STPUD NEXGEN Asset Management Proposal - 5 (004)PROPOSAL South Tahoe Public Utility District NEXGEN Asset Management Software & Implementation PREPARED FOR: STPUD PREPARED BY: Vincent Yee/NEXGEN CC: David Hargadon/NEXGEN TOPIC: Software Cost & Implementation Scope of Work DATE: September8th, 2024 Objective South Tahoe Public Utility District(STPUD)is interested in implementing NEXGEN Asset Management software to support its asset management program that includes the facilities and fleet for its water, wastewater and reclaimed water services. The Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) software will be used for STPUD’swater treatment plants, wastewater treatment plants, pump stations, booster stations, storage tanks, facilities and fleet. The purposes of this document are to present STPUD with the implementation approach, cost for the software and implementation services. Software Cost The STPUD is considering the cloud option that will be hosted on Microsoft Azureandtheon-premise option. We understand that the STPUD would require 25concurrent users. NEXGEN software cost is by the number of concurrent users. The STPUD has unlimited number of named users. The costs include every module on the desktop and mobile applications. The annual maintenance and support fees include all the upgrades and technical support, as well as unlimited report writing for STPUD for the life of the product. Cloud Option Software Cost The software will be hosted by Microsoft Azure. The software cost will be billed on July 15th, 2025 and will renew each year.Note that the annual cost could increase no more than 5% a year. Tier Concurrent Users Storage Limit Data Transfer Limit Annual Cost ($) NEXGEN Cloud 330 (3TB/30GB) 25 3 TB 30 GB/Month $75,000 NEXGEN Cloud 440 (4TB/40GB) 40 4 TB 40 GB/Month $100,000 NEXGEN Cloud 550 (5TB/50GB) 50 5 TB 50 GB/Month $112,500 NEXGEN Cloud Enterprise Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited $120,000 311 Service Request Portal and Mobile Application (optional) The 311 Service Request Portal and Mobile application are for requesters to generate service requests in NEXGEN Asset Management software. These are unlimited requesters. Option Users Annual Cost ($) NEXGEN 311 Service Request Portal Unlimited $20,000 Note that the annual cost could increase no more than 5% a year Contractor Portal and Mobile Application (optional) The Contractor Portal and Mobile application are for NEXGEN users to assign work orders for contractors to complete on the portal/mobile application. These are unlimited contractors. Option Users Annual Cost ($) NEXGEN Contractor Portal & Mobile Application Unlimited $20,000 Note that the annual cost could increase no more than 5% a year Core Implementation Scope of Work Task 1. Project Management Objectives The purpose of this task is to manage the project within schedule, budget and delivery. Assumptions STPUD will provide a project management/coordinator to work with STPUD staff to coordinate meetings and tasks. NEXGEN will provide and manage the project in zoho.com, a project management web tool. Activities NEXGEN’s project delivery approach will plan, schedule, and deliver a benchmark project on schedule and within budget. Weekly Project Management Team meetings with STPUD Project Management Team and NEXGEN Project Manager to track project delivery. Deliverables Project Kickoff Meeting. Project Status Monitoring & Progress Reporting Develop a Project Management Plan that will include Project Work Plan with tasks, deliverables and schedules that will be configured in zoho.com Quality Management Change Management Staffing Management Communication Plan Risk Management Project work plan with tasks and schedules. Project delivered within budget and schedule. Meeting agendas, minutes and action items. Task 2. User Requirements & Business Process Objectives The purposes of this task are to develop the implementation strategy & schedule that fits the STPUD’s user requirements and business processes. Assumptions STPUD’s teams and user groups will be available to participate in the workshops to develop the implementation strategies. STPUD will provide existing data for NEXGEN to review. STPUD will provide existing business process maps in (MS Visio format) required to support workflows. Activities We will meet with users (specific to AM functionalities) to identify functional requirements of AM, based on their user needs. Desired