081822 PR SUMMARYRyan J Galvin Tyler W Dill TOTAL Hours Rate Aug 18, 22 Hours Rate Aug 18, 22 Hours Rate Aug 18, 22 Employee Wages, Taxes and Adjustments Gross Pay Flagger 5.5 59.29 326.10 5.5 59.29 326.10 11.00 652.20 Total Gross Pay 5.5 326.10 5.5 326.10 11.00 652.20 Adjusted Gross Pay 5.5 326.10 5.5 326.10 11.00 652.20 Taxes Withheld Federal Withholding 0.00 0.00 0.00 Medicare Employee -4.73 -4.73 -9.46 Social Security Employee -20.22 -20.22 -40.44 CA - Withholding 0.00 0.00 0.00 CA - Disability -3.58 -3.59 -7.17 Medicare Employee Addl Tax 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Taxes Withheld -28.53 -28.54 -57.07 Net Pay 5.5 297.57 5.5 297.56 11.00 595.13 Employer Taxes and Contributions Federal Unemployment 1.95 1.95 3.90 Medicare Company 4.73 4.73 9.46 Social Security Company 20.22 20.22 40.44 CA - Unemployment 20.22 20.22 40.44 CA - Employment Training Tax 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Employer Taxes and Contributions 47.12 47.12 94.24 7:59 AM Tieslau Excavating 08/18/22 Payroll Summary August 18, 2022 Page 1