Quick Log TKSPSR_062923STPUD QUICK LOG Day & Date: Thursday 062923 Transcribe: Yes No Project: Tahoe Keys Pump Station Replacement Contractor: T&S Construction Inspector: M. Mendoza Today’s Weather Forecast: Chance of Precipitation: 0% Sunny, highs near 78°, northeast winds 5mph Crews and Equipment on site: Crew: Offsite by 5pm 1 Foreman: Joe Operator: 2 Laborers: Devon, John Truck Driver: Welder : Electrician: Equipment: 1 Work Truck – 1 Ton 1 Crane Broderson IC-80 1 Mini Ex John Deere 35G Contractor Requests (shutdowns, pours, etc.): Tests Performed: Service/Utility Hits: Potential Change Order Items/T&M: Work Completed Today: T&S: Removed louvers from the west side of building, continued to excavate for drain lines, conduits and odor scrubber between the wet well/valve vault and the existing wet well and building. The contractor exposed the remaining sheet piles and started cutting them down to remove them from the pipe and conduit runs. SJE: Electrician took pictures and measurements then left  Notes: (Visitors, Incidents, Accidents): Carpenter Union Business Representative made a visit.