functionalities of AM will drive the configurations. Document the STPUD’s AM functional requirements & acquire validation from staff. Review and potentially editSTPUDprovided business processes to support NEXGEN functional workflows. Review existing data and develop a data conversion plan. Develop an implementation strategy that is accepted by the STPUD. Deliverables Technical memorandum summarizing the implementation strategy that includes the approach, user requirements and updated mapped business processes. Task 3. Data Migration Objectives The purpose of this task is to migrate STPUD’s Maintenance Connection (existing legacy CMMS) asset inventory and work order histories into NEXGEN AM. Assumptions STPUD will provide vertical asset inventory data from existing CMMS. Any other assets that are not in the CMMS will be provided in a spreadsheet format arranged by locations and classes. STPUD will provide work order histories from existing CMMS. We have assumed that the STPUD will “clean up” the work orders histories before data migration. Clean-up efforts include making sure the data is complete and removal of duplicates, especially the configurations of Work Order Tasks and Checklists. Activities Work with the STPUD to identify asset inventory from the STPUD’s existing CMMS to be migrated into NEXGEN. The STPUD may need to allocate some time to “clean up” any asset inventory data prior to migration. We have assumed that the STPUD will provide the complete set of asset inventory with unique asset numbers and attributes to be migrated into NEXGEN. Work with the STPUD to review historical work orders and map out the fields to be migrated into NEXGEN. The STPUD may need to allocate some time to “clean up” any work order tasks, causes and resolutions prior to migration. STPUD to review and test the data migration. NEXGEN to modify any necessary changes from testing results. STPUD to sign off approving the completion of the data migrations. Deliverables Populated data into NEXGEN AM. Task 4. System Configuration Objectives The purpose of this task is to configure the NEXGEN AM to support STPUD’s user needs, functional requirements and asset management best practices. Assumptions STPUD will provide completed spreadsheets for configurations that will include the following: Users and security groups with rights. Employee names, user logins, billable rates, emails and mobile numbers Equipment numbers, names and billable rates Work flows Notification requirements. Departments and divisions. Service request types and priorities organized by department and divisions. Work order types, tasks, causes and resolutions by department and divisions. Activities We will configure the NEXGEN AM to support the user requirements and business processes. We will create users, user groups, security rights and notifications based on the business process workflows and requirements. Develop departments and divisions that optimize the workflows. We have assumed that STPUD will provide a list of users, user groups and notification workflows for configuration. We will configure all the service requests and work order pull down menus that include service request types, work order tasks, cause and resolution. Configure cascade of service request types and work order tasks to departments and divisions. Configure the STPUD’s preventive maintenance programs based on the STPUD’s current preventive maintenance with assets, schedules, frequencies, checklists (standard operating/maintenance procedures). It is assumed that the STPUD will provide the preventive maintenance configurations in a spreadsheet with associated checklists. Setup notifications for STPUD’s work flows and business processes. Set up notifications content for alerts, emails and text messages. Deliverables Optimized system configurations to fit user requirements. Task 5. System Integration Objectives The purposes of this task are to integrate NEXGEN AM with STPUD’sTyler(ERP), ESRI ArcGIS (GIS), Laserfiche (Document Management), Wincan (CCTV), Baseform (Analytics), Asterra (Leak Detection), Payroll system, Fuel Master (Fuel), AVEVA (SCADA), 811 Dig Alert, Samara (Fleet), and FEMA. Assumptions STPUD will ensure that the GIS attributes will include fields to map to the asset hierarchy locations and classes. STPUD will ensure that all assets in GIS have unique asset numbers in the attributes. STPUD will be responsible for configuring the STPUD’s GIS