is hereto attched, was published in said newspaper for the full required period of 1 time(s) commencing on 04/30/2021, and ending on 04/30/2021, all days inclusive. Signed: yxafYrl)srie r`i� Date: 04/30/2021 State of Nevada, Carson City This is an Original Electronic Affidavit. Price: $ 492.96 Proof and Statement of Publication Ad M 0000681990-01 INVITATION TO BID The South Tahoe Public Utility District (STPUD) inWce ceased bids by Aeectronic suWnission only for the c.r slruction of the Tahoe Keys Pump Station Replacement Project. Electronic Bids will be received untie 2:00 pm, Wednesday, June 16, 2021. Hard copy anginal BId Bond tar other acceptable form d! bid 9acuriiy] MUST be dellverod iv Distrtat in advance of Bid deadline. Bids suomilled after IN9 lime will not be accepted by the electronic bidding system. All bids that have been timely received will be publicly opened and the content read aloud at a virtual bid opening. A meeting link, call -in number and access code for the bid opening area as follows: Meeting Link: hTip4:llglcbal.gotonweting.comnokVS91612741 Call -in Number: 1.666.699.41379 Access Code: 991-612-741 All interested parties are invited to attend- Bids shall be valid for 60 calendar days after the bid opening date, ati required In the Bid Form. The site of the work is located on DISTRICT property (APN 022-020-001). within an established residential noiphbomaod, at the northeast corner of the inisrsectlon of Tahoe Keys 8vulsvafd and Venice Drive, in the City of South Lake Tahoe, in the Cvunly al El Dorado, Califomia. The work to be perormed under this Contract intrudes Ttea furnishing of all labor. materials. tools, and equip oral for the Tahoe Keys Pump Siatlon Replacement Project. The work generally consists of the following: Demolition of the existing pumps. discharge piping, valves. electrical equipment and bnsirumematkm control sy%nerns. ConauVction of new wol well wile Three aut morsibre chopper pumps. valvulmeter vault, manholes, piping, electrical equipment. instrumenlafion and Control systems. mechanical vqurpmanl, site impr011emen15, and Incoming and outgoing sayer piping connections. All work assoclafad with this contract shall Include. but Sol be limited To mobillzationldemobllizatlon; dewalarV of excavafon: sheeling, Steel1 ng. and hraGrrttgg of excavation; construction of wel wall and velvalmeler vaWi: Irafric Cehlrol; erosion and sediment control; cleaning; debris removal and disposal; vnrificalton of pipe ran ills. depths, and diameters; sewer Ilnw CONMIo lumishing and In9tellfng pipe; providing bypass pumping, temporary piping, fampprary ele Arical and controls equl meal: linel cci Nactlerls; inspection and tastl% nlli ting; sale resiorallon! and such other items or details That are required ter the Contract Spacifiwtions and Plans to be performed, placed, constmeted, or installed. A copy of The Contracl Document$ are on 111e and may be examined vie a Intmeni at the South Tahoe Public: U11lity, District Offices, 1275 Meadow Cmst DNva, South Lake Tahoe. California. or at Car0a0 Engineers. Inc-. 2600 Galeway Oaks Crivo, Suhe 300, Sacramenlo. CA 95633. In order to RSVP for the mandatory online Pre -Bid Confeianco, download the Conleaat Documents and receive addendums and notiltattons when issued, Bidders must register as a vendor at the District's Vendor Portal: httpL//www.pkKmdbkls.conVportal/porbd.cf m?Cc,mpanyI D-21516 Electronic bids will also be submitted through this webefte. Paper bids will not be accepted. Contract Documents are available for free download on the District's Vendor Portal. For assistance in downloading those documents or rogislering as a vendor contact Slar Glaze, Contracts Administrator at (530) 54a-6205- Aif bids are to be submitted electranl"Ily es required in Section OQ LIQ 00 Inslructlons for ProcuremenT• After electronic bk$ding, each bidder shall submit IbWr orlainal Bid Form% to South Tahoe PuCdc Utlri% District at 1275 Meadow Crest D e. South Lake Tahoe. California fly 2`00 P. vn June 18, 2021 Ouesllorm or comments reparding thts project must be submitted ebaclrenlcally via our electronic blgdfng system and must be received by the Dilitrlcl no fatter than 4:Oo pm, on June 6, 2021. Ouesilons recelved after the date Indicated will not be accepted. Phone Celts. Em ills and faxes will not be accepted. Responses from the District will be Communicated via the electronic bidding system. This project is beingfunded.fundFFe�d. In pan, by the California Clean Water State Ravolvicomply wt}h STatFund sCantlto Fe[fer,. �r contract The ules and rpr will be ufalionsr t�i+cludn g requirements for Disadvantaged Business Enln�nse (DBE) and American Iron and Steel (AIS) as detailed in Sections 00 74 00 and 00 75 00 of the Specificativns. The ❑❑ me Contractor Is required to provide dccumentahon that the kxat U.S. Small gusirless Adrainb ilratlen (SBA) and/or the Minority Business Development Aganty fMBDA) of the U.S. Department of Commame' were notified of The convecting opportunity at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the bid opening date. A bid will 4e cansldered nan•rospon9h.v oaks¢ i! includes the forms required in Section 00 75 00 to be compielad and submltled with the Bid. A mandatory virtual (online) Pto-Rld Conference will be held using GoTvMee tin&g by the South Tahoe Publlc U1Ility District on Thursday, May 13, 26R7 at 10:00 am. Prospecl Ive bidde re must RSV P for the PM-Uld Conference in advance via the following It nk: hbpp://ettendee.gatewebinar.com/reg1. 1-01l42%5952S 73317390 Any bidder absent from the Pia -Bid Conference shall have their bid disqualifiednon-reapdnaive. A virtual lour of the site of work will be conducas led as part e} the Pre -Bid Conference. In accordance with the provisions of California Public Contract Code section 3300, the South Tahoe Public UI10ty District has dmerminsci chat the bidder shall possess a valid class A contractor Elcense at the time of bird opaning, the Contract Is awarded and for the duration Of the Contract. Failure to possess the specified license shall render lha old as non -responsive and sheil act as a bar to awarding the contract to any bidder not possessing saki license W tiro time of award. THIS PROJECT IS SUBJECT TO PREVAILING WAGE REQUIREMENTS AS OUTLINED IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PubOoation: April 30. 2021 Ad#0000681990