Notice to Proceed 2021 0506General Manager John A. Thiel Directors Chris Cefalu South Tahoe Shane Rom5oe Fublic Utility District DavidPetern Kelly Sheehan Nick Exline 1275 Meadow Crest Drive • South Lake Tahoe • CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474 • Fax 530 541-0614 • www,5tpud.uo NOTICE TO PROCEED TO: WHITE ROCK CONSTRUCTION, INC. PROJECT: KELLER-HEAVENLY WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT PHASE 1 REBID TYPE OF CONTRACT: CONSTRUCTION AMOUNT OF CONTRACT: $1,828,775.00 You are hereby notified to commence work on the referenced contract on May 6, 2021 2021 and shall fully complete all of the work of said contract within One Hundred Forty - Seven Days (147) consecutive calendar days thereafter. Your completion date is, therefore, September 30, 2021. Pursuant to the provisions under Liquidated Damages in Section 01 35 00, Special Procedures, of these Contract DocUments, Two -Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00) shall be the amount of liquidated damages for every day of delay in the completion of the Work. Dated this 61h day of May 2021 B: hiel, P.E. M.B.A., General Manager/Engineer South Tahoe Public Utility District ACCEPTANCE OF NOTICE Receipt of the foregoing Notice to Proceed is hereby acknowledged. Dated this �`< day of May, 2021 White Roc nstruction, By: GGON (Print Name a4 Title)