with gradual content zoom and the symbology of asset classes. NEXGEN uses API for integrations. The STPUD will be responsible for the 3rd party vendor API that will meet the STPUD’s integration requirements. This integration task is to develop the scripts for the integrations. The annual maintenance fee is to monitor, maintain and support the integrations. Activities NEXGEN will have a bidirectional integration with the STPUD’sFinancial (ERP). Typical ERP integrations will be for financial costing and warehouse inventory management. The details of the integration will be identified and documented during the integration requirements. We have assumed that ERP will provide the integration API for these integration requirements. We have also assumed that STPUD will coordinate with ERP to acquire the integration API at STPUD’s expense. NEXGEN is seamlessly integrated with the STPUD’s ESRI ArcGIS (GIS). We will map the layers and attributes in the GIS with NEXGEN’s asset hierarchy locations and classes so updates with the GIS will automatically reflect in the NEXGEN AM software. NEXGEN will have a unidirectional integration from NEXGEN to STPUD’s Laserfiche document management. Hyperlinks from NEXGEN will take users directly to Laserfiche documents. NEXGEN has a built-in integration with WincanCCTV to import the CCTV records into NEXGEN’s condition assessment module. Uploads from the CCTV will automatically create a condition assessment record for each asset. We have assumed that STPUD’s CCTV will use the same asset numbers as in STPUD GIS and all PACP ratings and videos are captured in CCTV. We have assumed that STPUD’s CCTV assessment will have PACP ratings from CCTV and will have associated asset numbers corresponding to the GIS asset numbers. NEXGEN will integrate with STPUD’s Baseform Analytics. We will develop a one way integration using either API or flat files from NEXGEN to Baseformfor data analytics. We have assumed that the STPUD will provide API or data for the Baseform. NEXGEN will have a unidirectional integration from STPUD’s Asterra Leak Detection to NEXGEN. Asterra Leak Detection information can be auto uploaded into NEXGEN’s asset inventory that could trigger predictive maintenance work orders. NEXGEN will have a bidirectional integration with the STPUD’s Payroll System (HR/Payroll). Employee and equipment information will be synced with NEXGEN resources. Hours for employees captured in NEXGEN timesheet from service requests and work orders can be compiled into Payroll System timesheets. We have also assumed that STPUD will coordinate with Payroll System to acquire the integration API at STPUD’s expense. NEXGEN will have a unidirectional integration with STPUD’sFuelMaster Fuel Management. We will be a unidirectional integration using flat files to pass odometer readings and fuel consumption into NEXGEN to trigger preventive maintenance activities. NEXGEN will have a unidirectional integration fromSTPUD’s SCADA to NEXGEN. SCADA Historian information that can include meter run times, temperature or alarms can be auto uploaded into NEXGEN’s asset inventory that could trigger preventive or predictive maintenance work orders. STPUD can also track asset performance and monitor analytical data in NEXGEN. NEXGEN has a prebuilt bidirectional integration with 811 where underground service alert requests in 811 will automatically generate a service request in NEXGEN for STPUD staff. Completed 811 requests will be updated into USA 811. NEXGEN will have a unidirectional integration with STPUD’s Samsara (Fleet). This will be a unidirectional integration using flat files to pass odometer readings to trigger corrective and preventive maintenance in EAM. NEXGEN has preloaded FEMA equipment rates built into NEXGEN. Equipment's rates are updated every year by NEXGEN. There is no need for any integration with FEMA. Deliverables NEXGEN AM integrated with STPUD’s Tyler (ERP), ESRI ArcGIS (GIS), Laserfiche (Document Management), Wincan (CCTV), Baseform (Analytics), Asterra (Leak Detection), Payroll System (HR/Payroll), Fuel Master (Fuel), AVEVA (SCADA), 811 Dig Alert, Samara (Fleet), and FEMA. Task 6. System Testing Objectives The purposes of this task are to test the system, resolve issues and optimize configurations. Assumptions STPUD will assign an individual(s) to perform the system testing. If STPUD chooses the Locally Hosted option, we have assumed that STPUD IT staff will be available to help perform the system testing. Activities Provide limited STPUD staff with a system testing plan of the desktop and mobile software. Concerted effort of the STPUD and NEXGEN staff to stress test the system during a 2-week testing period. Provide support to resolve any issues or questions during the 2-week testing period. Modify any configurations necessary to optimize work flows. STPUD to sign off on the system testing upon acceptance. Deliverables System tested and accepted. Task 7. User Acceptance Testing Objectives The purposes of this task are for the user acceptance testing, resolve issues and optimize configurations. Assumptions STPUD will identify user acceptance testing team and allocate resources for the team to test during the 2-week period. STPUD will assign a main point of contact to document user acceptance testing improvement ideas. NEXGEN will provide resources during user acceptance testing to resolve any bugs or software configuration issues. Activities Provide STPUD staff with a testing plan of the desktop and mobile software. Remote web training on the testing plan and process. STPUD staff field testing the system during a 2-week testing period. Provide support to resolve any issues or questions during the 2-week testing period. Modify any configurations necessary to optimize work flows. STPUD to sign off on the user acceptance testing. Deliverables User acceptance tested and accepted. Task 8. Training Objectives The purpose of this task is to provide pre-deployment training. Assumptions STPUD will be asked to complete pre-training curriculum online through NEXGEN University. STPUD will provide training facilities. STPUD will coordinate and schedule training groups. Activities Develop training plans for power users, field personnel, supervisors/planners and system administrators. 16 hours of onsite training for field personnel. 16 hours of onsite training for supervisors/planners. 8 hours of onsite training for system administrators Deliverables Training plans for each group. 40 hours of onsite training. Optional Implementation Scope of Work Task 9. Identify Asset Risk (optional) Objectives The purpose of this task is to identify asset impact index to each asset which will be used to calculate the risk of the assets. Assumptions STPUD will allocate staff to participate in workshops to identify asset impact index. STPUD will provide asset install dates so NEXGEN can generate asset condition index and asset probability index. STPUD will provide the weightage of the Asset Probability Index variables. If applicable, STPUD will provide the weightages for the Asset Impact Index and Asset Probability Index. Activities Facilitate one Asset Impact Index Workshop with STPUD staff to develop an approach to identifying the Asset Install Dates, Asset Impact Index and Asset Replacement Costs for the vertical assets. STPUD will be responsible for capturing and providing the data to NEXGEN in a spreadsheet format. NEXGEN will migrate STPUD asset install dates, replacement costs and impact index scores from a spreadsheet. Facilitate workshop with STPUD staff to identify the consequence of failure of each asset. Asset Impact Index will be scored between a score of 1 to 10 for each asset. Triple Bottom Line (Economic/Financial, Social/Service & Environmental/Regulatory) service levels will be utilized to identify the consequence of failure. Work with STPUD to identify the variables such as Asset Condition Index, Maintenance Costs, Reliability, etc. which will be used globally to calculate Asset Probability Index. Once the useful life is entered for each asset class, NEXGEN will auto generate the Asset Risk Index for all assets in the inventory Deliverables Asset Impact Index will be assigned to every asset in inventory. Asset Risk Index scores calculated in the system for every asset in inventory. Task 10. Identify Asset Replacement Cost (optional) Objectives The purposes of this task are to identify asset replacement costs for the STPUD’s assets. Assumptions NEXGEN will utilize RS Means to develop the establish the foundation of the asset replacement costs by asset classes. STPUD’s engineers will review and validate the asset replacement costs that NEXGEN will provide. STPUD will identify the “multiplier” to the assets to ensure that the replacement costs are all installed costs and not just raw materials. Activities NEXGEN will provide the asset replacement costs for each class of asset. STPUD’s Engineers will review and validate replacement costs. NEXGEN will upload all the replacement costs for all the assets. Deliverables Asset Replacement Costs uploaded for all asset inventory in NEXGEN. Task 11. Develop Lifecycle Plans, Funding Forecast and Capital Prioritization (optional) Objectives The purposes of this task are to develop asset lifecycle plans, funding forecast and capital prioritization. Assumptions STPUD will generate and enter the asset lifecycle plans for each asset class. STPUD will work with NEXGEN to generate and review funding forecast and capital prioritization. Activities NEXGEN will work with STPUD to establish lifecycle plans for each class that will include useful life, financial life, activities during the life of the asset class and relative costs. STPUD is responsible for entering the asset lifecycle plans into NEXGEN. NEXGEN will generate the Funding Forecast (5, 10, 15, 20 & 25 years) for STPUD to review. NEXGEN will generate the Capital Prioritization (5, 10, 15, 20 & 25 years) for STPUD to review. NEXGEN will work with STPUD on the Life Based versus Risk Based approaches on developing capital plans. STPUD will be responsible for review and developing the capital plans and projects. Deliverables The purposes of this task are to develop asset lifecycle plans, funding forecast and capital prioritization. Task 12. Reports & Dashboards Development (optional) Objectives The purposes of this task are to develop custom reports, GIS queries and dashboard configurations. Assumptions STPUD will identify up to 10 custom reports with details on the fields. STPUD will identify required GIS queries. Activities NEXGEN comes with stock reports, ad hoc and scheduled (push reports) reporting capabilities. We will train STPUD staff on developing ad hoc reports. We will work with STPUD staff to schedule reports where it will automatically email reports to individuals based on a specific routine schedule. We will develop up to 10 custom reports. We will work with STPUD staff to develop or configure 5 GIS queries for map reports. Develop 5 custom dashboards for STPUD. Deliverables 10 Custom report development, 5 GIS queries and 5 dashboard configurations Task 13. Follow Up Support (optional) Objectives The purpose of this task is to provide post deployment support. Assumptions STPUD will provide training facilities. STPUD will coordinate and schedule training groups. Activities Post Deployment training Weekly web conference call “office hours” after deployment to provide users opportunities to ask questions, acquire additional training and support. Post deployment on-site training to provide additional training and transition to support. Post Deployment support and maintenance based on Service Level Agreements. Deliverables Post Deployment training 8 weekly 2-hour web conference after deployment to provide additional training. (16 hours) 3 days (24 hours) on-site training post deployment to be scheduled after 3 months of deployment. Implementation Services Costs The implementation services cost is $520,400. Core Implementation Task Cost ($) Project Management $50,160 User Requirements & Business Process $38,320 Data Migration $36,960 System Configuration $80,740 System Integration Tyler ERP- $74,800 ESRI - $13,200 Laserfiche - $8,800 Wincan - $11,000 Baseform - $9,592 Asterra - $12,672 Payroll Integration -$32,120 FuelMaster - $6,952 SCADA - $5,324 811 Dig Alert - $11,880 Samara (Fleet) -$14,960 FEMA $0 $201,300 System Testing $24,200 User Acceptance Testing $41,360 Training $47,360 Core Implementation Services Total = $520,400 Identify Asset Risk (optional) $43,620 Identify Asset Replacement Cost (optional) $46,040 Develop Lifecycle Plans, Funding Forecast and Capital Prioritization (optional) $40,960 Reporting & Dashboard (optional) $50,600 Implementation Schedule Theresystem will go live by May 5th, 2025 in Phase 1. Phase 2 will be in parallel and be completed by May 30th, 2025. NEXGEN will complete all the integrations for the entire scope by May 30th 2025 with room to extend until August 30th, 2025. Any project extensions at STPUD request beyond August 30th, 2025 will incur a $10,000/month project management fees. Milestones Schedule Date Phase 1: Asset Management & Work Management,Integration – ERP, GIS, 811, Fuel, SCADA, Fleet May 5th, 2025 Phase 2: Integration – Laserfiche, Wincan, Baseform, Payroll, May 30th, 2025